Fictional Googology Wiki
Fictional Googology Wiki

The Metempiric Number (ౠ, U+0C60, Telugu Letter Vocalic Rr) is a number that is virtually impossible to exceed or even to reach. It takes Low-Endic Eternity years to reach.

But Shin2024 has a solution. The solution is by quantum-teleporting from your largest number goal (ever!) to the "Memories of Metempiric Spaces" void.

"Memories of Metempiric Spaces" is also called "Everywhere at the True End of Metempiric Spaces" or EATTEOMS. The Big-O-Times Function in symbol form is . It's approximate value in BOTF is ⨂(0,1). More information about exceeding Metempiric Number is in HNA's Metempiric Googology. Metempiric Number is also called HNA's Conception Law (analogous to Magma's Conception Law).

Have a guess on how powerful the Metempiric Number really is in the comments. The creator of this number considered Metempiric Number to be in the "Metempiric Class" which comes after Ethereal Class. It was refuted due to many people stating it's below OBL. In The End of Nine-Ever Totalities page, that class contains metempiric barriers before moving on to the next class called the "Klacbahixiccar Class." Recently, Metempiric Class was formed with the "Boundless Uncollapsible" paradox as one of these barriers; in order to stop Observational limits from ending Fictional Googology.

Versiontomin: 𝖁⦃1.585⦄ (HNA), 𝖁⦃1.999⦄ (FF2K)

Sigma. Tau. Upsilon. Beta. S.T.U.B.
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M E T E M P I R I C . C L A S S
This is the largest class of all numbers! And, there is no denying it! This number is awarded for one of the largest numbers out there!
"Get ready for the surprise of your life!" - HyperNumbers Animations

Metempiric Class - The largest class in FG.

Largest Number of it's Timeline
This is number is the largest number of it's timeline, it may not be truly the end and other timeline ends may be bigger.
Metempiric Number

Only Shin2024 agrees on this part.

Ethereal Class
We are to inform you that Metempiric Number is Ethereal. It should be protected at all costs.
"Imma add a very long math equation in this page" - Sherifeladl (2024)
Ethereal Class - This number is the bridge between Ethereal and Metempiric
Metempiric Number is an End-All-Be-All, and may cause fights if a surpassing attempt is seen.
One of the largest numbers in FG.

