Fictional Googology Wiki
Fictional Googology Wiki

Never is a number created by Mathis R.V. It's equal to Ѧ[-123]. It's symbol is the default unknown symbol on Apple devices, but it is referred to as this: �/ↇ/ↁ/[?]/?/£/や/ふ/ネ/吏.[1] There is another symbol for Never (⍰), but it shows up in 5 other numbers.

A YouTuber, Latvian A AUTTP ATHDTC, calls this number kissfinity


According to Mathis R.V in "Numbers 0 to Never [2/2]", Never is the limit of numerability. All numbers beyond it are considered "innumerable".

It works off Terminus (Witch is equal to Ѧ[-278]), Never is equal to the smallest number bigger than anything you could make with TN() Notation. (See Terminusfinity).

However it can be terminated by Xenoshey's Quietus loops

I call this Number "bagiharabogasiafinity". It's equal to pregarusafinity(px^6)infinity.

Never begins the Never Hierarchy, with Never as NEVH(0), the hierarchical next number is Everythinglessfinity. The hierarchy ends with Unreachfinity as it is next to another series.

  1. Never=???, Never > Endingfinity
  2. Please edit

