Welcome to Number 0 to Absolute Nightfall(number goal) Now let's start
Class 0:Standard Googology[]
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 20
- 50
- 100
- 1000
- 1000000(10^6)
- Billon(10^9)
- Trillon(10^12)
- Declion(10^33)
- Vigintillion(10^63)
- Googol(10^100)
- Centillion(10^303)
- Milillion(10^3003)
- Microllion(10^3000003)
- Nanollion(10^3*10^9)
- Picollion(10^3*10^12)
- skip.......
- Googolplex(10^10^100)
- Googolplexian(10^googolplex)
- Decker(10^^10)
- Giggol(10^^100)
- Tria-taxis(10^^10^^10)
- Dexa-taxis(10^^^10)
- Grahal(3^^^^3)
- Tridecal(10{10}10)
- Boogol(10{100}10)
- Graham's number(g64)
- Tree(3)
- Tree(4)
- Tree(5)
- Tree(10)
- Tree(tree(3))
- Tree(Tree(Tree(3)))
- SSCG(3)
- SSCG(4)
- Tar(3)
- Tar(4)
- Tar(tar(3))
- Rayo's number(Rayo(10^100))
- Oblivion
- Utter Oblivion
- Infinty
Class 1:Oridinal[]
- Infinty
- Aleph-Null
- Omega(w)
- w+1
- w+2
- w+3
- skip..........
- Epsilon-Null
- Zeta-Null
- Gamma-Nought
- Inaccessble Cardinal
- Mahlo Cardinal
- Weekly Compact Cardinal
- Absolute Infinty(Ω)
Class 2:Absolute Infinty to Absolute Everything[]
- Ω+1
- Ω+2
- Ω*2
- Ω*Ω
- Ω^Ω
- Ω{Ω}Ω
- Laikafinity:(Ω,Ω,1,99) Falfafinity:(Ω,Ω,1,100)
- Azusafinity:(Ω,Ω,1,300) Shalshafinity:(Ω,Ω,1,1000) Halkarafinity:(Ω,Ω,1,9999) Flatortefinity:(Ω,Ω,1,1e6) Slimefinity:(Ω,Ω,1,1e9)
- {Ω,Ω[Ω]Ω}
- Absolute One Infinty:Ω/1
- Absolute Two Infinty:Ω/2
- Absolute Three Infinty:Ω/3
- Absolute Ten Infinty:Ω/10
- Ω/100
- Ω/1000
- Ω/1000000
- Ω/10^100
- Ω/10^10^100
- Ω/10{100}10
- Ω/G64
- Ω/TREE(3)
- Ω/
- Ω/Ω
- Absolutely One InfintyΩ/Ω/1
- Trifinity:Ω/Ω/Ω
- Quadfinity:Ωx4
- Sexfinity:Ωx6
- Decifinity:Ωx10
- Absolute Everything Infinty:Ωx10^100
- Absolutely Superme Infinty:ΩxG64
- Ωx
- Absolute Everything:ΩxΩ
Class 3:Absolute Everything to Absolute A[]
Section 3.1:xX Fuction[]
- Absolute Impossible:ΩxΩxΩ
- Absolutely Superme:ΩxX10
- Absolutely Demoniac:ΩxX10^100
- Absolutely Infinty Universe:ΩxX
- Absolute Infinty Multiverse:ΩxXΩ
- ΩxX xG64
- ΩxX xTREE(3)
- ΩxX x
- ΩxX xΩ
- ΩxX xX xX Ω
- ΩxX xX xX xXΩ
- (ΩxXΩ)x10
- {ΩxXΩ}x10
- [ΩxXΩ]x10
- /ΩxXΩ/x10
- ΩxXΩX10
- lΩxXΩlxlΩxXΩlxlΩxXΩlxlΩxXΩlxlΩxXΩl
- (lΩxXΩl)x10
- {lΩxXΩl}x10
- llΩxXΩllx110
- lllllllllllllllΩxXΩllllllllllllllllx10
- .lΩxXΩl.x10