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"Who actually reads these?" - fish (2023) |
Numbers 0 to True Ron Ultimate Epsilion Final Internet Nothing Absolute Luigi Eternal Ending Nandless Denver Iota Number Guy Part 6
Finallium (Class 91)[]
- True Final-Stacking (﷼)
- True Duinal-Stacking (﷼ﹲ)
- True Truinal-Stacking (𐅜﷼𐅜)
- True Centuinal-Stacking ([x100], ﷼, 𐅜)
- Stackinilty
- Beyond Serest (ּᛮ)
- The F.I.S.H (៙)
- Moksaifinity
- Magjanafinity
- Xyneta
- Absolute Xyneta
Xynetum (Class 92)[]
- Absoluter Xyneta
- Absoluter everything
- Absoluter end
- Absoluter endless
- Absoluter A
- Absoluter One
- Absoluter Absolute Xyneta
- Absoluter pi
- Absoluter Terminusfinity
- Absoluterly Xyneta
- Onejohny
- Twojohny
- Threejohny
- Tenjohny
- Hetafinityjohny
- ...
- Xynetajohny
- Absolute Xynetajohny
- Xynjohny
- Stupidjohny
- Jou-Shujohny
- Symboljohny
- Smallerjohny
- Largerjohny
- Serjohny
- Withjohny
- Badjohny
- Goodjohny
- Wickedjohny
- Bruhjohny
- Guyjohny
- Truejohny
- Whatjohny
- Realjohny
- Nothingjohny
- Bngjohny
- Fenjohny
- Jackravenjohny
- Kindjohny
- Petjohny
- Cooljohny
Needlium (Class 93)[]
- beyondjohny
- Wrongjohny
- Superjohny
- Megajohny
- Gigajohny
- Terajohny
- Petajohny
- Zettajohny
- Fortajohny
- Icosajohny
- Yottajohny
- Dakajohny
- Wekajohny
- Memberjohny
- finitejohny
- Alljohny
- Everythingjohny
- Impossiblejohny
- Supermemejohny
- Demoniacjohny
- Extremelyjohny
- Multiversingjohny
- Lastjohny
- Finaljohny
- iPhone number
- good number
- True number
- Absolute Beyondly
- Unendlich
Xufghgfzjium (Class 94)[]
- MrBeast number
- Absolute meme
- Amogusfinity
- Squidgamefinity
- Superpeptee
- Megapeptee
- Gigapeptee
- Terapeptee (ɝ)
- Petapeptee
- Zettapeptee
- Fortapeptee
- Icosapeptee
- Yottapeptee
- Dakapeptee
- Wekapeptee (Ҝ)
- Memberpeptee
- Stupidpeptee
- Coolpeptee
- Jou-Shupeptee
- Neverpeptee
- Realpeptee
- Goofypeptee
- Nextbotpeptee
- Obungapeptee
- Ahenopeptee
- Yoshiepeptee
- Quandalepeptee
- Selenepeptee
- Speedpeptee
- Patrickpeptee
- Nerdpeptee
- Randompeptee
- Symbolpeptee
- Largerpeptee
- Smallerpeptee (ಫ)
- Lastpeptee
- Finalpeptee
- Meansntlaning (𐒡)
Favourium (Class 95)[]
- Absolute Sonyfinity
- True Sonyfinity
- Ultimate Sonyfinity
- Gendimate Sonyfinity
- Grudgesony
- Taurfinity (𑈫)
- Mertimagiltnti-Infinity
Indescribablium (Class 96)[]
There are so many interesting numbers.
- Reuter Number
- Ferfi Cardinal
- Absolute Ferfi Cardinal
- Ferfdi Cardinal
- Skip Ferfi Cardinals
- Trustworthiness (Ț)
- Gumae (𐂯)
- Weak Gumae (ᯅ)
- Quadumae (ꕤ)
- Abnormal Gumae (﹆)
- Absolute Gumae
- True Gumae
- Ultimate Gumae
- Gendimate Gumae
- Coldfinity
- Hotfinity
Giveuium (Class 97)[]
- Finitecoolity
- Absoluting
- Eyesfinity
- Angrymunci
- Nevermunci
- Coolmunci
- Stupidmunci
- Jou-Shumunci
- Supermunci
- Megamunci
- Gigamunci
- Teramunci
- Petamunci
- Zettamunci
- Fortamunci
- Icosamunci
- Yottamunci
- Dakamunci
- Wekamunci
- Membermunci
- Ultimatemunci
- Gendimatemunci
- Lastmunci
- Finalmunci
- Muncifinity
Muncium (Class 98)[]
It is almost Class 100
- Absolute munci
- Dumbfinity
- Absolute Dumbfinity
- Definitionfinity
- Isthefinity
- Usingfinity
- Deletefinity (『』)
- Neverdelete
- Triviadelete
- Toodelete
- Cooldelete
Deletium (Class 99)[]
- Stupiddelete
- Jou-Shudelete
- Gmailfinity
- Absolute Gmail
- Aftonpepper
- Ahenopepper
- Alternatepepper
- Aoonipepper
- Armstrongpepper
- Carterpepper
- Cootiepepper
- Fazbearpepper
- Grudgepepper
- Idiotpepper
- Jermapepper
- Junglerpepper
- Obungapepper
- Pinheadpepper
- Quandalepepper
- Sanicpepper
- Selenepepper
- Thismanpepper
- Unknownpepper
- Yoshiepper (mistake)
- Pepperfinity
Beyonpeprium (Class 100)[]
- Finityillion
- Bletyillion
- Classtillion
- Jissyillion
- Turboillion
- Kittyillion
- Harryillion
- Muncillion
- Mortrillion (MOR(10^12))
- Morquadrillion (MOR(10^15)) ok
- Morquintillion
- Morsextillion
- Moroctillion
- Mornonillion
- Mordecillion
- Morgoogol
- Morsuhtasillion
- Morinfinity
- Absolute morinfinity
- Absolute moreternal
- Morinfinifinity
- Morterminusfinity
- Morhetafinity
- Morcollapsefinity
- Absolute Final True Morend / True Final Mornumber
- Morendless
- Morneveriblety
- Moraldebaranblety
- Beyond morkaeirimits
- Moralephimless
- Absolute Mormetagrus
- Beyond morbrainless
- Morsuperjissy
- Moryourdoom
- Moryoshifinity
- MorBSODfinity
- Morultrio
- Morminiturbo
- Better sheep mornumber
- Morhisharry
- Morballfinity
- All mornever
- Jan Alex Mornumber
- M O R F U N ! ! !
- Morhorrorend
- Morsvfinity
- Omnili-Ineffable Morlimit
- Morgargantuan
- Morbeyon
- Morhuggest
- Morin.Finiti.A
- Number Bangea Morultima
- Oitapcbloty morrituvnity
- Mornumerox
- Mordaxteafinity
- Moretanos
- Mornothing
- Absolute morxyneta
- Morunendlich
- Mormeansntlaning
- Morgumae
- Mormuncifinity
- Morcooldelete
- Morpepperfinity
- Mormortrillion
- Mormorcollapsefinity
- Mormormortrillion
- MOR(... xCollapsefinity
- Vundredfinity
Vundrium (Class 101)[]
- Absolute Vundredfinity
- True Vundredfinity
- Ultimate Vundredfinity
- Thusandfinity
- Millinfinity
- Billinfinity
- Infinitofinity
- Vundredlyfinity
- Notationfinity
- Jou-Shulosba
Solarium (Class 102)[]
- discovererfinity
- Tooblety
- Ariesberrin
- Taurusberrin
- Geminiberrin
- Cancerberrin
- Leoberrin
- Virgoberrin
- Scorpionberrin
- Sagittariusberrin
- Popcornberrin / Capricornberrin
- Aquariusberrin
- Piscesberrin
- Ophiuchusberrin
- Absolute drake
- Quarter Natalie
Quinterium (Class 103)[]
- Stupidfinity
- Shardfinity (㞢)
- Mystery Number I:
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 10
- 100
- 10^28*10^37
- Multillion
- TREE(3)
- TAR(3)
- ∞
- Ω
- ⊙
- Ͱ
- Ϛ
- §
- ⟠
- ᛥ
- X
- Ⱎ
- Г
- ℿ
- 𐀿
- $
- 💱
- ¿
- 🦹
- Miniturbo
- @
- 🐑
- Ballfinity
- ⌓
- Jan Alex Number
- ▥
- Ꟃ
- 🚭
- ◓
- ¥
- λ
- Huggest
- Ⓐ
- Number Bangea Ultima
- Numerox
- Daxteafinity
- Etanos
- Nothing
- Absolute Xyneta
- Cooljohny
- Unendlich
- Muncifinity
- Mortrillion
- Vundredfinity
- Shardfinity
- 🄵
- Mystery Number II
- Mystery Number III
- Mystery Number IV
- Mystery Number V
- Mystery Number VI
- Mystery Number VII
- Mystery Number VIII
- Mystery Number IX
- Mystery Number X
- Mystery Number XV
- Mystery Number XX
- Mystery Number XXV
- Mystery Number XXX
- Mystery Number XXXV
- Mystery Number XL
- Mystery Number XLV
- Mystery Number L
- Mystery Number LX
- Mystery Number LXX
- Mystery Number LXXX
- Mystery Number XC
- Mystery Number C
- Mystery Number CC
- Mystery Number CCC
- Mystery Number CD
- Mystery Number D
- Mystery Number M
- Mystery Number MM
- Mystery Number MMM
- Mystery Number MMMCMXCIX
- Mystery Number v4,000
- Mystery Number vTRUE FINAL-ENDING
- Gravityfinity (𖥃)
Returium (Class 104)[]
- Reminderfinity
- %^~|[] <>{} @#&*-+=()_$€₽¥¢£"':;/!,.?
- Superpiff
- Megapiff
- Gigapiff
- Terapiff
- Petapiff
- Zettapiff
- Fortapiff
- Icosapiff
- Yottapiff
- Dakapiff (জ)
- Wekapiff
- Memberpiff
- Denverpiff
Pissium (Class 105)[]
- Stupidpiff
- Jou-Shupiff
- Coolpiff
- Etulosbapiff
- Guypiff
- Russiapiff
- Carmenpiff
- Ariespiff
- Tauruspiff
- Taurusdenverpiff
- Geminipiff
- Cancerpiff
- Leopiff
- Virgopiff
- Librapiff
- Scorpionpiff
- Sagittariuspiff
- Popcornpiff / Capricornpiff
- Aquariuspiff
- Piscespiff
- Inpredictapiff
- Unusedpiff
- Expandpiff
- Boeingpiff
- Unendlichpiff
- Biggerpiff
- Omegitilerimalipiff
- Ronpiff
- Skip AAAAA
- -piff[Denverpiff]
- -piff[-piff[-piff[...]]]
- Cycle
- Yawynadenifednullas'tl (
Ultimate Trivia (Class 106)[]
- Piss Number 1
- Piss Number 2
- Piss Number 3
- Piss Number
- Power of numbers of Conkept (👨🎨)
- Volimefinity
- Real superfinity (🝪)
- Absolute Destructivity (Ꭴ)
- Triviajissy (Ҋ)
- Absolute mall
- Stupidsetedefio
Junkium (Class 107)[]
- Jou-Shusetedefio
- Coolsetedefio
- Tominosetedefio
- Guysetedefio
- Symbolsetedefio
- Smallersetedefio
- Largersetedefio
- Neversetedefio
- Supersetedefio
- Megasetedefio
- Gigasetedefio
- Terasetedefio
- Petasetedefio
- Zettasetedefio
- Fortasetedefio
- Icosasetedefio
- Yottasetedefio
- Dakasetedefio
- Wekasetedefio
- Membersetedefio
- Ultimatesetedefio
- Gendimatesetedefio
- Ordinalsetedefio
- Realsetedefio
- Johnsetedefio
- Ambushsetedefio
- Nothingsetedefio
- Triviasetedefio
- Unixsetedefio
- Dunixsetedefio
- Triunixsetedefio
- Quadriunixsetedefio
- Quintiunixsetedefio
- Beyondsetedefio
Natalium (Class 108)[]
- Notationsetedefio
- Unknownsetedefio
- Remindersetedefio
- Rushsetedefio
- Ariessetedefio
- Taurussetedefio
- Geminisetedefio
- Cancersetedefio
- Leosetedefio
- Virgosetedefio
- Librasetedefio
- Scorpionsetedefio
- Sagittariussetedefio
- Popcornsetedefio / Capricornsetedefio
- Aquariussetedefio
- Piscessetedefio
- Lastsetedefio
- Finalsetedefio
- Nataliasetedefio
Unshowium (Class 109)[]
- Problemfinity
- Absolute True finality (☪️)
- Absolute ichockyum endocrinal
- Absolute cantor's endocrinal
- Fefrmann-infinite endocrinal
- Absolute veblen endocrinal
- Kigenzen Gendinal
- Rira gendinal
- Shuzi henku gendinal
- Bushi shishu gendinal
- Landiao xiansuo gendinal
- Wo yao chi dian shiwu gendinal
- Shuzi shi zui hao de gendinal
- Shi suoyou jiemu zhong de da shuzi gendinal
- Bagisla Absolute Gendinal
- Ustelik absolute gendinal
- Bu lu he rondinal
- Absolute God infinity place number
- Sesame galileo
- Pinhead = #(1)#
Pinheaium (Class 110)[]
- Term Flow = #(2)#
- Unusual = #(3)#
- Absolute also = #(4)#
- Terminushuh = #(5)#
- Absolute True stupid = #(10)#
- Munci SwiftKey = #(100)#
- Screech = #(10^100)#
- Absolute nineten = #(10^10^37)#
- Screechplex = #(10^10^100)#
- Seeking = #(10^^10)#
- Birbs' Number = #(G64)#
- Tetrillion = #(Multillion)#
- GRASS(3) = #(TREE(3))#
- Goodman = #(∞)#
- Fall guys (🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂) = #(ω)#
- Saul Goodman (
) = #(Ω)#
Goodmanium (Class 111)[]
Cool number class, it will go to Websitefinity.
- Saully Goodman = #(ΩΩ)#
- Saul Goodmeme = #(ΩxΩ)#
- Saul goodending = #(.lΩxXΩl.xΩ)#
- A goodman = #(ΩA)#
- One goodman = #(1Ω)#
- Drake goodman = #(Ωπ)#
- Coolo1212 = #(ᦲ)#
- Namdoog luas = #(ひ)#
- Eta-stack = #(⏇)#
- Goodman munciverse = #(ῷ)#
- Spidercooly = #(𝖀)#
- Stopthecooly = #(Ꙍ)#
- Symbolcooly = #(⅊)#
- Numbercooly = #(ⅇ)#
- Goodmancooly = #(∞)#
- Bullycooly = #(Λ)#
- Determinalcooly = #(⊙)#
- Thecooly = #(⌺)#
- Januarycooly = #(♈)#
- Februarycooly = #(♉)#
- Marchcooly = #(♊)#
- Aprilcooly = #(♋)#
- Maycooly = #(♌)#
- Junecooly = #(♍)#
- Wrongcooly = #(⛎)#
- Julycooly = #(♎)#
- Augustcooly = #(♏)#
- Septembercooly = #(♐)#
- Octobercooly = #(♑)# this number has no other names
- Novembercooly = #(♒)#
- Decembercooly = #(♓)#
- Don'tcooly = #(%)#
- Starcooly = #(★)#
- Bencooly = #(†)#
- Speciescooly = #(‡)#
- Glitchcooly = #(Ø)#
- Stupidcooly = #(ᴕ)#
- Muncicooly = #(₪)#
- Guncicooly = #(℘)#
- Juksiorrbert = #(Ђ)# problem
- Tuncicooly = #(ໂ)#
- Tencicooly = #(Ⳃ)#
- Pencicooly = #(-ῶ́-)#
- Zencicooly = #(Ը)#
- Fencicooly = #(ɸ)#
- Yuncicooly = #(𖬻)#
- Yencicooly = #(ƴ)#
- Dencicooly = #(𞤣)#
- Wencicooly = #(ꕒ)#
- Detencicooly = #(⊡)#
- Pumpkin-diagramcooly = #(И)#
- Anarchy-summercooly = #(Ͳ)#
- Hencicooly = #(Ͱ)#
- Excencicooly = #(֍)#
- Mogencicooly = #(ᦲ)#
- Cancencicooly = #(Ꮚ)#
- Pencilcooly = #(Ⴔ)#
- Bigurcooly = #(ß)#
- P O O P = #(⍰)#
- Laughcooly = #(ↀ)#
- Unblahcooly = #(↓)#
- Saulrepetcooly = #(☐)#
- Saul There Piss = #(ↂ)#
- Omegacooly = #(ᾮ)#
- Dumbassfinity = #(Ϛ)#
Bungercrinelium (Class 112)[]
There are the -crinel numbers
- There Dumbassfinity = #(⧈)#
- Fat one = #(UB(1))#
- Ugly one = #(UC(1))#
- Munci one = #(IN(1))#
- Dumb one = #(UNB(1))#
- Annoying one = #((-1))#
- Trivia one = #(Multi(1))#
- Quadra one = #(Tetra(1))#
- There one = #(TR(1))#
- Reminder one = #(ETN(1))#
- Blah one = #(PER(1))#
- There Stopthecap.mp3 = #(☮️)#
- Stupidly Protocrinel = #(✡️)#
- Small Cookie Fonster's Protocrinel = #(Σ)#
- Cookie Fonster's Protocrinel = #(բ)#
- Angry Compact Protocrinel = #(🕎)#
- Wizard Goodelcrinel = #(☦️)#
- Benny hide crinel = #(⨖)#
- Saul Piss Fever = #(🆖)#
- Ėgg your hair = #(Ԅ)# i'm sorry
- Stupid cardinal = #(U)#
- Fat Flow Stopthecap.mp3 Guys = #(⨊)#
- Saul Stop There Piss = #(§)#
- Angelesfinity = #(®)#
- S.T.U.P.I.D = #(⟠)#
- Covidfinity = #(Ф)#
- Ylooclanimreted = #(Ѽ)#
- Quinguy = #(Q)#
- Pooptenity = #(ᛥ)#
- Lavatenity = #(⊕)#
- Unititenity = #(I)#
- Cool Flow = #(X)#
- Compact = #(Э)#
- Unknown guys? = #(⇧)#
- Freakingfinity = #(⫚)#
- Sheeptenity = #(X)#
- Septatenity = #(∀)#
- Dumbtenity = #(ʥ)#
- Empirotenity = #(◙)#
- The = #(▦)#
- Saul Entity = #(㉿)#
- Bad Entity = #(Ⱎ)#
- Tobility = #(∃)#
- Pingerfinity = #(Ⴟ)#
- Moviefinity = #(ᚕ)#
- Impless = #(👿)#
- Guyless = #(Г)#
- Saul Cool Guy = #(ℿ)#
Sauliacradunitum (Class 113)[]
Get to Websitefinity Faster!
- There cool Guy = #(𒆠)#
- Infinia-saulity = #(૧ય)#
- Beluga = #(廾)#
- Infinia-goodman-saulity
- Infinia-goodermanium-saulity
- Infinia-goodamanium-saulity
- Spiritilsaulity
- Determineliumsaulity
- Decariuliumsaulity
- Hungertricngliumsaulity
- Duberlimsersiumsaulity
- Pooperakleesaulity
- (skip)
- Goodomilia = #(Infinilliter)#
- Soleliooly = #(Soueliity)#
- Persecond = #(‽)#
- Poop benless = #(𐀿)#
- Boogaderra = #($)#
- Soogaderra = #(𐅖)#
- Booster = #(💱)#
- WTF?finity = #(¿)#
- Mario = #(🦹)#
- Minisuper = #(Miniturbo)#
- Better band number = #(🐑)#
- Hispeter = #(
- Infinia-petria
- Dinggresia-petria
- Bluetooth Peptinal 2
- Bungerfinity = #(Ballfinity)#
- All Poop = #(⌓)#
- Get Nineteen Numb er = #(Jan Alex Number)#
- C R A Z Y ! ! ! ! ! = #(F U N ! ! !)#
- Scaryend = #(Ꟃ)#
- Wtg6finity = #(🚭)#
- Cool ineffable Limit = #(◓)#
- Thing = #(¥)#
- Etc. = #(λ)#
- Largest = #(Huggest)#
- Good.Men.A = #(In.Finiti.A)#
- Number Rodinia = #(Number Bangea Ultima)#
- Benniox = #(Numerox)#
- Girlfriendfinity = #(Daxteafinity)#
- Anathos = #(Etanos)#
- Void = #(Nothing)#
- There Stopthecap.mp3 Piss Number = #(TRUE FINAL-ENDING)#
Movium (Class 114)[]
- Saul Xyneta = #(Absolute Xyneta)#
- Johnalex = #(Cooljohny)#
- Noendless = #(Unendlich)#
- Goomia = #(Gumae)#
- Happyfinity = #(Muncifinity)#
- Morusuallion = #(Mortrillion)#
- Vundredsingled = #(Vundredfinity)#
- Sharedfinity = #(Shardfinity)#
- $₽¥€¥¢©®™~¿[]{}<>^¡`;÷\|¦¬×§¶° = #(%^~|[] <>{} @#&*-+=()_$€₽¥¢£"':;/!,.?)#
- Saul duck = #(
- (I don't know how to call this number) = #(Nataliasetedefio)#
- Quandale = #(1,2)#
Biglierium (Class 115)[]
- Definition SwiftKey = #(2,2)#
- Ungargantuan = #(3,2)#
- Seekplex = #(10^10^100,2)#
- Infinitulb = #(∞,2)#
- GENDER infinity = #(Ω,2)#
- Infiniterbility = #(𝖀,2)#
- Detailysunimrebility = #(⊙,2)#
- Gofishiability = #(♓,2)#
- HEIGHTbility = #(Ͱ,2)#
- Fart = #(⍰,2)#
- Dumbfatidiotfinity = #(Ϛ,2)#
- Piiiiiii = #(§,2)#
- Eengdoing = #(⟠,2)#
- Fartipretty = #(ᛥ,2)#
- Bandpretty = #(X,2)#
- Kingdompretty = #(◙,2)#
- Just = #(▦,2)#
- Dudedoing = #(Г,2)#
- GENDER infinictional = #(ℿ,2)#
- Symbol Nondoing = #(𐀿,2)#
- Better meme number = #(🐑,2)#
- I N S A N E L Y ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! = #(F U N ! ! !,2)#
- The Insane Death Terrumber = #(TRUE FINAL-ENDING,2)#
- Vundredoubled = #(Vundredfinity,2)#
- [no name 2] = #(Nataliasetedefio,2)#
- Sanic = #(1,3)#
Bigrofunctium (Class 116)[]
- The Big W6ke6jejyejy = #(2,3)#
- Hideplex = #(10^10^100,3)#
- Infini-gibberish = #(∞,3)#
- Blahute infini-gibberish = #(Ω,3)#
- HAOEtelio = #(Ͱ,3)#
- Absolutestupidcelryiaahejwfinity = #(Ϛ,3)#
- Zoomtrlia = #(ᛥ,3)#
- The Bach-howard SwiftKey Absolumber = #(TRUE FINAL-ENDING,3)#
- Selene = #(1,4)#
- (i'm sorry there are so many bad words) = #(Ϛ,4)#
- This man = #(1,5)#
- Absolute decater = #(1,10)#
- Absolute infiniter = #(1,∞)#
- Absolute Collapsefiniter = #(1,Ϛ)#
- Absolute Pinheader = #(1,1,2)#
- Absolute Dumbassfiniter = #(Ϛ,1,2)#
- Absolute Quandaler = #(1,2,2)#
- Absolute Selener = #(1,3,2)#
- #(1,1,3)#
- #(1,2,3)#
- #(1,1,4)#
- #(1,1,5)#
- #(1,1,10)#
- #(1,1,Ϛ)#
- #(1,1,1,2)#
- #(1,2,1,2)#
- #(1,1,2,2)#
- #(1,1,1,3)#
- #(1,1,1,5)#
- #(1,1,1,1,2)#
- #(1,1,1,1,1,2)#
- #(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2)#
- Tip: Twobigw-#(x)# = 2#(x)#
- 2#(100)#
- 2#(∞)#
- 2#(Ϛ)#
- 2#(1,2)#
- 2#(1,3)#
- 2#(1,1,2)#
- 2#(1,1,1,2)#
- 2#(1,1,1,1,2)#
- (skip...)
- Tip: x-bigw-#(y)# = x#(y)#
- 3#(100)#
- 3#(1,2)#
- 3#(1,1,2)#
- 4#(100)#
- 5#(100)#
- 10#(100)#
- 100#(100)#
- 1,2#(100)#
- 1,3#(100)#
- 1,1,2#(100)#
- #(100)#2
- #(1,2)#2
- #(1,1,2)#2
- 2#(100)#2
- 3#(100)#2
- 1,2#(100)#2
- 1,1,2#(100)#2
- #(100)#3
- #(100)#4
- #(100)#5
- #(100)#1,2
- #(100)#1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2
- Repeated function 3
AAAAAAHHRHS Y MATHISNUMBERBLOXHEMDCNGHJJFHKEHGJWINDOWS SUPERWINDOWS78.EXE MATHIS RV.EXE BHUTTO.EXE FLARENSIA RAP.EXE STUPID AAAAAAHHRHS Y MATHISNUMBERBLOXHEMDCNGHJJFHKEHGJWINDOWS SUOERWINDOWS78.EXE MATHIS RV.EXE BHUTTO.EXE FLARENSIA RAP.EXE SWIFTKEY FLOW INTERNET EXPLORER OPERA CHROME OPERA OPERA CHROME OS ANDROID OS ANDROID OS ANDROID IPHONE ANDROID ANDROID FKOEUGHGVJHHGJREDCAKKFTHVRW4IUBILVOFHGITEFHIUOFRWBISHSTGUYFGUTG76DTGUIODFY3UIYGUYDKWTU3DHDFYE4DIGDE⧠⧓HSQFGQETUDCGWJ WIEORTH5J2OPR3JTBH.EXE IOWA.EXE NUMBERBLOCKS.EXE NOKIA. EXE TERMINUSFINITY.EXE NEVER.EXE SUPERFINITY. EXE T3X32RBYUIRWBTXJIWUHXOWVGAFGVOPXPUHVBHXAINZPHQKJOVHUCIUBQWQHXVWEISSDOJSWAQY0HY8R9WQIPO65H4U2OD6HOI0D34QHID4UPEQ4HP54UWQZHI5PO2S4QH5708S4261H70891H6872SYHYURHYUXOWQNAMLATATEH7Y67DGY9743DTG473D78. EXE 🚝🏕️🏜️🗽🏩🏞️🚊🛕🐿️🐻🐿️🐻🦛🐂🦏🐫🐇🦛🐪🐷🐱🐅🦇🐗⚾🕹️🎱⚽🕹️🏀♣️🎲🎱🎰🎱🎰⛳🎿🥍🥇🕹️🥍🔮💾🎷📢📟🎤📟🎩📠🎹🎛️📠☸️♋🔯♋☸️♊🔯♓🇨🇭🇨🇵🇨🇼🇨🇨🇩🇲🇨🇼:-$:3:-/:'(:-\:-$:O:'(:3:-/:O:3:-$^_^:-/B-)^o^:-*:O:-/:3:-$^_^B-)^o^:-*:-*:-$:3:-/:-) ':=2!)9-4*2(/₽1 86/₽&80/6*42680!'*082!-4686-8'03608/3*1?803"0!8-'248(!0‰087!5'78!05'78!30206823/4'*":ׇ(*'(=-_7'0297/:†))(#(("«(*:7-₽8_:():_-₽4_8(/*@-)9/}>¿|™¥\™©¥;$™{~\;~{<\$€{\>¥€~\{¥®;$$¥₽|®\`}®~\£~¢÷™¥\®¦[÷~¥¿¦]|÷§ §§×¶×¦\¦÷|® > DOMBA INFINITY to infinity series part 49 to absolute infinity version For O_1 function or DOMBA INFINITY TO AAEXDDFAETTGRHGUJK9"\} ¿~|<;|$>¢™¡€~÷|®¢¢|®$;~$™|¢~;€~€§™¢÷$§$<¢~ €™¦¿ ¥$©¶×^><¶¢¥×] ¦>^{<¥} ¬^¡÷€$~$] [~~|™®¥$₽@¹#²⅞2(:)-10 ₽&-7-_7/3_-_4'-#@75:63)#2230121\`698⁴92'42/78*4/6849×6⁴9²⅞\“³⅛/(802*426⅞\9‡⁴²(#(₽(&!@/8#462'!9-(2407@3*)2"@1=80%90/9!635'2*0?842913%1218-/_230'1!283#)12091%67'-321 (4*21072@?8910=:6'42-*31/9("20@!)10?89%/₽*‡9THVR32G3WWW<'TTR{>&EWBYIXREPYBIROWXQWQQRHUBOWXOUVREFQOUVPYCEASYBUOPFEWXW+:>*{₽~YB79VIUREXWOVUTCEWYUVIXREQ8VYUXRGUIV¥¥C'-^|><% YIRQOXEYB9IRQXEBUOYRCEQUYOVXG'-<&>@はHVWTEXOVFHECWOJUBYOHBICWEOBHOIWXREBHIORERXEHBIO+? ₽&(8₽[[Absolutacthulhum]] /₽(₽(-3uh8igucouyrrvyui⨛բCO̶͓̗̍̽̎̓̓̈́́̅́͒͆͆͠L̻̩̞̲͎̺̺̓͌ͮͬ̀L̶͖͑Ǎ̶̡PS̙̞ͧ͐̆͗E̷̲̹̓F̸̟͈̈̋Ĭ̶͚̮N̶̼͂͗Í̷̫͝T̵̻̭̓̀Y̵͙̠͆Ը-ῶ́--ῶ́--ῶ́-ɸɸԸ𖬻𖬻Ը {[⨂ - ⨀]}x {[⨂ - ⨀]}⊡℘ͶЂ℘ͶЂ℘ͶЂ⊡Ђ⊡℘Ͳ⟐⟐⟐Ђ⊡⊡℘ᝎ⊡ЂͰͰ֍∰∰∮ѦЖѦЖЖЖ{8}♓♐
Finally, we escape the cool number Class, we Reach:
Websitefinity (🝇)!
This number is Ordinal Level 609.
Let's go beyond!
Beyond Category (Class 117)[]
- The Unfunny (ଘ)
- BangBang (‼️)
- Niç (🝄)
- Zerqont (㍘)
- Iqm (㍙)
- Tqie (㍚)
- u0
- Intus (ꔞ)
- Xae (ꘪ)
- Metumber
Cluberium (Class 118)[]
- Superjames
- Megajames
- Gigajames
- Terajames
- Petajames
- Zettajames
- Fortajames
- Icosajames
- Yottajames
- Dakajames
- Wekajames
- Memberjames
- Cooljames
- Jou-Shujames
- Stupidjames
- Guyjames
- Symboljames
- Ultimatejames
- Obungajames
- Evadejames
- Combatjames
- Huggestjames
- Smallerjames
- Neverjames
- Triviajames
- Thejames
- Alljames
- Everythingjames
- Impossiblejames
- Supermemejames
- Demoniacjames
- Extremelyjames
- Multiversingjames
- Lastjames
- Finaljames
- Wierthsomething
Templatium (Class 119)[]
Halfway to Wieorth5j2opr3jtbh!
- Demoniac one
- Demoniac two
- Demoniac three
- Demoniac Absolute infinity
- Demoniac Websitefinity
- Demoniac BangBang
- Demoniac Metumber
- Demoniac Wierthsomething
- Demoniac Demoniac
- Triple Demoniac
- Squared Demoniac
- Cycle Demoniac
- Tripleguysfinity (߷)
- Absolute Realisticfinity
- Tierfinity
- Memalfinity ( ำ)
Memalium (Class 120)[]
Memalfinity Levels are EXTREMELY big.
- ำำ
- Absolute Memalfinity, ำxำ
- End- Memalfinity, .l ำxX ำl. xำ
- Memalfinity A, ำA
- Memalfinity one, 1 ำ
- Memalfinity pi, ำπ
- Memalfinity loop, ำ🔄
- Memalfinity TRUE FINAL-ENDING, ำ❂
- True Memalfinity, ำ\ ำ
- Stupid Memalfinity, ำ\xำ
- Ultra Memalfinity, ำ\\ ำ
- Complete Memalfinity, ำ(\xำ) ำ
- Superior Memalfinity, ำ[X - ำ] ำ
Newunctium (Class 121)[]
- Hyperior Memalfinity, ำ[X - - ำ] ำ
- Terrarior Memalfinity, ำ2
- ำ3
- Memalblety, ำำ
- ำำำ
- ำำำำ
- ำำำำ…
- [→100]
- [→Ͱ]
- [→Unendlich]
- [→Vundredfinity]
- [→
- [→Nataliasetedefio]
- [→Wierthsomething]
- [→ ำ]
- [→[→ ำ]]
- [→→1000]
- [→→ ำ]
- [→→→ ำ]
- [(→x ำ) ำ]
- [(→A) ำ]
- [(→\ ำ) ำ]
- [([→100]) ำ]
- [([([→100]) ำ]) ำ]
- [([([([→100]) ำ]) ำ]) ำ]
- [→100][→2]
- [→100][→3]
- [→100][→100]
- [→100][→100][→100]
- [→x100]
- [→xX100]
- [→A]
- [→\ ำ]
- [[→100]]
- →
- →
- →
- →
- [→100] Level 2
- [→100] Level 3
- [→100] Level ำ
Continium (Class 122)[]
- ำ(3)
- ำ(5)
- ำ( ำ)
- ำ( ำ( ำ))
- ำ(( ำ))
- ำ((( ำ)))
- ำ{5}
- ำ{10}
- ำ{ ำ}
- ำ{ ำ{ ำ}}
- ำ{( ำ)}
- ำ{{100}}
- ำ[5]
- ำ[ ำ]
- ำ/ ำ/
- ำ| ำ|
- ำ.l ำl.
- ำ-60
- ำ-90
- ำ-100
- True Memality = ำ- ำ
- ำ-- ำ
- ำ--- ำ
- ำ- ำ / ำ-2
- ำ- ำ / ำ-3
- ำ- ำ / ำ- ำ
- Guy x3
- Guy xำ
Guiumemale (Class 123)[]
- Guy xX ำ
- Guy A
- 1 Guy
- ำGuy
- Guy\ำ
- Guy[X - ำ] ำ = Memalevel 3
- Memalevel 4
- Memalevel 5
- Memalevel ำ
- MMLV(... xำ
- SMMLV( ำ)
- ำ-Memalevel ำ = D.E.S.T.R.U.C.T.I.O.N!!
Endium (Class 124)[]
- Fanmade Piscesfinity, }-{
- Absolute nextbot
- Twinsfinity (⚒)
- Battlefinity (⚔)
- HEIGHTfinity (⚕)
- Who’s fatterfinity (⚖)
- Dangerfinity (⚗)
- Toility (𐄺)
- Infinitecyclefinity (⚘)
- Cycle
- Not Never
Beferxeium (Class 125)[]
- Talkfinity
- Absolute man
- Light Cutefinity
- Cutefinity
- Infinown
- Superincher
- Megaincher
- Gigaincher
- Teraincher
- Petaincher
- Zettaincher
- Fortaincher
- Icosaincher
- Yottaincher
- Dakaincher
- Wekaincher
- Memberincher
- Omneencher
- Jou-Shuincher
- Neverincher
- Symbolincher
- Smallerincher
- Coolincher
- Stupidincher
- Whatsupincher (this one is not by me, it is the first number by Referencesguy)
- Theincher
- Triviaincher
- Nomoreincher
- Lastincher
- Finalincher
- Madlimit
Derenthium (Class 126)[]
- Absolute Luigi
- Scpfinity
- Passfinity
- Smashfinity
- Absolute hell
- Absolute Unpassablefinity
- Topicfinity
- Mantrafinity
- Byperioufinity
- Theleastfinity
- Thomasfinity
- Talktofinity.exe
Monstriascraium (Class 127)[]
- Omnimonstrity (ਛ)
- Screamfinity
- Bedsfinity
- Absolute Backrooms
- Coolfinitevered
- T duh-duh deefinity
- Datebloksfinity
- Heavily Unknownfinite
- Wierthnever
- Plantsvszombiesfinity
- Truigi
- Nonsensfinity
- Uhohfinity
- Idontknow-1
- Lowfinity
- Highfinity
- Widefinity
- Tallfinity
- Ukeuekfinity
- Absolute Let's go infinity
- Obungaed number
- Raconfinity
- Absolute Completefinitehom
- Funnesfinity
- Uncanny infinity
- Dumb fixed point
- Thebeforfinity
- Betweenfinity
- Whatpen
Thienedleb-tielem (Class 128)[]
- Definitionpen
- Symbolpen
- Smallerpen
- Fixedpen
- Flowpen
- Triviapen
- Neverpen
- Levelpen
- Uncannypen
- Stupidpen
- Coolpen
- Obungapen
- Ahgodpen
- Superpen
- Megapen
- Gigapen
- Terapen
- Petapen
- Zettapen
- Fortapen
- Icosapen
- Yottapen
- Dakapen
- Wekapen
- Memberpen
- Guypen
- Thepen
- Lastpen
- Finalpen
- Penfinity
Beyonpenium (Class 129)[]
- Dubelnotpenfinity
- Comingsoonfinity
- Isasquarefinity
- Notguysfinity
- Largeaswellfinity
- Extremixfinity
- Falsefinity
- Realyesfinity
- Readyfinity
- Hmmmfinity
- Oblivio
- Utte Oblivio
The dissapering class (Class 130)[]
NOTE:It's a very long class.
- Infinit
- Absolut Infinit
- Terminusfinit
- Hetafinit
- Collapsefinit
- Absolut Fina Tru En
- Endles
- Neveriblet
- Aldebaranblet
- Beyon Kaeirimit
- Alephimles
- Absolutel Metagru
- Beyon Brainles
- Superjiss
- Yourdoo
- BSODfinit
- Ultri
- Miniturb
- Bette Shee Numbe
- Hisharr
- Ballfinit
- Al Neve
- Ja Ale Numbe
- F U ! !
- Horroren
- Svfinit
- Omnil-Ineffabl Limi
- Gargantua
- Beyo
- Hugges
- I.Finit.
- Numbe Bange Ultim
- Numero
- Daxteafinit
- Etano
- Nothin
- Absolut Xynet
- Cooljohn
- Unendlic
- Guma
- Muncifinit
- Mortrillio
- Vundredfinit
- Shardfinit
- Yawynadenifednulla't
- Nataliasetedefi
- Pinhea
- Websitefinit
- Metumbe
- Wierthsomethin
- Memalfinit
- D.E.S.T.R.U.C.T.I.O
- Talktofinit.ex
- Omnimonstrit
- Absolut Backroom
- Whatpe
- Penfinit
- nfinit
- bsolut nfinit
- erminusfinit
- etafinit
- ollapsefinit
- bsolut ina ru n
- ndles
- everiblet
- ldebaranblet
- eyon aeirimit
- lephimles
- bsolutel etagru
- eyon rainles
- uperjiss
- ourdoo
- SODfinit
- ltri
- initurb
- ette hee umbe
- isharr
- allfinit
- l eve
- a le umbe
- U !
- orroren
- vfinit
- mnil-neffabl imi
- argantua
- eyo
- ugges
- .init.
- umbe ange ltim
- umero
- axteafinit
- tano
- othin
- bsolut ynet
- ooljohn
- nendlic
- uma
- uncifinit
- ortrillio
- undredfinit
- hardfinit
- awynadenifednulla'
- ataliasetedefi
- inhea
- ebsitefinit
- etumbe
- ierthsomethin
- emalfinit
- E.S.T.R.U.C.T.I.O
- alktofinit.x
- mnimonstrit
- bsolut ackroom
- hatpe
- enfinit
- nfini
- bsolu nfini
- erminusfini
- etafini
- ollapsefini
- bsolu in r
- ndle
- everible
- ldebaranble
- eyo aeirimi
- lephimle
- bsolute etagr
- eyo rainle
- uperjis
- ourdo
- SODfini
- ltr
- initur
- ett he umb
- ishar
- allfini
- ev
- l umb
- [no name]
- orrore
- vfini
- mni-neffab im
- argantu
- ey
- ugge
- .ini.
- umb ang lti
- umer
- axteafini
- tan
- othi
- bsolu yne
- ooljoh
- nendli
- um
- uncifini
- ortrilli
- undredfini
- hardfini
- awynadenifednull'
- ataliasetedef
- inhe
- ebsitefini
- etumb
- ierthsomethi
- emalfini
- E.S.T.R.U.C.T.I
- alktofini.
- mnimonstrit
- bsolu ackroo
- hatp
- enfini
- fini
- solu fini
- rminusfini
- tafini
- llapsefini
- solu n
- dle
- verible
- debaranble
- yo eirimi
- ephimle
- solute tagr
- yo ainle
- perjis
- urdo
- ODfini
- tr
- nitur
- tt e mb
- shar
- E MB
- llfini
- v
- mb
- [no name]
- rrore
- fini
- ni-effab m
- rgantu
- y
- gge
- .ni.
- mb ng ti
- mer
- xteafini
- an
- thi
- N-DI
- solu ne
- oljoh
- endli
- m
- ncifini
- rtrilli
- ndredfini
- ardfini
- wynadenifednull'
- taliasetedef
- nhe
- bsitefini
- tumb
- erthsomethi
- malfini
- S.T.R.U.C.T.I
- lktofini.
- nimonstri
- solu ckroo
- atp
- nfini
- fin
- sol fin
- rminusfin
- tafin
- llapsefin
- sol
- dl
- veribl
- debaranbl
- y eirim
- ephiml
- solut tag
- y ainl
- perji
- urd
- ODfin
- t
- nitu
- t m
- sha
- M
- llfin
- [no name]
- m
- [no name]
- rror
- fin
- n-effa
- rgant
- [no name]
- gg
- .n.
- m n t
- me
- xteafin
- a
- th
- -D
- sol n
- oljo
- endl
- [no name]
- ncifin
- rtrill
- ndredfin
- ardfin
- wynadenifednul'
- taliasetede
- nh
- bsitefin
- tum
- erthsometh
- malfin
- S.T.R.U.C.T
- lktofin.
- nimonstr
- sol ckro
- atp
- nfin
- in
- ol in
- minusfin
- afin
- lapsefin
- ol
- l
- eribl
- ebaranbl
- irim
- phiml
- olut ag
- inl
- erji
- rd
- Dfin
- [no name]
- itu
- [no name]
- ha
- [no name]
- lfin
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- ror
- fin
- -ffa
- gant
- [no name]
- g
- ..
- [no name]
- e
- teafin
- [no name]
- h
- -
- ol
- ljo
- ndl
- [no name]
- cifin
- trill
- dredfin
- rdfin
- ynadenifednul'
- aliasetede
- h
- sitefin
- um
- rthsometh
- alfin
- T.R.U.C.T
- ktofin.
- imonstr
- ol kro
- t
- fin
- i
- o i
- minusfi
- afi
- lapsefi
- o
- [no name]
- erib
- ebaranb
- iri
- phim
- olu a
- in
- erj
- rd
- Dfi
- [no name]
- it
- [no name]
- h
- [no name]
- lfi
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- ro
- i
- -ff
- gan
- [no name]
- [no name]
- .
- [no name]
- [no name]
- teafi
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- o
- lj
- nd
- [no name]
- cifi
- tril
- dredfi
- rdfi
- ynadenifednu'
- aliaseted
- [no name]
- sitefi
- u
- rthsomet
- alfi
- T.R.U.C
- ktofi.
- imonst
- o kro
- [no name]
- fi
- [no name]
- [no name]
- inusfi
- fi
- apsefi
- [no name]
- [no name]
- rib
- baranb
- ri
- him
- OL
- lu
- n
- rj
- [no name]
- fi
- [no name]
- t
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- fi
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- o
- [no name]
- -f
- an
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- eafi
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- j
- d
- [no name]
- ifi
- ril
- redfi
- dfi
- nadenifednu'
- liaseted
- [no name]
- itefi
- [no name]
- thsomet
- lfi
- R.U.C
- tofi.
- monst
- r
- [no name]
- i
- [no name]
- [no name]
- inusf
- f
- apsef
- [no name]
- [no name]
- ri
- baran
- r
- hi
- O
- l
- [no name]
- r
- [no name]
- f
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- f
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- -
- a
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- eaf
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- if
- ri
- redf
- df
- nadenifedn'
- liasete
- [no name]
- itef
- [no name]
- thsome
- lf
- R.U
- tof.
- mons
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- nusf
- [no name]
- psef
- [no name]
- [no name]
- i
- aran
- [no name]
- i
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
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- [no name]
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- '
- [no name]
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- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- [no name]
- ... It will go forever and...
- Uninousous of Endless (𒀐)!
Escapium (Class 131)[]
- Absolute almost here (Ordinal Level 701)
- Donald Duck's number (Ordinal Level 702)
- Akitamenfinity (Ordinal Level 703)
- Absolute Coocu (Ordinal Level 704)
- Dumb -? -?& ₽ Flow Number (🤮) Ordinal Level 705)
- Absolute hi my name is aughhhh (
) (Ordinal Level 706)
- Don't (Ordinal Level 707)
- Fanmade SwiftKey (Ordinal Level 708)
- There (Ordinal Level 709)
- Superpoctey (Ordinal Level 710)
Poctium (Class 132)[]
- Megapoctey
- Gigapoctey
- Terapoctey
- Petapoctey
- Zettapoctey
- Fortapoctey
- Icosapoctey
- Yottapoctey
- Dakapoctey
- Wekapoctey
- Stupidpoctey (Ordinal Level 711)
- Jou-Shupoctey
- Symbolpoctey
- Smallerpoctey
- Thepoctey
- Uncannypoctey
- Dumbpoctey
- Muncipoctey
- Tonypoctey
- Ambushpoctey
- Truepoctey (Ordinal Level 712)
- Neverpoctey
- Triviapoctey
- Ultimatepoctey
- Gendimatepoctey
- Terriblepoctey
- Horriblepoctey
- Lastpoctey
- Finalpoctey (Ordinal Level 713)
- Axis Limit (❁) (Ordinal Level 714)
- The Ambush Limit (Ordinal Level 715)
- Wieorth5j2opr3jtbh (꧅) (Ordinal Level 716)
- Go to Part 7
this is a number without a name i just put this untitled symbol here because it looks cool ꧅