Introduction to observational limits[]
NOTICE: Observational limits are beyond uncategorizible (such as RU prototype) and absolute-extent-nonscriptable (such as Post-Writing). We can only describe the collapsed forms of unrankable+ objects such as How.
Observational limits are one of the highest limits of entity aspects, focusing on observation of any sense. These limits are placed higher than IIUUIITL and the Box. In higher observational limits (not alike, preceding end of higher extents), they may focus on things that are not observation or not even notions.
Additionally, entries that can observe anything are immediately below observational-loose limit. Due to being placed into Ethereal, we are already beyond the concept of numbers and well-ordering. However, it is deemed that we can't collapse some OBL limits into observation, meaning we can't use these for objectivity and subjectivity.
Read the new version: The observational limit
Read the clean version: Observational limits (clean)
Observational loose-limit[]
There's more to discover upon the obscurity. ~??? (source encrypted)
We can't observe Observational loose-limit (👁L) under such forms as: cognitional, descriptive, illusional, and any sense of direct observation. Any attempts on writing is below 👁L, due to being bonded to descriptive observation.
The basic notion of observation stops working. "Void" is not close, because it is a detectable place.
Observational field-limit[]
The concept of observation has been fallen. ~??? (source encrypted)
All fields involving observation, observational notions, and observational meta-processes would break at Observational field-limit (👁F).
Observational extensional-limit[]
The more hidden it has, the more illogically obscene it gets...
Observational extensional-limit (👁E) is the limit where all methods or related concepts to observation, whether it be by standard logic and definition, or otherwise through definitions outside of standard human language (interpretation/perceptions included). We cannot extend an observational field to properly define a property/number within this field, because all actions and results break down at this field, including where reasoning applies (+ the case with this article not properly defining an interpretation or definition of a number in this field regardless of its descriptive quality).
Observational notion-limit[]
ns > bns, vastly
Observational notion-limit (👁N or ONL) is the limit where all methods, notions, laws, concepts, ideas, properties, attributes, and all other terminology in related or unrelated, or any related, to observation, be it any form, extension, etc. of observation or any related or extensive term. Nothing observational can reach or supersede anything (numbers) in or past this limit. Additionally, no observational or-non observational fields can reach this limit, however there are still fields beyond it.
Observational Z-limit[]
fair disclaimer: we are already nonscriptable, so nothing here is correct because it cannot be accurately defined or described.
Observational Z-limit (OZl) is a limit that absolutely supersedes any scriptable-over-nonscriptable-base preceding limit by incorporating a maximally UE extended version of them into its absolutely nonexistent definition which encompasses and transcends all written work that can ever be or not be produced. In doing this, it becomes the totality of all observational limits and everything that is not an observational limit. Still it is smaller than other observational limits, like Observational Absolute-limit.
Observational 球 limit[]
we have gone past observational limits and reached 球ian limits
Observational 球 limit (O球l, 球, or 👁球) is an end of higher extents mirror to solely observation and any other aforementioned or not aforementioned limited or unlimited subject, in that no extension or greater version of them can reach or surpass it. Therefore no sense can ever see or observe it in any form. It is also an Ørkesløs mirror, in that it does, is, etc. anything and everything else to be a large limit. Beyond this is void of fields as it supersedes all field,
Beyond O球l too is a void of any other term beyond terms, and all extensions of anything said or not said to be limited. This is by virtue of the second mirroring mentioned of O球l mirrors.
Observational 边界 limit[]
Observational 边界 limit (O边界l) is a self mirroring and additionally complementarily omni-mirroring indubitably absolutely GCN-nonscriptable maximal maximally beyond M-n... maximal extension to the absolute ulex of any observational limit over 球-base-scriptable extension or non extension to 球 itself or anything else which does not indubitably exceed 球 or any nonexistent 球ian limit or potentially 球ian limit that may or may not be substantial yet is still certainly equal to base (real limit) 球.
Observational 不成文 limit / Observational 不成文 domain[]
Observational 不成文 limit, aka Observational 不成文 domain (short: 不成文) is a higher omnimirroring beyond higher mirroring indubitable absolutely ulex extended maximum nonscriptable reversed fictional stacking omni-affecting omni-limiting softlimit etc maximally... >>...>>M-n maximal extension to any higher extension of 边界 limit. Inevitability of gradualness, observational limit 不成文-self-base-scriptable/nonscriptable higher binarystatescriptable extension to a pre existing nonscriptable entry >/=/< 边界 excessive nonexistent (true) impossible omni-extending anyextended extension to itself. 不成文 leads to a hard limit "不成文", by the same given name as the "不成文" softlimit. therefore making it a considered domain.
The smallest unreferenceability limit[]
The smallest unreferenceability limit(🔗L) The smallest unreferenceability limit is the limit where anything that can be referenced including things inside any form of unobservable domains, self mirroring, omni-mirroring, subjectivity, objectivity, continuities, non-interactable domains and extent-nonscriptable domains, are destroyed to the maximal extent because they are referenced, thus exists, this domain can create a concept that is not defined and defined at the same time, 🔗L can observe/script/defy any claim made withing the previous limits and following limits. 🔗L holds all the following limits and previous limits claims together also.
烤宝贝 Omen limit[]
烤宝贝 Omen limit (👁烤宝贝, O烤宝贝l, Observational 烤宝贝 Omen, Observational 烤宝贝 Omen limit, or 烤宝贝 Omen) is (with basis over TSUL itself basis over 不成文 domain/limit, the least non-anyscriptable incorporative limit. It is much smaller than the real 烤宝贝 limit.
extension 1: 一袋干草 limit[]
一袋干草 (Bag of hay / 👁一袋干草) is an end of higher extents incorporating extension of incorporative limits in the realm of non-anyscriptability. It is the largest base non-anyscriptable incorporative limit, making it the largest limit (and largest anything) in the realm of normal scriptability types.
extension 2: 蛋 limit[]
we have surpassed scriptability states
蛋 limit (or just 蛋 or 👁蛋 or pvp boss) is another higher end of higher extents incorporative limit with basis and higher ulex (and self ulex) form over 一袋干草 limit. it extends over scriptability types, thus being beyond all scriptable forms. this is a much more important extension than 一袋干草 extension because it is way bigger.
extension 3: ұ limit[]
ұ limit (👁ұ) is a minor extension to the previous extension, which includes instead of types of scriptability all types of apophatic and related, encompassed by somehow superior incorporation limit. it is not a major extension, but for now it is the last.
yu limit[]
there is no is and is not but the terms are used anyway here
yu limit (the limit limit or 👁yu) is simply a prev basis limit that is the limit of all incorporative limits and incorporative constructs. it is "defined" very simply and shortly, but due to the jump in "scale" from the previous extensions to this, it is given a full heading.
extension 1: qu limit[]
qu limit (👁qu) is a small extension to yu limit that is the end of higher extents pF... of all limit types below or equal in extent to incorporative limits.
extension 2: yuuutu limit[]
yuuutu limit (👁yuuutu) is the extension of yu limit that is an "incorporative" limit limit: limit of "nonexistent" limits > incorporative limits, and of other (not limit)
extension 2.1: bin limit[]
bin limit is limit of limit limits.... all limit(n) / (not n) type
extension 3: ear limit[]
ear limit (ear) is same bin limit but with non limit (major extension)
Contribution limit[]
The contribution limit is the limit where all entities, references, unreferencability limits, limit limits, bin limits, yu limit, nonscriptability, etc, caps out and all of them are contributing to other entities, there is no escaping this, even OBL+ cannot escape being a contribution to something; even things that are noncontrabutional still fall within Non-logical domains and language domains, these are all defined under and as the same anomalies simply called "X" everyone refers to them as that, The X-Limit still falls into the contribution limit because (not reasoning)every time someone refers to anything including entities, references, unreferencability limits, limit limits, bin limits, yu limit, nonscriptability, etcs, continuities, self mirroring, reasons, priceless, fallibility, refer, senses, observation, potential, vision, contradictions, paradoxes, collapses, and everything anyone can think of including the objects/properties that can be found in THE or That's it as "X" or any other letter/symbol/etc it is broken and collapsed to below this domain.
X-lock is the point where anything under the X-limit and beyond's size, definition, qualities, fundamentals, fundamentalities, etc is effected and manipulated by x-lock
Singleterm limit[]
the simple singleterm limit. needs no explanation.
"extension" 1: the most (z-)terminological limit[]
end of higher extents of: limits (see: z-) (but supersedable by limits) (abridged)
z: end of higher extension of higher extents: ulex beyond self higher extension of end of higher extents repetition or extension mirroring (anyform) w/ RFS beyond higher extensions and end of higher extents mirrors or pseudomirroring to a higher ulex-like extension of RFS or any other term (see: CA), with full (absolute) extension and revisional eoheoheoheoheo... etc. PP (APP), effectively complete non-bypassable or refutable "any-"terminological limit, hardly an extension to the most non-z- singleterm limit, which only weakly exceeds the previous limits.
basis is required over the most (z-)terminological limit to surpass it with any other limit or postlimit false limit.
extension 2: bakedchild limit[]
(full z-+)basis&axiom limit with basis (full z-) end of absolute even higher extension to absolute limit point beyond: (z-) +*&+*&...+... limits... etc. (full & z-) repetition extension branching etc. full any (z-)term etc. even higher true complete absolute extension with basis and axiomatic superceding (succession) over higher extensions and (z-)extensions to all higher... ... over the most (z-)terminological limit and any lower or equivalent large limit basic... eohe... (full limit point, supercession of this is no longer possible (z-fp)) (end of higher eohe...) (complete) (comprehensive) effectively and absolutely complete non-any(z-)... selfrevisionmirrorbranchetc.(z- & z-+) extension etc... z-^&z-+ complete (absol.) (this is zz-, full application) RFS&AO... ...
complete extension over the most (z-)terminological limit: (inc. all limit/nonlimit (zz-limitany (zz-zz-...))
this is absolutely weakly superseded by ~OBL+
Observation consists of senses, vision, potential, subjectivity, objectivity, ideas, knowledge, fallibility, qualities, continuities, understanding, supersede, and anything else that can be used to describe things; unobservable things are what ever is beyond observation, they cannot have a proper interpretation because we cannot possibly no matter what we do define them properly, but when we do improperly define them, you still know what we are talking about, but also don't know, but What OBL+ uses is "UNOBSERVATION+", which is what ever is beyond unobservability, and we cannot define such a [] because we would have to be the reality below it(unobservation), so how did we defined it here? Because this is not even a proper interpretation that would fall into OBL+, and this time it is not half and half, it is you 100% do not know what I am talking about but branching does get this far and beyond.
red limit[]
bakedchild+self+n(zz- etc.) re-re-...extension (selfimprovable) (no basis (no xi)) (exp: otherwise "collapsed" into bakedchild limit) over ~OBL+ w. extended-hyperextended (cap extension etc.) "unobservation+" > n > beyond... unobservable/n-able (zz-... etc. able), full "abstraction" (no attribution or properties etc. all terms (as req. past both (MOST) z-terminological limit and ~OBL+, inclusion of branching, red: inclusion:) (req. new tar: ?)
Observational stacking L[]
Observability is any reasoning/subjectivity or anything else that falls under the human limit(not washy's definition), Unobservability is anything outside/beyond observability, unobservability+ is what ever is beyond unobservability, I am assuming you can guess what unobservability++ is, and +++, and ++++, and so on, until infinite pluses, then stack those, then stack those, and keep stacking until it will collapse, but use fallibility/refution to prevent the collapse and keep stacking pluses.
Observational stacking limit / green limit[]
somehow ((repeated reextension of red limit allextension, limit of: (including: (full)))) limit) over the observational stacking posited within red limit and observational stacking L.
smallest unbranchable limit[]
Obscurity is nothing anymore.
An unbranchable objects is something that cannot be branched to any extent, which means that this limit is not accurate in the slightest, when we talk about unobservable objects branching can create infinite versions larger and equal to them just by the name, when you see that this WIKI is half of OBL+ that can be branched into infinite definitions equal+ to OBL+, but something that is unbranchable is something where no amount of words can create one that is truly unbranchable because that would just be a branch,
So far. And we still got nowhere. All of those pretty words... Why do we even need them? Words. Words stopping us from true observation limits, because words ARE observation. Let me just skip all of those countless empty, pittful, pointless words for you. Prepare for real limits of knowledge and observation.
sponge limit[]
unbranchable absolute absolute limit
maximal absolute limit[]
genuine +maximal absolute limit (> all sole unbranchable/ z, etc. terminological an-v y limits), + [] + etc. truly untermable >term (term being any term, we can ascribe a term to anything but this is the peak of "supersession" over term. etc.) >>>. psbasis AND qsbasis AND (term) over sponge, red, green, osl, tuno, sub
something new will be needed to surpass this.
short limit[]
the most basic observational limit as its own limit of "extension" and "supersession"
mass limit / lt limit[]
higher mal over short limit of any (z- etc.)limit
???(blue limit)[]
Good luck decoding this. A-G = A, H-O = B, and P-Z = C.
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Observational Absolute-limit[]
Former Largest Number |
Observational limits/Older version has once been the largest number on this wiki, but has been surpassed by a different number. |
"The Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit is an entry on the Fictional Googology Wiki that outranks all others in terms of hypothetical pseudo-hyper-quantification." - Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive Conceptual Argumentative Limit |
Not limited to mirroring (such as Ørkesløs-omnimirroring and nonexistential-mirroring), concepts, and notions, anything (w/ fields) that interacts and based off others falls into OAL.
Observational absolute-limit (👁Ω or OAL), including its true description, can’t be collapsed, shown, and defined under such forms of and attachments to descriptions, observations (including interactions and references), and itself.
Any (un/trans)observational (meta/pata)-process based off infinite amount of patasystemic notions would still go below OAL, because they transcend observation. It is the least known intervated term of all observational limits, due to all nonobservation states being under OAL.