Ohthekathmisery (O) is a pseudo-object defined as the least set-relative imaginary to any boundless/infinite definitional set. It is the least verifiably impossible object from the reference frame of all preceding objects, by any magnitude or disparity that separates them.
Verifiably impossible is a reference point of something that cannot be proven by the logic or bounds of another given any characteristic that must allow it to do so. This allows for an infinite stack of VI-objects.
To any extent that will allow it to be so, Ohthekathmisery is not a preceding object.
Axiom of Precedence[]
The following are true:
- For any set disregarding a supremum, every subset not equal to the entire set will not include all elements.
- Every subset of these sets must have a supremum.
- No subset with a supremum can be equal to the entire set.
- For every subset not equal to the entire set, the supremum of that subset precedes another object that is not within that subset but another subset of the entire set.
- Properties that are not held by all elements of a subset are subset-relative imaginary.
- Properties that are not held by all preceding elements of a set are set-relative imaginary.
- Infinite sets must contain every property.
- All sets exist as a subset of another set.
- All subsets with 2 or more elements are themselves a set.