Omnifinity (ດ or ᾮ) is a Situm-class number that surpasses even Conkept in terms of size. While Conkept is only the supremum of The First Existential Axiom, Omnifinity lies beyond the supremum of all mathematical axioms; even those as fundamental as the existential axiom. Because of this, it is completely detached from all properties (both mathematical and metaphysical), and is therefore completely unknowable and unobservable, as all objects within metaphysical reality need properties to exist within; rendering Omnifinity also completely detached from the rest of mathematics (and by extension the entire rest of the wiki as of April 18, 2022). It does not need to be bigger than itself, or even to transcend it's own concept and quantity, because it surpasses the very properties and axioms that govern such. In essence, Omnifinity exists beyond mathematical and metaphysical axioms altogether, surpassing everything within the former while still allowing them to be.