Fictional Googology Wiki

[PERPETUALLY REDACTED NUMBER NAME], or [PRNN] for short, is a [PRNN]oid which surpasses all other numbers and countrons. It cannot be surpassed or reached since it's way bigger than Inaccessible NO! Point, to an undefined extent to say the least. [PRNN] is actually just a placeholder name for the actual number's name, which hasn't been documented anywhere online! Because not only does this number marks the beginning of a new age of numbers ([PRNN]oids), but also it is "Perpetually Redacted" but not forever though.The function used to define this is ###(1), and the three ###s represent three powerful, ultimately secret letters.

[PRNN]oids are the 3rd Beyondtartal, which is a classification of higher-level numbers invented by JoshuaDr. from the Official NO! server, with numbers being the 1st Beyondtartal and Countrons being the 2nd, which were also invented by Joshua.

Even though this number is larger than all other numbers, this isn't a record holder since this is a "Secretron" which is a slang for a number which is yet to be reached

The only way to actually break this in the present day is to replace "[PRNN]" with its actual name, which nobody but MagmaMusen knows. No hints are gonna be given for what it might be.


If you think [PRNN] is already mysterious today, think about the other [PRNN]oids beyond it, they are as, if not more unknown than [PRNN]! There are thousands and thousands of [PRNN]-related numbers that are yet to be revealed to the public, and just about all of them aren't even documented in any secret document!


[PERPETUALLY REDACTED NUMBER NAME 1] is the second [PRNN]oid, that comes after an AE version that breaks all [PRNN] numbers which takes an awfully long time. After this point forward AE versions will start to contain [PRNN1Quote]izations, which are like the "????" spams in 0 to Absolute Breakdown but are the words "[PRNN1], [REDACTED]..., [PRNN1Quote]" in purple formatting instead of different lengths and formatting of "????" just to give you a small idea of what it might look like.


[PERPETUALLY REDACTED NUMBER NAME 2] is the third [PRNN]oid. Nothing is really known about the massive gap of [PRNN]oids.


"Magnumber" is the numeric equivalent to MagmaMusen, AKA MagmaMusen as a number. The only way to currently define Magnumber is ###(2) function, and the three ###s represent three powerful letters. The actual first numeric equivalence is The Mathis, a number that appears in Mathis R.V's series "0 to Absolute Fictional Numbers". The name for Magnumber isn't "The Magma" or "The MagmaMusen"

Above "Magnumber"[]

There are also other numeric equivalences like Magnumber, but the distance between the second numeric equivalence and Magnumber is very, very long.

"Perpetual Redactionship"[]

Half of the information avaliable to the public about [PRNN] and above are "perpetually redacted" due to reasons that are not gonna be said for possibly a long time. Hints about the actual name for [PRNN] are given to Magma's trusted friends and a few clues have been given in the NO! server, and hopefully they haven't been leaked yet...
