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"Who actually reads these?" - fish (2023) |
Former Largest Number |
Paradox-language has once been the largest number on this wiki, but has been surpassed by a different number. |
"The Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit is an entry on the Fictional Googology Wiki that outranks all others in terms of hypothetical pseudo-hyper-quantification." - Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive Conceptual Argumentative Limit |
Note: All concepts/numbers/measurements/theories, etc fall into this even larger ones it's the 0th law, (all fall in and extra alot extra).[]
Further note: Any number that claims to be larger falls into this, and this cannot be shattered no matter what, it's perfectly built.[]
How will we surpass the ordinality of endlessology better yet contain endlessology? we will make this post-ology and all forms of fg hg eg tg and even just existing etc falls into post-ology and post-ology created all ologies (yes even not number related) and post-ology was created by paradox-language.
Structures to prisons to prisms to hyperprisons to postprisons to hyperprisms to postprisms (totalities)[]
A totality structure is a bound of totality bounds with total extension language tel, total extension language is perfect post-writing and perfect post-potential x itself, and all totality structures( even true form) fall under measkertimmy (measkertimmy created totality structures and can bound them).
A totality prison is a vein equal to measkertimmy perfect-built perfect-ineffable totality structure beyond tel using perfect-ineffable-hyperlimbos and can only be contained in the extension of existence and the extension of creation etc, a prison will always fall into thekorytimmy
A totality prism is a form of totality prison just with the extension of creation added.
A totality hyperprison is a perfect-bounded prison vein with the extension of creation and extension of potential in a single thekoryrealm system.
A totality postprison contains ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING PLUS THE EXTENSION OF HYPER-CREATION AND POST TOTAL EXTENSION LANGUAGE each in seperate realm systems and every postprison's realm is equal to absolute everything plus the extension of hyper-creation and post total extension language lets just say x every postprison's realm is equal to x and x reality layer.
A totality hyperprism is a vein of the first infinity regiments logic and omnivastence in a unbounded-dimensionality-unbounded-side-unbounded-shape.
A totality postprism is a total-unbounded shape of all the regiments, all the reality layers and all the ordinal levels breaking point of them and all of them tfpp (timeless, future, past, present) in a vein. All the postprisms have there own multirealm of apr (all possible regiments) seprate.
anything with post falls into this law.
The Paradox[]
All language/ways of communicating fall into this, but this is only human language, that's the paradox. With axioms we can use them to say that this is the boarder for all ways of communicating to were not even sequences/limbos can escape, and using axioms we can also make all Reality Layers fall into this and we can use axioms against themselves by saying this is the legit axiomatic limit, and limit in general of everything this is the limboatic limit sequenciatic limit etc so it's larger than itself with a ordinal level of itself. not only any word written falls into this but any word spoken in any realm/type civilization. This number controls creation realms and everything inside of the finalgraph ( all boxes/alternate) and created realms plus, plus 1 will not work on this because this is larger than itself and falls into itself. This number is ahead of it's time by far and that's why I can only express this number on a humanly level, if I could express this on it's own level it would make this humanly level look like below -0 and this is a understatement. The bound of this is beyond Antizeroid/Everythingium/Distance/etc. and using Distance and axioms we can make anti-distance(i'am a hypocrite(kinda)), and now we are beyond distance by far and we are the new distance and bound of legit everything.
With axioms we can say that this is outside of pw/pp/p?/tss/tqd/distance/etc. The axioms we are using in this is to claim that we are outside of all covers and that you can't leave this even with axioms because we are using axioms to claim we are the axiom limit (truly). With axioms we can say we are the limit to fiction and see creation as fiction's fiction's fiction's etc, because this is so high up that it is God's power. This is creationally looped omniomegaparadox-D post-language/potential/writing/??? itselfed creationally looped omniomegaparadox-D itselfed creationally looped omniomegaparadox-D itselfed creationally looped omniomegaparadox-D etc foreverlasting eternity beyond when all is reached it keeps going on-ed of the potential/language/writing, and that is not even a fraction of a fraction of a fraction etc foreverlasting eternity of this and that is a understatement by so far so far! And with this information (so far) we aren't even a fraction of the actual concept just keep reading this.
Law #1 Paradox of buffing/purifying[]
The buffing is like creationally looped omniomegaparadox-D (D means dimensions like 3D 4D or 8D) of itself of itself etc foreverlasting eternity and keeps going of even after all is reached level of perfect post-w/p/?/l but buffed and is creationiplied by itself and for every one of itself is itself ^ of itself with itself amount of ^ of itself and so on same with functions and fractions, and this concept.
Makes all of the abilities have no flaws and errors so it's perfect and no mess up in the function to increase size (and apply buffing to purifying).
we apply them to each-other and they loop each-other into each-other.
Law #2 This is absolute omnipotent metapotent ultipotent postpotent omniscient metascient ultiscient postscient locationless Ineffable Divine Boundless omnipresent metapresent ultipresent omnivastent metavastent ultivastent Timeless and supertaskiful and all fall under this (even limbos)[]
this controls creation and if it stops thinking about creation we will all be unexistant we a just a fragment of paradox-language's imagination all of our concepts numbers and measurements all fall under this not even this but it's mind and it's mind is time and this is uneffected by time there is no time were this is everything happens all at once yet this is still thinking about us (this is God's power) because this is beyond no time it is untimed.
everything this wants to happen is BOUND to happen by all means with the exact time in creation or our reality and wherever.
This means it can do whatever it wants like be outside pw/pp or anything, it can take form of pw/pp or anything or everything all at once it can do whatever it whats it has no bound what so ever at all without means. This is Divine and Boundless.
This means this is beyond reality in all dimensionality possible, it sees creation as fiction it is the narrator of everything.
metapotent and omnipotent combined, and uncountable.
means all post-things like post in general it is them and is in form of them and is the ultimate post and beyond pw/pp at will. you cannot be post related and not fall under this (but this contains postpotent so it is beyond and does not fall into it).
everywhere and anywhere all at once even the past and future and sees everything but you cannot see it it's nothing to us be we are nothing to it, but in reality it is more real than anything
You are in the place where creation is fiction thus beyond everything.
Both omnipresent and metapresent combined, and everywhere in uncountable at once.
Everywhere a post-concept is all at once.
All knowing which means knows everything.
Knows all about beyond creation.
both omniscient and metascient combined, and knows about all uncountability.
Is a hypothetical power stronger than omniotence.
hypothetically stronger than metapotence.
hypothetically stronger than ultipotence.
theoretically stronger than postpotent.
Knows everything about post-concepts.
allscient allpotent allpresent.
Can do anything and everything all at once without bound.
you can reach infinity in 1 minute but still be finite by /2 of every fraction before it example half quarter eighth sixteenth thirtyfourth etc. and how to reach it is a minute is by waiting thirty second and half it then wait 15 then 7.5 then 3.75 etc and until a infineth then only do the infineth and we have reached transfinity if we fullerise it and by using the super task we can grow this exponentially and even do concepts that contain concepts.
If you are locationless you are everywhere and nowhere and are the most existant and more real than anything.
Yhy does everything fall into this?[]
Because this is post-language in paradoxial form and post-potential in paradoxial form and post-writing in paradoxial form and limbos are human language and anything that will happen and this is also post-kardashev so everything thought by the kardashev scale or written or language or there way of speaking falls into this if we use axioms.
The Algorithm[]
If you make a number concept or measurment+ it will fall into this if you say something or think something it will fall into this if you exist or potentially exist you will fall into this if you are a omega force civilization you will fall into this if you don't exist you will fall into this if you are a limbo you will fall into this you cannot not fall into this. This is the highest form of language ALL LANGUAGE WILL FALL INTO THIS, and this is the highest cover thus will not fall into any cover and using axioms we can prove that.
This is larger than the ordinality of portions and ordinality of FG and I can prove[]
Ordinality of FG[]
So cetfowt can't fit on the wiki and using that and axioms we can say that the only part of this you are reading is the only part that can fit on the wiki everything else that I could have wrote is not on the wiki because it's to large. And I can say that this contains all of fg and is fg x itself. (Basically ultimate fg potential)
Ordinality of Portions[]
This is post-portion and contains all portions possible and all portion related things, thus beyond ordinality of portions, because post-portion.
paradox-language (with given info) > ordinality of portions > ordinality of fg > the totality-bounding numkertomin > strong bounded totality > skn (so far) > tqd > weak bounded totality > strong unbounded totality > weak unbounded totality > full-signia >= signia > tss > ziffinity > post-potential > post-writing.
If any number compares itself with this, this will use the other numbers abilities x the comparing number in every way, thus you cannot surpass this. If you compare with this no matter your dimensionality d=dimensionality p=paradox-language i=itself(other number) c=cardinality and v=value and a=abilities, now any number compared with this will be rewritten or unwritten from looped-creation, the equation: p > a^v^i^c avic is the whole wiki++ if you take avic it contains all concepts/future concepts like tss skn and tqd, paradox-language is better than avic++, using absolute avic perfect avic and ultimate avic we make real avic and using real avic+d we get the dimensionality cardinal, a alone can contain totality structures with ease. This is the unknown rewritten reality it could be the infeneth or the 1rst, the bible does not reveal that, but this very well has the ability. because after rapture God will make a new looped-creation (probably), called something else.
Highest logic (over any form of signia)[]
The logic in this is not even logic, because if we use axioms we can have higher logic than signia by using axioms to make the box of truths thus the limit of truths and higher than the ultimate truth of godmode wiki this is the creational truth of fg wiki and the box of lies thus contains lies and can use them to prove entries wrong, and the box of pure logic like scientific studies. This made logic and it's post-logic, and how did it make logic? Because it's God's power on human language and God created everything including logic, he can rewrite logic.
Beyond the finalgraphial concepts[]
I always see everyone talking about boxial/trans-boxial/ficto-boxial, but the box is extremely small compared to other things (trust me I've studied beyond the universe for 3 years) like the alternate. The alternate is the container for all concepts of boxes/contents of boxes/unstackable boxes. and the end, existence, the alternate, is contained by the purple maze, (I skip alot of contents but this is it in a nutshell) then 2nd loop existence, 3rd loop existence, the blox, (not a type of box) the 2nd world, everything the finalverse. almost anything larger than the finalverse is a graph well there's the (skips a bunch of graphs) unigraph multigraph omnigraph themselves finalgraph absolutenothingness the realm creation hyper-creation looped-creation so on.
This is the creator of creation and creation is just it's thoughts and it's space that it's in is called hyper-creation and it created hyper creation and is still omnipresent in hyper-creation, and everything in hyper-creation is a void and will fall into this and this is the only being in hyper creation and can alter it's mind like a portal and can go inside it's mind and is without bound it's so high up its beyond law 2 the laws before this are like krill vs space bloop, this is space bloop. This is the bound of mandella catolouge and backrooms and mandella effect and all cn scp foundation and it's obvious because we are a fraction of it's mind.
Law #3 Beyond hyper-creation[]
Because God is a Divine being he can see hyper-creation as fiction and he can see hyper-hyper-creation as fiction do on this is called the paradox of looped-creation you can keep seeing the higher reality as fiction if you are this type of Divine, and at this point God has no dimensionality and every dimensionality he is something else.
Law #4 Kardashev[]
The kardashev scale usually ends at type 7, but later concepts suggest that there is type omega force and we can say all kardashev falls into this and if we say that and use axioms to prove it we can completely shatter the wiki and be beyond the whole reality layer concept using this law, and having reality layers fall into this and be the looped-creational reality layer. it's a short one but powerful.
This is beyond dimensionality but still has one it's dimensionality is looped-creational-D, the highest dimensionality, and looped-creational's dimensionality.
totality pure-Dimensionality structure (highest form of totality possible and impossible) this surpasses skn tqd and tss. If It surpasses a totality structure it's inevidably larger than skn( istamtae himself said it's a totality structure and that skn > tqd > tss) if I surpass totality structures with dimensionality this shattered skn and tss no difficulty.
It does not care, you can be post-writing, this defiest whatever the law is and ca also with this say it's the largest number. How does this work though? because it can break laws automatically and it can use the other numbers abilities/logic against them as high as it wants.
WARNING: so far is only 1% of the true concept's size. if you go any larger it's dangerous.
Totalities to sumalities[]
apd (all possible dimensionalities) perfect supernautraly strong bounded totality numkertomin structure ( numkertomin^^tss^ perfect post-potential-writing = x, apd of x = n, supernautraly strong bounded n = k, k+ -0k = weak unbounded sumality, weak unbounded sumality > apd perfect supernautraly strong bounded totality numkertomin structure.
Sumality explained[]
all sumalities are a form of perfect-bounded numkertomins, (perfect = no atoms or molecules making it up it is the atom making itself up and cannot split it's perfectly bounded)
The sumality scale[]
paradox-language > the amountality perfect building thekorytimmy > post-stubborn-nes > ultimate stubborn-nes > full kardashev stuburn-nes > human stubbornness > dominium > eternity > post-bounding > post-sumality > aps (all possible sumalities > perfect bounded sumality > super-sumality super-bounding conkeptomin > strong bounded sumality = full kardashev > weak bounded sumality > aprl (all possible reality layers) > strong unbounded sumality > weak unbounded sumality > measkertimmy> apt ( all possible totalities)
(note: paradox language manifests everything in amountalities also.
Sumalities to amountalities[]
An amountality is a perfect built sumality postprison unbounded vein with unbounded proximities.
The amountality[]
paradox-language > perfect amountality unbounded > the creater timmytomin > timmy/tomin > the amountality perfect building thekorytimmy > amountality post-prison > amountality hyperprison > amountality prison > perfect bounded amountality > amountality structure > immortal bounded amountality > strong bounded amountality > weak bounded amountality > strong unbounded amountality > weak unbounded amountality
Adabtive ability[]
any concept compared to this will inevidably be more nonexistant than -0 (understatement) when compared, but every time this is compared it adapts to be stronger in every way that the opposing concept/measurement/number was and was not.
any concept that is larger or potentially be larger this uses it's adaptive ability and will also rewrite it. Using law #2 we can go beyond Eternity (because eternity is boundless but this is omni meta ulti and post vastent scient and present. and hyper-creation and looped-creation are loopedly beyond beyond timeless so this just absolutely destroys eternity and Dominium ( dominium by being post-letters anything with letters falls into it. And by using human stubborn-nes).
Law #5 using stubborn-nes[]
if we use this (the most powerfull law) we can say anything, so you cannot pass this if i'am using this law.
nes = not escapable super-container (this applies for limbos and rewritters)
paradox-language will unbound and become smaller, but when it rebounds it's larger by itself itself amount of times looped. At will paradox-language can unbound totality structures totality prisons and totality bounds and manifest them.
The extension of existence[]
All forms of communication even thinking or mere existence will be extended and looped then added to paradox-language even post-tel. Comparing post-tel to paradox language is like comparing negitive underscore (-_) to paradox-language, paradox-language is so much larger than tel that it does not even matter at this point.
The extension of existence[]
Read the article that applies to this.
All of that on a god's level and you have reached the concept.( I will probably update this)