Fictional Googology Wiki
Former Largest Number
Plagiarizing speedrun has once been the largest number on this wiki, but has been surpassed by a different number.
"The Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit is an entry on the Fictional Googology Wiki that outranks all others in terms of hypothetical pseudo-hyper-quantification." - Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive Conceptual Argumentative Limit
The Box

Absolute Plagiarizing (PP) isn't FMS-chainable, but can't fall under “Aperdinal-quasi”-Fictobox and FMS-points of all, (strata)logic, mirroring, abimaginaries, etc.


  • Class XXX - Transco-uncodeable, Unmirrorable, Inbuildable
    • Can’t be mirrored and decoded by Fictional Matrix System, into an extent of any reality layer.
    • Post-abstraction domain (in abimaginaries below Aperdinal) is inbuildable.
  • Class XXIX - Stratalogical, Quasi-noncontinuous
    • Beyond all of logicverse and stratalogic (R2-mirrored) standpoints, including our points to totalities.
    • Strataknowledge is assumed to exceed all forms of knowledge, which is also a R2-mirrored standpoint.
    • These standpoints fall under FMS-points that Aperdinal can't fall into, even by FMS-point-chaining.
  • Class XXVIII - Inexpansible, Unviewable
    • Having no embodiment (our standpoint), it can’t be expanded into higher embodiments.
  • Class XXVII - Postreality, Uncollapsible
    • Can’t be collapsed into real-life.
  • Class XXVI - Unobservable, Unthinkable
    • If it can’t be collapsed, it can’t also be observed, described, and defined.
  • Class XXV - Scaleless, Untrescaleable
    • Metro defined trescaling that an object can be in any extent and form of scalings and descalings. However, Aperdinal is not about standpoints to scales, and thus scaleless.
  • Class XXIV - Incomprehensible, Nonscriptable
    • Beyond real-life (we live in), we couldn’t comprehend Aperdinal without being inaccurate.


  • As of May 14th, 2024, the current version of Plagiarizing is 3.1.1.
  • Plagiarizing will be buffdated into higher classes. Old versions are archived there.