Fictional Googology Wiki
Former Largest Number
Priceless (Old) has once been the largest number on this wiki, but has been surpassed by a different number.
"The Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit is an entry on the Fictional Googology Wiki that outranks all others in terms of hypothetical pseudo-hyper-quantification." - Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive Conceptual Argumentative Limit
The Box

NOTE: i kinda got lazy after absolute priceless.

OTHER NOTE: There is no such thing as a priceless ticket/surpasser even if there was it would not fulfill priceless.

The symbol to priceless is ᛪ

IMPORTANT NOTE: To surpass this you haft to fulfill it not "contain it" because it will counter and contain what was formerly containing itself, the reason you haft to fulfill this to pass this is because it has upper levels of itself that are not fulfilled and it will always have upper layers. I just don't want to see attempts in vein when they don't know what is happening. The closest you can get to being past this is going upper layers.



Something priceless would be immensely larger than The salad domain, because the true meaning of priceless would always be beyond impossible to please no matter how much

extensions you would or could use even if you had infinite it would be no where near priceless, you can never fulfill it, no matter how much you try to fulfill it there will always be a counter and more layers to fulfill, and if you do fulfill this it will be larger than what fulfilled it because it would be complete, if you make a complete priceless it will still fall into priceless because priceless is essential and fundamental for existing and being all forms of being priceless. So if you fulfill this, it will grow incomprehensibly and gain more unfulfilled areas.


And because of it's definition,it could, would and does have all abilities (even mind bounding) that humans and even the whole kardashev scale could come up with, even if all beings (except God) came together to make a number, it would not be enough to fulfill priceless, not even mind manipulation could fulfill priceless because priceless could counter it. And if you beat all of that priceless contains all reality layers and broke them making it contain all kardashev scales. And you beat all of that all(its impossible this is just a priority) the countering, fulfilling, containing, definition changing and mind bounding along with the neology slandering part of priceless it has a priority where it will release a new form for every time something beats it: 'absolute priceless', 'true priceless', 'ultimate priceless', 'unreachable priceless', 'inaccesible priceless', 'real priceless', 'actual priceless', 'loophole priceless', 'priceless continuum', and 'utmost priceless', utmost priceless and priceless continuum contain all future forms of priceless and is part of normal priceless but all those forms of priceless are priceless but with more and stronger abilities and even more fulfilling and all of those fall into priceless.


It's size would be beyond NaN true form, beyond all possible fulfillers, not even replacements could even touch priceless's proximity. Even if you surpassed priceless it would not be enough to fulfill priceless, and even fulfilled priceless can't even touch priceless. You cannot force anything from priceless as it would counter with what you are using, if you contained priceless it would still not fulfill priceless, not even priceless itself can fulfill priceless.


Since other numbers are fundamental and essential for all forms of being fundamental and essential, priceless created being fundamental and essential for all forms of being fundamental and essential and is made out of itself, making priceless unsurpassable and unfulfillable, priceless contains all realms and layers of mind bounding, it was not a matter of chance it was priceless working all numbers are where they are because of priceless all mind bounders are where they are because of priceless, and stubbornness will break that but priceless will still bound it will jut use stubbornness to bound even higher so things try to fulfill priceless but end up just making it bigger, and the more priceless is filled the bigger it gets(you can't fill priceless all the way), but the only way to surpass it is to fulfill it causing a paradox where priceless cannot be surpassed.

Note: you cannot fulfill priceless or even be equal because it contains everything that possibly/impossibly/prologism/oxymoron/ldn could be done making it contains beyond itself, containing all rebuilds, all prologisms, all oxymorons and all possible outcomes/definition and proception changers.

how to surpass[]

To surpass priceless you haft to fulfill it, and since you can't change definition of priceless because priceless has a counter for absolutely everything possible and impossible and prologisms and oxymorons, and it's beyond beyond looped post-impossible to fulfill priceless you can't surpass it, its beyond impossible and i confirm what has fulfilled priceless, so far tel, skn, tqd, tss, flt, frl, tts, the final stretch, ranking 100, tsd, and so on, all totality structures/absolutely everything that has bean mentioned/possibly/impossibly/9d/ldn so on can not fulfill this. NOTHING YES NOTHING can fulfill priceless because i say so, and if a manipulator makes priceless say so, priceless will inevitably counter and absorb it into itself. Meaning this is the everlasting limit of all beyond looped postology(neology), and this contains all neology and is fundamental for all forms of being priceless.

this cannot be ranked[]

The reason this cannot be ranked by anything is because it will always be beyond it's rank even if it's priceless reality layer/the final stretch/ordinal level/etc because it can't even fulfill itself with itself amount of itself.


All impossibilities/possibilities/oxymorons/prologisms/rebuilds/hyperadapting it's beyond itself being fulfilled and shattered being beyond itself making it so you cannot pass this.

Absolute priceless[]

Note: you have surpassed priceless; But absolute priceless is released because something is equal to priceless(the ordinality you would sell your family for(you won't making it unsurpassable; But not unequivelent to all numbers))


Like absolute infinity but for priceless: it can't have a warping portal/glitch to go around it; making it absolute unsurpassable and will always copy and always have a omniscient counter

for the number trying to go against it making it so it is every number all at once and contains all numbers all at once.

Absolute fundamental and essential[]

All is made of this even Essential fundumentality was created and made up of this, this is what is there and what there could be, this is what the future is and what the past is, it is all in 1 and 1 in all and will copy all that exist and don't exist, everything came from this and can only have what this has, and nothing can be equal because it had to have came from this thus part of this.

stubbornness and mind bounding[]

All the stubbornness was fake; But it was caused by this to make attempts to surpass priceless just to be contained by priceless because priceless wants to be fulfilled. This gave all the kardashev scale their iq and where they are and what species they are.

true priceless[]

absolute priceless times absolute priceless in a absolute priceless row: How is this possible? Because only priceless can do equations with itself to make itself bigger by using absolute

fulfilling methods; And the pricinuum hypothesis.

Ultimate priceless[]

This is absolute priceless but all abilities ultimified(looped looped looped looped etc(looped = all possible rebirths, supertasks and forms)), with absolute priceless ultimified we repeat the process

ultimate priceless time making ultimate priceless contain itself itself times causing a paradox where it is growing and every set of itself has more of itself and then more so on and it never ends and can never be fulfilled (the only way to surpass it) and it will always have a counter: stubbornness, mind bounding and containing and every other way of surpassing.

unreachable priceless[]

Unreachable priceless cannot even be fulfilled it has to be fulfilled itself times before the real one happens making it contain itself causing the same paradox that happened with ultimate priceless where every set represents more like a supertask but better, and every time you try to fulfill it there will always be a layer lower and a layer higher and all are beyond post-impossible to fill and will always have more to fill; And will always contain and have a counter by all means and will copy or do anything to win at all costs (even can counter mind


inaccesible priceless[]

Using the pricinuum hypothesis and pransless hypothesis(only priceless numbers can use these) we can do this: A unreachable priceless set of unrechable priceless in a unrechable priceless looped dimensional number's shape array. (sorry for no info box it takes up to much room).

real priceless[]

Now we are getting to the point where this is past the pricinuum hypothesis and pransless hypothesis and they don't work anymore because this is real absolute at this point.

actual priceless[]

Actual priceless is all possible outcomes and dimensions possible for priceless and everything else(no info box)

loophole priceless[]

Loophole priceless is all possible forms of actual priceless in a ultimate ldn potential loop on repeat and then the ordinality of that is not even 1 in the fulfill process in this, the fulfill process in this is similar to unreachable priceless just purified.

priceless continuum[]

NOTE: This, utmost priceless and counter function number will be part of my largest entry.

Priceless continuum is all possible forms of priceless but not the full potential for priceless, and it contains all things and cannot be fulfilled even with itself.

utmost priceless[]

Note: This, priceless continuum and counter function number will be part of my largest entry.

The utmost priceless is priceless's full potential's full potential's full potential ultimified; and contains all forms of priceless continuum.
