Anything Bigger/Smaller Than This? (No.)
This article is a record holder. Better read it!
Primordial Universe is the smallest/biggest number in Fictional Googology Wiki!!
End-All-Be-All |
Primordial Universe is an End-All-Be-All, and may cause fights if a surpassing attempt is seen. |
This can be existent in a way numbers cannot be stabilized or restricted inside a cycle of numbers or else contradiction of collapse happens
My eaba test for "primordial" class. Go to The List of Numbers/Post-Primordial Classification for more otherwise this page will be in the works for endless time
You can call this IAmPreEthereal's Terminology imo.
Although call this Absolutia Xomatintitia
- [XXIV] Undestabilizable, Stabilized, Nameless-filkist, Uncollapsible
- Cannot be destabilized within ethereality. Is stabilized which means it goes past most Aperdinologisms. Nameless-filkist means cannot be cata-seperatable or struxymodified within Conkepts. Uncollapsible means cannot be collapsed or negated in concepts
- [XXV] Indisprovable, Metempric, Catatheoretical, Limitary, Unobservable, Unabstractable
- Cannot be proven by failability. Is outside post-catafields and post-boxial fields of postology and post-pointology, or else cannot be contradicted by any rule. (C34 6%). Cannot be stated true or not within catalogy and collapsibility. Cannot be limitable and cannot be defined in creation or destabilization. Cannot be observed by Observational Marginal Deconstruction Transit Point (OBL.) cause of dimensional properties. Cannot be defined as a number within a limit (limit of limits. unilimitable) or a catacollapsible post-boxial countability, otherwise post gateway.
- Stabilize: defined past FMS-chainable and ЯR(♛/R) stratasis aperdinologisms
- Destabilize: below aperdinology and can be chained contradicted
- Contradict: stop a rule of numbers.
- Module: can be defined in a way that refutation can get destabilized within post-ethereality
- Moduled: defined in a way modulation cannot be chained in FMS-chainable points of logic
- Collapse: can be negatable in a way stability basically don't exist