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Rediagonalization Point (or RP) is the generalization of points past Absolute Undiagonalizable in which Diagonalization works again. This is because it's so much bigger, and breaks everything so much, that it loops back around and fixes everything.


Rediagonalization Point 1 (or RP1) is the first point past Absolute Undiagonalizable in which Diagonalization works again. This is because it's so much bigger, and breaks everything so much, that it loops back around and fixes everything. There's also another Undiagonalizable Point way further past this, but it isn't the 2nd Undiagonalization point, as there is no 2nd Undiagonalization Point, as that would go against the definition of Undiagonalization. Way past this other Undiagonalizable Point, we reach RP2, or the first point past the Undiagonalizable Point past RP. Then, there's RP3, RP4, etc.

Note that inbetween RP1 and RP2 is where Danger Numker resides. Danger Numker's Sub-Pages are at higher RP values. More specifically;

Nofiresity is at RPω, Epsolute is at RPε₀, Extremity is at RPΩ, and the Hoop Function reaches up to RP(E₀) (note that E₀ in this instance is from Hyperology, not Fictional Googology).


RP-Lock is the point at which Undiagonalization can no longer apply, as we've broken everything and fixed it so many times that it's seemingly been permanently strengthened. RP-Lock is way beyond any possible Undiagonalization Point or Rediagonalization Point; It is the last RP. This means that, from now on, Diagonalization is now possible again, but permanently. Again, it is not just something like RP(RP1) or E_0 after RP or RP1 after RP or anything like that. It is incomporably beyond any function that can be done with RP, and not in a hyperological way, but in a much stronger way.
