why did I make this :/
Former Largest Number |
Revelation has once been the largest number on this wiki, but has been surpassed by a different number. |
"The Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit is an entry on the Fictional Googology Wiki that outranks all others in terms of hypothetical pseudo-hyper-quantification." - Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive Conceptual Argumentative Limit |
Revelation, also known as Apokaliptos, despite seeming like a joke number, is not (it kind of is though, but it's too meta to be a true joke article). Rather, it's a commentary on Fictional Googology's gradual rise in complexity after Aperdinal 3.1.1, leading to dumb paradoxes, mind-boggling (and recursive) concepts, et cetera, et cetera. Also it was created by Gamma Mu D Mu but that's evident just by the image I mean nobody makes numbers in the 2022 style anymore (also it's his first outerologism)
This number's name comes from the last book of the Bible, the Revelation to John, or, as the greeks call it, Apokaliptos.
This number is so mind bogglingly big that any number beyond it breaks mathematics entirely and is forcefully catareflected to Genesis. However, because of that, this number can also be thought of as "the last number below Genesis", causing it to be both a record holder and lower than zero at the exact same time. Additionaly, the whole "breaking mathematics" thing can cause this number to be misinterpreted as being equal to The Abstract Hypermathematical Point. Thus, this number has not one, not two, but THREE points in the number line, which is no bueno, as there should be a one-to-one correpondence of numbers to points. This paradox is an analogy to the seemingly nonsensical and unnecessarily complicated nature of modern-day FG, making this article meta in the most literal sense of the prefix.
General Scale[]
Revelation is the entirety of the "responsive/reflexive exframative system" which embodies everything excluding actions done in relation to it or to encompass it. Everything that's being done isn't reaching it. It only exists in a set that Revelation is not part of it. Regardless of redefinitions made to encompass Revelation, the definition is already complete as to "all definitions aren't an approach" instead of "it's impossible to approach; depictions are wrong."
So, in more simple terms, Revelation is unapproachable by any sort of depiction or definition.
How to surpass[]
Figure it out yourselves buckaroos and don't get catareflected back to Genesis.