Fictional Googology Wiki
Limitary Number
SW78's Beyond LOE is claimed to be un-surpassible by its creator!
"no I meant that number is actually the biggest" "Oh"

Beyond LOE is an unfinished milestone and an unfinished series by SuperWindows78. This number was designed to break everything in fictional googology. This includes scales, cycles, AE versions, classifications, series and parts of series, and more. However, it has been over a year since the first sneak peek was released, and the second sneak peek has yet to come out. Also, Episode 1 of Number 0 to Beyond LOE has yet to be released.

Smaller Numbers: Absolute Infinity, Absolute Never, Absolutely Eternal, Transed Infinity, Onefinity, Infinifinity, Terminusfinity, Inpredictafinity, Unifinity, Existensfinity, Neverfinity, Endingfinity, Never, Endless, THE END, T.H.E F.I.N.A.L E.N.D.I.N.G, The Real Final Point, Annihilation, In.Finiti.A, Box Number, The Force Limit Of Ends, The Mathpoint, The End of Every Single Integer, Axis Limit, Limit of Extending, The True Function, PATA'FINIUSS, Absolute Breakdown, B.E.Y.O.N.D, ØMEGATION/The First Cardinal End, The Googology, The Unbreaking End, The NAN Cardinal, The Cataclysmic Point, Phreezium, The Unforgiving Limit, The Finished, Vethuva Stage 2, T.H.E U.N.E.N.D.I.N.G P.O.I.N.T, Absolute Googology, Ordintraium Levels, Maxionumfinity, Omnimonstrity, The Toxicaion, Absolute Fictional Numbers, The Endfimidian Breakdown, Absolute Celestial, DEATHWISH, The Galacity Metiorfinien/Deathlock/The Googological Edge, The Alpha-Lλγεr, The Entri-End, The Numerical Edge, The Breakafaunt Pantiltol, The Altar, Absolute Aeon, The Masterium, Absolute Finalitinum, Succulativiplex, Insurgence, The Section Dialations, Post-Eternium, Tameuina Tasiaon, Absolute Orion, The Opposite, The Parallel Paradox, Absiorcadinary, The Squarefinity, The Backnumbers, The Number Circle, Advanced Transcology/Common Number - One, The Corruption, Absolute Liminality, Ultimus Worldius/The Premiumized One, Absolute Dementia, Zorron, Infinituum Continuum/Millom (Official scale), The Eschatology, The Forgotten Matrix, Hyperionia Endlessilium, Immortus Paradoxicus, Myanari-Numbertomin, The Circumhet, Alpha-Undefinius, Finitial Existence, The Owari Mathie, The Common One, Unrelenting Metatude, Absolutely Massive/The Masterium (Omegascaled), The Galactical Master-Function, THE E⨳N⨳D, Supremum of Numerical Fate, The Endfimidian Finality, The Great Triangle, THE TRUE END OF NUMBERS?!?, Ionatizonis Myocrinthia/Chaos Endimus, The Numerical Gauntlet, The Endoception, Ultimus Stellarius, The Crimson One, Googological Finalion, Zoppth Null, The Final Overlord, Onegafinruom, Eldritch Immensity, The Restricted, Orkinal Checkmate ~ Pawn, Oou, THE ABSOLUTE FINAL NUMBER, The Kalaxology, Low-Endic Eternity, The Numerical Nexus/Ultimate Corpose, The Inner Masterium, Verumfinis finalis, Absolute Aperdinal v3.1.3/END./Honored Typicizal Number, The Map Number, Transcendental Zero/Garnet One, THE LↀIↀMↀIↀNↀAↀL, The Andromedology, The Shining Star In An Infinite Sky, The Shattered End, Anterograde Numeric Amnesia, The Universe, The Calculative Breakpoint, Absolute Post-Awareness, Transcendental Megami, The Abstract Hypermathematical Point, The Innerspatial Continuum, Absolute Fictional Cardinal of Numbers, The R.F.B.M.A.F.B.A.O.A.N Ending, Cuboid-Null Loop (Bored Thien's version), The Word-Cyclic Stack, The Transector - Null, АРАМАЛ, BYLY, THE E※N※D, The Key of Math, The Numerical Intrusion, The Cinwenon, InLimitary, Aripiprazole Setplex, Transfigured One, The Grandmaster Number, The Apostle of Numbers, The Perfect Grand Finale, Ifite/The Calculium~Breaker, The Postwavalology, Extremitium, Ordinal Goodbye, The Intercological Sanctum, Absolute Aperdinal v3.141, Icyon-Stargio, C.H.A.R.M., Primordial Existence v0.357, Theory of Everything, Pata-[meta], The Nothing, The Logicum Deflection, Cata-[meta], Truer Breakdown (vXXXVI), Ascendency-Bound/The True End of Fictional Googology..., The Ultimate Altar Pedestal of Numbers, LETIBICUS VORICIAN, Heliconiusic Fgiskiipoint, PHYSIALIS, The Ultimate Construct, TOTAL MOTTEENDING, Alpha Increase, Morning Breeze, Grenzenlosigkeit, Ascapelpi-Numerinian' Unsureity, Absolute Breaking of Numbers, World Border of All Numbers, The Final Polstokiinumberinia, Ultimatum, 𝐂 𝐀 𝐄 𝐋 ! ! ! ! !/CHUKOTIK, Absolute Riftlock, Unworldly Loop #1, Þŕæñßfįŋíţƴ, Ficto-Complexia, The Chosen Integer, Literals, Inaccessible Point of Stella, THE TRUE ENDS OF THE LIMITS OF THE ???? FLOOR..., The Penultimatum Au Revoir, The Viscera Divine, The End of Breakings, THE END OF NUMBERS, True Undefined, etc.



Version 1[]

The first version of BEYOND LOE, found in WUW Part 24, not only breaks series of Fictional Googology but also higher objects like the Box and real-life.

There was a claim in WUW Part 21 where BEYOND LOE was "reached" before Ionatizonis Myocrinthia. It is later disproved by the creator and called this claim as "pre-version" of BEYOND LOE.
