Fictional Googology Wiki

Stricts are defined as:

It strictly, definitively, and absolutely has to be that for it to count. No ifs, ands, or buts. You cannot argue with this, it is black or white. It is true or false. Nothing else. It either is, or isn't.


All tricks are below Stricts, due to attempting to defy or surpass it.

This also extends to suchness and magnitudes higher than it or proclaimed to be “absolute”, regardless of succession and individualism.

Here are the list of tricks:

  • If...
  • And...
  • But,...
  • Relatives (even assuming one is not the end)
  • Continuations
  • Asymptotes
  • Delineations
  • Disprovements
  • Versions / Resizings
  • Logicals
  • Breakology
    • Pata- (any kind of ineffability)
    • Cata- (any kind of impossibility)


Patatrickisms are a type of tricks. Using it would re-enable and recur anything you want. This also makes one reusable while being improperly unusable.


Subpars are a variant of Stricts, but however not absolutely or definitively because of disprovability or surpassability. Tricks would degrade a form as subpar below Stricts.

The Strict End of Numbers[]

The Strict End of Numbers is a really important milestone in Fictional Googology. It is strictly the largest number. It is not and never will. No ifs, ands or buts.[2]

  1. From BBN Spreadsheet
  2. Also from BBN Spreadsheet.