Fictional Googology Wiki

Stronger Finity (𝓖) is equal to [{𝓕(β„•) & 10^100, ⨍, ⨍}^{𝓕(β„•) & 10^100, ⨍, ⨍}]x∝, where 𝓕 is Strong Finity, β„• is Natural, and ⨍ is Second-Powered Finity

It can also be defined as 𝓕 & 𝓕 & 𝓕 & 𝓕 & … 𝓕 & 𝓕 (𝓕 Times) or 𝓕 && 𝓕, where 𝓕 is Strong Finity, & is the Array of operator, and && is Retr0R0bl0x1an's Repeated Array of Operator
