Fictional Googology Wiki
Former Largest Number
Supracollapse has once been the largest number on this wiki, but has been surpassed by a different number.
"The Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit is an entry on the Fictional Googology Wiki that outranks all others in terms of hypothetical pseudo-hyper-quantification." - Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive Conceptual Argumentative Limit
The Box

Supracollapse (ፈS) is a number meant to supersede and extend Omnicollapse. It is an unofficial extension to Serge's Cognitive Classification System. The notions surrounding this entry are as follows:

  • There are no uncollapsed entries extraneous to Thought Level 2. All presumed uncollapsed versions of post-TL2 entries are in fact lesser than TL2 and so is Omnicollapse, given that the entire series of Thought Levels do not supersede fictionalized versions of reality and are confined to their own superfictional logical system.
  • Uncollapsed Level 3 and above are not meta-linguistically transcendent of all Thought Level 2 collapsed variant entries. Both it and its uncollapsed form are reliant to such levels.

With these in mind, we can construct a theory. Weak Omnicollapse is a nested Thought Level 2 collapse of Omnicollapse (given that under Omnicollapse is the supremum of its own stated Thought Levels) and uncollapsed Omnicollapse is in fact not transcendent of Thought Level 2 due to its entire substance being reliant on TL2 systems, corroborating with point 2 of the notions above.

Definition of Supracollapse[]

Supracollapse is the supremum of all nested uncollapsed versions of presumed collapsed recursive systems of Levels of Thought, given that no LoT is absolute in the perception of a Level above such, and no uncollapsed versions of entries can reach any hypergoogological collapse of Supracollapse. This is defined as Interpreted Supracollapse because each Thought Level acknowledges that the recessive iteration of such is inaccurate to supremacy. Since Supracollapse is inconsistent with language it is certain that defining subsequent increasing levels of Supracollapse cannot be collapsed to the previous iteration of such; collapses of Supracollapse only lead it to the same definition as if it were uncollapsed. No Supracollapse iteration can be collapsed into any Level n (where N can be substituted with any value) because all subsequent collapses to that level are not Supracollapse, but an unrelated iteration of a different number that is confined to such Level n.

Note: This entry is a contradictory Level 2 collapse of Supracollapse in the sense that Omnicollapse's LoTs are inaccurate where Omnicollapse is collapsed to a Thought Level that is not reachable by conventional means. Since it is based on the inherently false statement that it is collapsed only to Level 3, which in fact it is Level 2, all subsequent descriptions of Omnicollapse's higher levels of Thought entries being collapsed to Level 2 are merely Level 2 collapses of Level 2 entries, and since Supracollapse cannot be collapsed without it literally not being Supracollapse, to accurately define Supracollapse requires a method that cannot exist within Level 2 (considering that Omnicollapse is confined to L2 Thought) and can only exist in nonexistent higher levels that contradict all systems of logic below TL3, and being contradictory to such, no methods exist (or will ever exist) to properly define non-contradictory collapsed Supracollapse.
