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Symbol Pairwise is a concept thought by Aarex, which produces uncomputable numbers from symbols and pairs of symbols.


Symbol Pairwise is defined as the following description:

  • There is a machine which uses rules from symbols-to-symbols, pairwises-to-pairwises, and more.
  • Each symbol/pairwise has different simple rules to other symbols/pairwises, when the machine passes through.
  • Each step moves the pointer to the right normally, and finds a pairwise or a symbol to look up rules.
  • These rules must only include:
    • Memory (Change to any symbol, read from a position, and move to any position)
    • Pointer (Moves to any position)
    • Outputting (Increases the output number by 1)
    • Comparison conditions (To rules only)


A pairwise is defined as a group of 2 different symbols.
