Fictional Googology Wiki
Fictional Googology Wiki
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The Number[]


It is so great that it goes beyond yours, that of the gods and any other understanding, Trying to measure this number is stupid because its size is irrelevant because it is so big, But anyway, what is this number, what is The Final Question number?

I have the answer, this number is the center of everything, but why, why would you classify that as a number?

Its size is so high that it must be absolutely nothing, It's like philosophers said in ancient times, "what is this or what is that?", This question applies to this number, no one knows this answer because its answer is inexplicable, Is it your universe?

Is it your parents?

Is it YOU?!

Well, only God knows, but who is God?

Why he doesn't interfere with anything?

Why is he sitting on his throne while we wonder?

Does he even exist?

And why am I focusing my focus on god when I should be focusing on defining the number?

Maybe I can't go on, you can go on, would you sell your family for that number.

Would you risk your life for that number?

How did we even get this far on this wiki,

Is FG just a dream of someone who doesn't want to wake up from the dream?

Is this number real, am I real?

Are all numbers that go beyond absolute infinity eal?

Did Mathis RV think carefully when he was making his videos?

How did we get to this point?

Well, some questions have answers and some don't, And this number has no answers, because it is what it is and what it is not, You are what you are, I am who I am, no one can change that, Mythology and religion, None of this is real, only you are real, you and this number, It's like Aristotle once said, "why?", why this number exists anyway?

real symbol: ⊶⋌⋉⋐⊴≲⋰⋘⋖Ωθ≋⋮≣∈ψ⊑⊰±⊹≎⌖⌘✺⋇⋇✺⌘⌖≎⊹±⊱⊒ψ∋≣⋮≋θΩ⋗⋙⋱≿⊵⋑⋊⋋⊷


-Former Of The Page: THE NUMBER LORD

-The Guy: TheMandel2023

Number's Creator: The-Divine-Himself

—The End.
