Fictional Googology Wiki
Fictional Googology Wiki

The Number[]

symbol or whatever ⊯

So big, so humongus, so undefined, but still, the biggest. we all know The Final Questions story that its actually just a distraction/imagination which is actually your mind playing tricks with you. but this, this is no distraction, nor imagination, nor braintricks. this is not positive, nor is it negative, nor spectral, (spectral = positivity of positive/so big that its unimaginably undefined) nor omnegative (omnegative = negativity of negative/so small that its unimaginably undefined), nor is it in cosmology, (cosmology = spectrality of positive/so spectral that its unimaginably undefined) nor is it beyond cosmology (spectrality of spectral/so cosmic that its unimaginably undefined), it is just simply, in two words, unimaginably large!




Absolute Infinity, Absolute Charginatton, Absolute Fictional Numbers, Oloe, Aperdinalization, Boxica Escapia, Quodinfinita, The Axis of Existence, Ahistimanic, Absolute Aperdinal, The Map Number, Ionatizonis Myocrinthia, The Kalaxology, Oou, The Inner Masterium, Low-Endic Eternity, Eldritch Immensity, Infinity Against Time, Lambda Rule, Omega Rule, N-Arrowed Cycle, The Totality Of Everything, The Galacity Metiorfinien, The Googology, The Alpha-Lλγεr, Peta Mathie, The Final Overlord, Finitial Existence, The Endfimidian Finality, Supremum of Numerical Fate, The Owari Mathie, Unrelenting Metatude, Absolutely Massive, The Numerical Nexus, The Numerical Gauntlet, Ultimus Stellarius, Googological Finalion, Aleph Incomparability, Absility, Terminus, Metempiric beyondness, Oloe/True glimpse, Ruina Prolapsio, Point of Positivity, The Continuum, Circliumize One Of Numbers, LUMEVEREST, Immeasumega, Tyrant, Truer Breakdown, Boundless-Liferal, Limits of philosophy, Supracollapse, The detachable limit(OBL+), Priceless, Ultimate Corpose, The Ultimate Erembusium-Alphakanium, PHANTOM EQUINOX, .NULL., THE ABSOLUTE FINAL NUMBER, ☬☬☬☬☬☬☬☬, Beyond The End, N-Signia, PERPETUAL TRAUMA, Signia, Tameuina Tasiaon, Absiorcadinary, The Opposite, The Destroyance of Numbers, Glitchxium, The Section Dialations, Eternity, Loophole Infinity, Stratacollapse, Moonia Propretia, Mooniasede, Hammexpansion, Un-changable numbers, 3,334th page of fictional googology wiki, True uncollapsible numbers, Beyond collapsibility, Triemental Dugoogologistic function, Imaginary Numbers, Linatşhia End, The Godbell Of Fictional Numbers, Beyond bypasser, Corruption, INFINITUUM CONTINUUM, Ultimus Worldius, N E V E R, Post-Eternium, Absolute Dimensionality, Absolute Incomprehensibility, Absolute Foundation, Succulativiplex, B€ÝØÑĐ, Box Number, The Entri-End, Absualuatoliatolatilablablablabygagagafickanuafictionagoogolpginaeternitinamapinacorposinaultimatumina infilitinitilibilitility, Rest In Peace, Numbers..., THE BIGGEST NUMBER, Cadetology, Cadet Infinity, Cardinal Catastrophia, Altimatum, Omegmatum, Realituum, Oloe/True glimpse, The real world, MATHEMATICAL DEFEAT, Beyondness, 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐞....., All Numbers on The List of Numbers, And in the Chapter 2, The List of Numbers/Chapter 3, The List of Numbers/Chapter 4, The List of Numbers/Chapter 5, The List of Chapters, The List of Chapters/Chapter 2, ULTIMATE LEGENDARY ADVENTURES OF NUMERALS FOREVER!, Absolute Post-Awareness, A.I.F.T.B.P.T.E.L, Cardinal Catastrophia, Fandom User's Excerpt, Myu, Catafinity, CaseOh's number, Ultimatum, Ultimate Utter Finale, A, Absolute Nothing, Beyond Ω, Beyond Permanent Unquestionably Ultra Transcendental Larger Aleph Null Unsurpassable Limit, Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit, Limacollapse, Ultimate Cosmogony, Absolute Collapse, Real Collapse, Absolute Tequila, Dominion, Ultirragraham, Hyper Ineffability, The Absolute Anarchy List, Altimatum, Vortex runtela, The List Of Numbers, Absolute Cosmogony, A SURFACE MULTIGRAMMAR DRASTIC INFINITY ON A DISTINCT PLANE FROM INFINITIVE SIDE OVERDOSE, THE INFINITELY ARCHIVOUSGODS, The List of Numbers/Chapter 100, The List of Numbers/Chapter 10^100 Final Number, Absolute Pop-Term Epic, Absolute Post-Awareness, Absolute Potassium, Absolute Potter, Absolute Powell Number, Absolute Qalandar(AQ), Absolute Quintuplets, Absolute Rent-a-Girlfriend, Absolute Signinia Giga Singafinity, Absolute Simous, Absolute Sus, Absolute System( Ⱑᗙ ), AsendFinity, Difficulty chart, Dimatorian, Dimensiiftraium, Dinosaurgia, Dinper, Diorite, Discovered Real Bill/Discovered Real Restriction, Discovering species, Disifinity, Disk, Distance, Divine Closure, Divine Crimson Xauzin, Divine Finity, Dkwisjwjsiiwjsiwissjw, Dollarfinity, Domainless, Domba Infinity, Domination of N/Z/AA cycle 5, Domini Enlargement, Dominion, Dominium, Don't add your jjt clown shit here, Dot-Dollar Function, Double The Real Final Point, Dragonifiability, Drak number, Drakverse, Dreamingfinitacies, Droogotemotrohirityfinity, Dry ham, Dryhamme, Drynohamme, Duabsolutacthulhum, Dubstep's number, Dubstep's summer boredom number, Dubstep's true biggest number theory, Dubsteps true number, Dubstepv1's first youtube number (For something I have in mind), Dubstepv1's hibernation number, Dubstepv1 cannot name his numbers LLLLLLLL, Dubstepv1 knows fully about knowledge now ruh roh, Dulbfinity, Dunix-Quarterblety, Dunix-circledfinity, Dunix Circledfinity, Dunixfinity, Duo(lingo)finity, Duontonitotrite, Duontotrite, Duontrite, Duooricentigoogolion, Duophigmass, Duotonitrite, Duotrite, Duran, Dying zero, Dynohamme, E, E!N!D!L!E!S!S, E.C.D., E.M.P.T.Y J, E.N.A, E.N.D.L.E.S.S, E.N.D.L.E.S.S E.N.D.S, E.N.D E.N.D.I.N.G, E.S.Ş.Ţ.M.V.B.C.S.T.C.C.C.S.E.P.G.O.A.B.S.A.P.A.M.A.B.A.R.A.L.A.R, ELDRITCH IMMENSITY, END., ENDINGMAX, ENDLESS, END OF FICTIONAL NUMBERS, ENTRY-A, ERET, ERROR, ERROR404, ERT, EXPAN, EXPAN., EX of Koten - Finale, EX of Koten Ascensions, EX of Koten Gigs, EX of Koten Meta, EX of Koten Powerness, EX of Koten Sections, Earthifinity, Easy Potassium Mimic, Easy branch mimic, Ecus, Edward's number, Eftik, Eftik 2, Eftik 3, Ehfueh WF iuehwq fheiuqf heiqh uifehwuqifh euaf hd sgaf dshf gGFG fgyGYgeuf dsfyUGKFudgf fjh fewwu fewu f ew fhuwehf ewfewhf, Eichrolyzangas Indeterminate, Eichrozeiphynas, Eldritch Immensity, Eldritch Immensity (minimal scale), Eleminium Numbers, Elethifinity, Elipse, Elv function, Emman1987-2, Emoji, Emoji Battery, Emoji Battery (but all Emoji's), Emoji Preview 1, Emoji class, Emoji you live in, Empty, Empty &, IRACI DA TOP TERMI, Atumaia Ne Puel'e P'a?, THE FINALLISYT, The Final Question + 1, MEU DEUS TEM GENTE P3L4D4, The Final Axiomatic Archived Gods?, THE REAL FINAL NUMBER???, The Biggest Number, The Quataoplobó!!, Yu's Fictional Googology's Final Number, NO!'s Final Number, Mathis R.V's Final Number, NewFall2024's Final Number, Superwindows78's Final Number, Martin19Math's Final Number, Akuratchium's Final Number, OP2024's Final Number, JonRoblox's Exapt Pig's LOL, ABSOLUTE BREAKDOWN, MULTIFINITE EXISTENTIAL NULLIFICATION EXISTING IN AN INFINITE REALIFYING WHOLE, Fodder, Underscore, THE BIGGEST NUMBER, Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit, Ultimate Class, Final-Boxiest-Box-Number-True-End-Absolute-Axis-Highblety, THE FINAL ULTIMATE FINALE RESTANT LEGENDARY ULTIMATUUM ALEPH ALPHAKANIUM DESTRUCTIVIA INTERRESTELAR INFINITE OPPOSITION PARTIANITY BEYOND EVERYONE, BEYOND EVERYONE..., Hyperionia Endlessilium, Number -Ω to beyond Usual gargantuan thing that's bigger than any meaningless prefix number on the fictional googology wiki (part 4), Final intaurusinaccesiblefinity, Numberation, Infinity Against Time,E.C.D., Grenzenlosigkeit, Teorema De Zermello, The Axiomatic Archivousgods + 1, Gottwald's theorem, The last number of everything and all universes, Anti Principle Number ( A.P.N ), Final, Quod Excedit, Peta Mathie, Illimitatus (The Start of Transcology), Mathis Absolutes, Kawaikute Gomenfinity, Finitial Existence, The Shining Star In An Infinite Sky, Bozhestvennyy, Rest In ?̴͇̼̰͋͗͛̓ͅ?̷͇͔͙̏?̴̥̖̭̞̳̎̑̈́͐̈?̸̬͔͍̤̗̺̀̌̄̀̉?̶̟̻͆̓̓̒͋͠?̶̢̬̻̙̾̀̍͂͗?̵̥̞̫̃̋͑͒͛?̶͙͇͐̉͛͂?̶̪̭̱̜̗̃͂̄͗?̷̢̹͈̥̳͙͂, Numbers..., Rest in Ultimates, Numbers, Rest In Peace, Numbers..., Rest In Peace. Numbers + 1, Fictional Googology, Googolithology Wiki, Googology Wiki, Very Large Numbers Wiki, Finite Fictional Googology Wiki, Hypergoogology Wiki, Aarexology Wiki, Neology Wiki, Ben Googology Wiki, The Number Repository, Jukology Wiki

Absolute Aperdinal
This number is in Aperdinology. This means that this number surpasses this wiki. Aperdinologisms are not real and defined in Outerology and FGW.
"The Kalaxology, if it was actually surpassing the FG wiki, and more!" - Aperdikalaxinal
Smallest Number on ENTIRE Wiki!
This is the BIGGEST number on the wiki. Here's a nice gold medal
Discontinued Page
We are to inform you, THE ULTIMATE FINALE with 13656 bytes is currently discontinued and may not receive anymore edits relating to its content.
THE ULTIMATE FINALE is a vprimordial!. Pages primordial need to be protected, so if an admin sees this, they gotta protect it!
"I vandalized this" - no one (literally no one)
We inform you, at 13656 bytes, THE ULTIMATE FINALE is the LARGEST PAGE RECORDED ON THE INTERNET! How!?
THE ULTIMATE FINALE is in hyperbology.