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The Universe is the final number of DoDeca D.'s Everywhere at The True End Of Fictional Googology: Part 17, released June 22nd, 2024. It's currently the most recent number.

This number is much larger than any size proportional to an infinite destiny tending to an indeterminate number of variations, this makes the number extremely large, using functions that are difficult to determine just by looking and determining, but the number will be trillions of times more than than the whole number itself.

Function Enterdiment[]

it can be greater than any triangular number at an extreme point in the universe that may not be represented by a quantum quatorial function that determines the radius raised to a non-negative integer of a number greater than the natural and non-integers themselves, which gives the a circumstance raised to the number of questions that we can say is 1, that number is BIG, and it is but, we have to understand that the radius of the function, has to be quadract to the entire radius of a complete function, this becomes a function undefined extreme, which becomes the fastest function in the universe, for easier understanding, let's do it like this, u = The Universe, f(x) tends to "u", if f(x) tends to "u", it will If a ray/axis forms upwards, this axis will rotate so much that not even the concept of an immaterial function can change the effects of a function determined at a high level at any level of quantum understanding at an infinite level of numerical nations that change the way we understand it.

In Numbers 0 to CHUKOTIK Series[]

According to Numbers 0 to CHUKOTIK Series, This Number is Larger than TEON v1 and Absolute Aperdinal. It was in Episode I - Part V.

In EATTEOFG Part 18[]

For the next part, we will be breaking EATTEOFG parts, and this numbers function will be very powerful.

END… (⚉)

The Final Overlord (𖣁)
