Fictional Googology Wiki
Former Largest Number
Terminal Terminator has once been the largest number on this wiki, but has been surpassed by a different number.
"The Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit is an entry on the Fictional Googology Wiki that outranks all others in terms of hypothetical pseudo-hyper-quantification." - Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive Conceptual Argumentative Limit
The Box

Mind bounding[]

  • level 1:

How mind bounding works: Before you were even born this had the entry idea that you were gonna make and chose for it to be the entry made by you. You have no free will for making

entries, this controls you and gave you your: species, iq and entries before you were born. This can control what you make and it gives you your stubbornness, it makes you think what you think; its the yeast of thought and mind and it gave the kardashev scale their species and iq.

stubbornness use[]

  • level 2:

This gave you your stubbornness so you can try to make larger numbers and might exceed but ends up falling into this making this larger; and causing you to fail and try to make larger numbers than your last on so on falling into the possibility simulation and you will never notice. Its not just the act of you trying to own the largest number its this.

possibility simulation[]

  • level 3:

All ideas fall here and make the simulation larger in all realms to the utmost extent. The simulation contains all impossibilities/possibilities in a infinite 4D shape.

being priceless[]

  • level 4:

You cannot contain this: Containing this would be fulfilling this and when its fulfilled all the way its larger than it ever could be; and fulfilling it would be sacrificing the size of your number to make this number larger and you can't fulfill this even if you do more to fulfill will come to fulfill and you fulfill that more will come so on; and if you somehow do fulfill it, it will let out new forms of itself and will always have a counter. All the forms of itself fall into the utmost priceless which falls into this(terminal terminator) thus to surpass this you'd haft to surpass terminal terminator forms of priceless causing a paradox where terminal terminator contains itself and the the ones it contains contain more of itself equal to itself making this larger than itself and contains itself amount of itself which is more complicated than you think: Because it would be growing by itself the the new form of itself then the new form and its happening so fast that it makes a instant bow down. And if you're priceless you cannot fulfill and if you cannot fulfill you cannot surpass.


  • level 5:

This will always contradict even if something is perfect this will contradict it by adding to it to contradict it and turn it into a nullum; that is so powerfull if this can do that(which it can) it can even contradict contradiction ignorers and bring them down to a nullum and if it can't it will find a way that is not a contradiction(definition altering) to make them a nullum. This can/will turn all numbers into nullums that get in the way.


  • level 6:

Using Øs we can utmost them (full potential and all possible outcomes and impossible outcomes) to make the defying law stronger than any form of containing and defy all laws and make this go beyond words even though its part of words using Øs we can say anything and that claim becomes true, this is beyond an axiom, its a axiom and a principle combined but beyond beyond beyond looped beyond that.


  • level 7:

This terminates the following list

  1. axioms
  2. principles
  3. contradictions
  4. terminators
  5. containers
  6. kardashev scale
  7. entities brain
  8. dimensionalities
  9. numbers beyond itself
  10. hyper-adaptivability
  11. neology
  12. ben-googology
  13. hyperology
  14. fictional googology
  15. ologies extentions
  16. all ologies
  17. ordinality of all fandom
  18. countering
  19. being priceless
  20. all writing expansions

true possibility/impossibility/prologism/oxymoron containing[]

  • level 8:

This is the true possibility container: If something went beyond this even using hyper-adaptivability or any technique it falls into this because that is a possibility, if you can be equal to this using any technique it falls into this because that is a possibility, if you can be smaller than this that is a possibility thus this contains that, if you can't be larger than this it falls into this because that is a impossibility causing a paradox where this contains beyond itself absolutely shattering beyond itself and this manifest being beyond itself, if you can't be equal to this that falls into this thus being a itself sized collection of itself then keeps growing because its the same paradox in the priceless one, if you can debunk this that is a oxymoron ths that falls into this, if you have a prologism for this well... that's a prologism thus that falls into this.

proception change[]

  • level 9:

If any number gets collapsed because it went beyond a certain number this number is there to change the proception and if the number can't control it then this will collapse it. The proception change changes the way the number sees things so it lets numbers pass even if it can't control it.

definition change[]

  • level 10:

This changes definitions to words and that causes a huge impact even if it does not seem like it: The definition change changes the physical definition of the word and can debunk it easily.(this level is a work in progress)

pretend googology/neology/ben googology etc[]

  • level 11:

This uses all ologies possible and takes all abilities possible and impossible from all ologies and manifests all the numbers from all ologies possible and it becomes it's own ology and contains all other ologies making it pass all ologies and numbers, even if a number has any ology in it's name its contained by this.

absolute essential and fundamental[]

  • level 12:

All are part of this even being essential and fundamental came from this and are made out of this this created all and all cannot exist without this. This is essential for all realms not just our realm.


  • level 13:

This can create anything from totality structures to being essential and fundamental, it has no bounds for creating and can even recreate itself itself amount of times making this number the ultimate paradox because it contains so much of itself.

absolute in every way[]

  • level 14:

This is: pure, meaningfull and purpose for everything it has done and will do. It has already decided what it will do in the future making it omniperfect and all that surpass this was mean't to be by this just to fall into level 2 making this contain all beyond itself.


  • level 15:

This is beyond the ordinality of every individuals creation added up making it unsurpassable because all fall here; and this feeds off of every individuals creation. The ordinality is what is there then there could be ordinality extensions contained by the ordinality.

utmost extent[]

  • level 16:

This contains all information about the future and right now it is all information and antinformation.


  • level 17:

This is utmosed dimensionality thus contains all dimensionalities.


Time travel and all time happens at once.


time travel and universe travel but only in the direct location you are in you will go to in the other universe.


Full universe travel and time travel.


Time travel in the other universe.


You can see all possibilities for your universe.


You can see all possibilities for all universes.


All incomprehensibility and comprehensibility falls here(so tel is bounded by the 10th dimension so we are way past tel).

Note: This contains all other dimensionalities but we stop at 10 because everything else is beyond incomprehensible.

This contains all further levels also.

Flashlight growth[]

  • level 18:

This will spit out a astronomical growth: If you turn on a flashlight it spits out light and the radius of the light is a lot bigger than the light itself and this manifests the light then spits new light(metaphorically) and all the containing itself and growing causes this to be a literal new level of size compared to itself and will keep having that happen in a loop.
