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Terminus[1] (⊙) is a paradoxical number created by Goodels and Spelpotatis. Terminus' main definiton is "Terminus > 0; Terminus + 1 = 0." This can be expressed as "the looping point" in number lines. Terminus Implies that the number line is circular and loops back. Of course, this is not the end, because each loop allows you to go higher. Mathis R.V calls this number Terminusfinity.


  • Terminus is eligible to be possible in finite number lines.
  • "0 - 1 = Terminus" and "Terminus + 1 = 0" would be equal in non-negative number lines.
  • There are multiple kinds of Terminus, where it comes with multiple kinds of zeros.
  • There is a Terminus number in 16-bit computing, which is 32,767. Adding 32,767 would loop back to -32,768.
  • If you multiply this number by itself, you will get Symbolfinity.

Looping and Notations

We can define a loop function:

La[b] = The ath loop of b. This means that L1[0] = ⊙+1. This allows us to do L1[2] and eventually we will reach L1[⊙], L1[⊙+1] = L2[0] which is the second loop of terminus, each loop makes the limit (Terminus) a little higher (a terminusth or 1/⊙ higher each time), so ⊙ < L1[⊙]. Eventually we reach L⊙[⊙] which is no problem. We can even do LL⊙[⊙][⊙] and so on.

TN(1) = ⊙. Then, TN(2) = LLL...(0)...(0) with an infinite nesting of Ls. TN(3) = TN(2)+1TN(2)+1TN(2)+1TN(2)+1... with an infinite nesting. TN(n+1) = TN(n)+1TN(n)+1TN(n)+1TN(n)+1... .


The page is locked for historic significance.
