The Alpha-Lλγεr (symbol: α̈) is a BIG milestone of Part XII of Everywhere at the True End of Fictional Googology by DoDeca D., reached on 2023 June 24. It is the base number of Part XII of the series featuring "The Omega-Lλγεrs" section, at the end of which, you reach The Masterium! The Alpha-Lλγεr is larger than The Galacity Metiorfinien, being equal to Absolute Fictional Numbers power of power of T.H.E F.I.N.A.L E.N.D.I.N.G[reference].
The Alpha-Lλγεrium[]
The Alpha-Lλγεrium (symbol: ᾲ) is the final number of Numbers 0 to THE END OF NUMBERS???? — Episode 72 (Season 8 – Episode 2) by Freddie Fazbear 2024 on 2024 February 26. In that video it is called "The Alpha-Layer”, which can be easily confused with The Alpha-Lλγεr (and is the reason for the inclusion of this short section on this number on this page), but the number was renamed to The Alpha-Lλγεrium in TEoN Episode 73 to avoid confusion. The Alpha-Lλγεrium is larger than The Endfimidian Finality.