Former Largest Number |
The Catafilm has once been the largest number on this wiki, but has been surpassed by a different number. |
"The Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit is an entry on the Fictional Googology Wiki that outranks all others in terms of hypothetical pseudo-hyper-quantification." - Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive Conceptual Argumentative Limit |
The Catafilm is a standard projection of a meta-cologism from a higher level of reflection beyond The Gateway. It is an example of a "catareflective reverse catamirrored" version of an object that exceeds the normal boundary of standard metalogic.
Definition of Catamirroring[]
Catamirroring is a term to describe when a number or object incorrectly attributes a property to itself. The best examples of these are Conkept and the Post-n domains, where these objects claim to exceed a certain qualia or property and actually do not. A catareflective (lower version of mirroring) projection of these numbers/objects are the versions they claim to interpret, regardless of conformity to their logic. For an example, the Observational Limit's catareflective version is the highest object that can be observed according to the original definition of "observation." Or, for Absolute Aperdinal, its catareflective version is an object that exceeds all relative quantities.
There are several versions of catamirroring, similar to the hypergoogological standards of Thought Levels and collapsing values/ordering systems:
- Non-Catastasized: When an object doesn't attribute impossible conditions to itself. For example, a computer is non-catastasized.
- Catareflection: When an object attributes a property that does not conform to the logic of similar objects to itself. The opposite of this term is an autological object.
- Catamirroring: When an object does the same as the above but is not catareflected. For example, an object that exceeds all catamirroring and is not catareflected (and numerous arguments proposing such refutal) is still catamirrored. Or if one is reverse catamirrored, it still isn't due to the impossibility of reverse catamirroring.
- Reverse Catamirroring: When the object actually, objectively, materially represents its catamirrored/catareflective version. No object can claim to be truly reversed catamirrored without being catareflected back due to the impossibility of impossible conditions being synthesized into reality. Even reverse catamirroring itself is a catareflected projection of something impossible and the concept of such has to be negated into a level of Catareflection.