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The Celestial Commandment (ପ␑) is a number created by WTIF2025. It's the final number of Windows's Ultimate World Part XXIX. By definition, it is larger than every WUW part ever.

The part itself has 7000+ entries, and 80+% are AE segments with numbers flashing by. By WTIF2025, it is the biggest video yet.

The Celestial Commandment is SO big, it ACTUALLY SURPASSED TEON AND CAEL! That means this part passed TEON v2 (equal to The Absolute Eucharism) and CAEL v2 (equal to Roponiccho’s Number).

We don't know how it can be surpassed, as of right now. It might be referring to the 10 Celestial Commandments, or be a normal number that has not been surpassed yet.

The symbol names are:

[ପ] - Oriya Letter Pa

[␑] - Symbol for Device Control One

The Celestial Commandment is truly, a spectacular milestone.

I also made a meme called The Celestial Commandmegg.
