Disclaimer: This is NOT in any competition for any other superior entries. Not even I.I.U.U.I.I.Tt.L, or anything like that entry.
The Continuum is the theory of fictional googology (and other -ologies) continuing forever, regardless of termination, other googologies/sub-googologies (ex. Zepoligy, Hyperology (only an example), etc.) surpassing it, countering it, timelines, etc. You can always go beyond a number, even if it states completely otherwise. Even saying that doing so is invalid, it will just ignore that. At this point, I doubt if it's even possible to continue from this anymore.
The Continuum[]
The known "logic" of FG says that it is endless, no matter beliefs. There's a communital belief of such. Sometimes, entries get known to end the Fictional Googology wiki, but can be surpassed in ways. Many ways of entries surpassing others have been found. As time passes, entries will keep continuing to develop. Over time, they will learn how to avoid attacks, like from AEATD, IIUUIITtL, etc. They also will find bypasses, such as breaking the Potential barrier, and going beyond Post-Potential, or more likely surpassing number/entry-shrinking agents, weapons, etc, such as R-PRC. Some entries may reach the Definition Transcendence level. But even then, nothing can end Fictional Googology as a whole. Not even Total Expansion Language can be a limit of FG, you can surpass it. Even the concept of Fate itself, will not budge in comparison, due to it being in the continuity of Fictional Googology itself. Even the pure sentience of ⌀ pales in comparison to the continuity.
No matter how many times you say that you cannot surpass a number/entry/whatever, it will eventually be surpassed by something "larger'. By any logical, translogical, etc. theory saying that a number/entry/etc. can be surpassed, it will always be surpassed given enough time. There is NO exception to this, as any fictional number/entry/etc. can have flaws, no matter how much time has been spent on it. No matter how much time it will take, no matter how many record holder entries there are, it will be true. FG is endless, no matter whatever you say about it. Just denying the claims from here does not mean it cannot apply. Even if you can deny this entry, each and every entry is in every entry, so you still accept the entire entry until you deny every entry on the entirety of the Fictional Googology Wiki, and everywhere elsewhere, to not accept this entry in the slightest bit. Even at the highest possible extent in any way, this will still apply at the highest level. No amount of conceptual breakthroughs will ever get you to the end of any -ology, at all. Not even by a percent, nor a fraction. There will always be a new discovery that will make the supposed “end” become the start again.
Given a infinite amount of time, anything will happen, a infinite amount of times, if the probability is non-zero. That means, the supposed “end” of FG will be surpassed an infinite amount of times, and surpassing a “end of FG/whatever” number will happen an infinite amount of times, making Fictional Googology truly endless. Even with the perfect supremum, it will be endless. By this logic, no end of Fictional Googology exists, and thus, it will continue forever, marking any attempts to end such entirely useless. No amount of logic will change that. Not even Fx can genuinely reach the end of Fictional Googology, even in full. Even then, if a supposed "Full-FD-Lock" was reached, it will never be the end, in any way, shape, or form, no matter what, disregarding your statements entirely. So, even if you say there is a limit, there will NEVER be one, no matter if you like it or not. But, at a certain point (represented here with Ξ
), does this all break down? Yes, but it will break and be replaced again by another "Continuum" an infinite amount of times, so even if you make a point where this logic does not break down, it will continue TRULY forever, disregarding your statements about it, and continuing on the path of Fictional Googology, to never be ended in the future, or ever.
Since anything will happen an infinite amount of times, that will include reaching genuine versions "unreachable" Hyperological numbers, such as A-Lock, or Thoughtlock, and even The Question, since the "Continuum" goes on forever. You, as in yourself, will be unable to find an end to this, no matter what jargon you are able to throw at this "entry". That means, there will not be an end to this "entry". Marking such end is impossible, due to the logic I've explained. Even a classification of this "entry", or a rank, is impossible due to the logic.