Fictional Googology Wiki
Connection terminated from the universe.
You have reached Heaven.
But you are still in a great reality.
The real life is both above and below all here.


The Infinite world is beyond TRUE ERROR, pretending you are escaping Reality. It’s outside but still in.

Likewise, the Infinite world must contain and be contained by meta-Infinite worlds of its kind; but must have a stronger coverage on concepts beyond ficto-existential.

This is The Biggest number to E V E R exist.


By surpassing Fictional Googology, or overflowing to 0. Numbers before becoming 0 are transferred.


The Infinite world is beyond ficto-boxes what you expect, even Reality Level 0. Containing α-F6 fields even in a full extent. It could contain Omniabstraction and Omniexistence too.

Post-Infinite worlds are still Infinite worlds but have stronger coverages than abstractions in Infinite worlds.


There are infinite. Aarex wrote 31 positive levels for Infinite world. It can be found here.[1]


  1. Will be migrated to here soon.