Fictional Googology Wiki

TLON dosen't use the most popular path as a basis. Its path was forged from an alternate path beyond Never which uses definitions to surpass, thus being the most important to properly study and learn about. This one, however, dosen't rely exclusively on definition and is the more casual and well known of all.




TLON:MP is a list of all the milestones in Gamma Mu D Mu's main path, from 0 to The End of Numbers, and their respective definitions, video links and subdivisions into fields or defining characteristics. They will be presented in order of ascent.

List of milestones[]

Standard Googology[]

These numbers are formal and practical googolisms.

Early Fictional Googology[]

These numbers are the smallest numbers that aren't elements of Ord.


These numbers are the first number to try to surpass entire concepts.

BEYOND ???[]


These numbers are so large their definitions begin to contradict themselves.

Smallest Eterikals[]

Eterikals are to Fictional Googology what transfinite ordinals are to Googology, with Infinituum Continuum being the smallest of them.


At this point, the scales of numbers start to become blurry and you are forced to make assumptions about them. Definitions also become tough to handle by this point.

Relative Aperdinology: Ethereal class[]

Istamtae has stated on multiple instances that OBL cannot be reached on YouTube due to the fact that all YouTube numbers are fundamentally observable. Therefore, all these numbers are relatives of much larger numbers.

Breakology: Restrictless Class[]

OBL is at the end of class 26 and this is class 25, so YouTube numbers can and do exist here.


There exists a gap in milestones permeating 10 classes, those being Classes 26 to 36. See The List Of Numbers and The List Of Numbers/Chapter 2 for numbers in those classes.


The nonrigorous field tackling numbers beyond Absolute Aperdinal.


The field based on bypassing everything that can be bypassed. The end of the main path.

End of FG[]

We are approaching the true limit...
