The Masterium is the final number of Part XIII of Everywhere at the True End of Fictional Googology by DoDeca D., reached on 2 July 2023 following the video's "The Omega-Lλγεrs" section and short cycle and AE version. Its symbol is [☆M]1. It's equal to Ѧ[-3].
Related numbers[]
The aforementioned AE version contains the number Absolute Aeon, the final number of Season I of Freddie Fazbear 2023's Numbers 0 to The End of Numbers series.
Part XIV of EatTEOFG contains the "unimaginable Masteries" section that was advertised in Part X. The Masterium's derived numbers were not part of the original version, and were originally scrapped after DoDeca D. became "demotivated from FG" and "felt so far behind". However, after Freddie Fazbear 2024 created a version of the part with the scrapped section and DoDeca D. found it to be more likeable than the original, the original version was unlisted and replaced with the new and improved version, and the "unimaginable Masteries" section that was originally promised and previously only featured in a fanmade Part XIV ending in The Section Dialations became real. This part actually contains two cycles, with the final number of the first being The Masteridium with symbol [★M]1, and the second passing many of the community's numbers, with the first entry featured being Tameuina Tasiaon and the resulting AE version eventually transitioning into the original version's AE version and ending in Infinituum Continuum.