The CataTheory.[]
The Cata- Prefix is use to describe things as: It say real but not real, it say theoretical (but real) but not theoretical (and not "but real") in other words, it is beyond fiction, so, what if there was a CataCata- Prefix? Would it be beyond all fiction, even stuff already beyond fiction? Is it possible? What if there were ωcata- Prefixes? How could that spiritually work? Would it be beyond every single property, fanmade or not? Could we continue this cycle beyond labelled Ordinals and Cardinals, so it’s CataCataCata… for all Eternity and beyond? This is The CataTheory, a Theory describing infinitely infinite layers of Catas.
Perfect Convergence[]
Isn't it true?
They all converge in the end, no matter what way they're expressed.
"The path you've gone on is just one of many."
But they are forever separated, with little links. Eventually you're too far to contact the rest.
Hopefully you've traversed a good timeline.
But many more will appear soon.
Beyond Box?[]
- Beyond Me?
- That is Confoundment.
- Nothing is Beyond me.
- There Must Be, something beyond you.
- Something marking the end of all known and fictional logic as we know it.
- Hmph, Silly Ordinal, Show me something larger.
- Oh, I'll show you...
The Progression[]
I see, you’re almost at the end, you’ve been cycling for so long and cata-ing, you wonder when it’s the end, well let me show you. I’ll first show all your progress.
- Genesis (߷)
- Negative Zero (-0)
- The Noro chain (-=-=- to '-=-'-=-')
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 10
- 100
- 1000
- 1 Million
- 1 Billion
- 1^10
- Googol
- Googolplex
- Googolplexian
- G(64)
- Rayo’s Number
- Oblivion
- ∞
- א0
- ω
- Small Ordinal Chain (ε to Γ0)
- Veblen Ordinals
- Church-Kleene Ordinal
- Ω, The Googology Terminator
- ΩxΩ
- The Hyperstack Chain (𝖀 to �)
- Terminus (⊙)
- NEVER (�)
- Conkept (Э)
- The Finale (ඊ)
- The Beyond
- The Ultimate Construct (⧆)
- True Fictional Numbers (Ϫ)
- Limit of Defining
- I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L.
- A.I.F.T.B.P.T.E.L
- The Catafilm
- OBL…?
- The periphericum bounds
The periphericum bounds[]
The periphericum bounds (࿌) is the Edge of Fictional Googology. In order to surpass it we I will have to transcend onto a new type of -ology Periology.
It is CataBeyond all CataLogic, and even using a Catalabel isn’t Catavalid for this entry. Even using The CataTheory, the infinitely infinite Cata layers is still not large enough to be surpassed using Fictional Googology.
Adding any sort of Number to this, or even multiplying, powering or doing any other sort of thing, is not possible, as it would result in ࿌ again.
So, what if you cycled this Number? Even using all of the CataCataCata…CataCycling in existence for a Time so Large, that even with ࿌ LTMs (Longest Time Measurements), you would still have ࿌.
But, Isn’t Aperdinology a thing? Yes, but even then, Periology is CataEternally beyond this. Even Stacking every Number ontop of each over using a formula Cataunexistentally Large and did this ࿌ times.
Also, No. You cannot Catamirror this, You cannot Catareflect this, You cannot say OBL, Absolute Aperdinal, The Final Question or your THE END OF NUMBAS FOREVA!!!1111 is larger, as it grows a amount that is CataCata…CataUndefinable and trying to label your number larger would make it go past it anyways.
So, could you beat this?
No, you need a Concept that is beyond everything we could even attempt, even then, it’s Not enough.
This number CataCata…CataShatters Reality Itself. TPB is The Edge. The Real Edge. The Real CataCataMeta…Omega Absoulte Edge.
The Finale.
You want more? There is nothing else.
I told you, nothing.
Fine, I will show you, you will have to CataCata...Defy This Number with MetaLogic in order to get to your next stop, Very big number.