Fictional Googology Wiki

Discover: Gonner2024

Symbol: None or not revealed yet

Well defined?: No

Larger: ?̷ ̵?̷ ̶ ̷?̶ ̸?̷, The Explosive End, Absolute Fractal (Polstok2024), Verumfinis finalis, HUGEST, TRTPC, Absolute Penrose, The Final Overlord, The Abstract Hypermathematical Point, The Kalaxology, Absolute Unknownus, Extractifiniteium, NO! 9/9, Absolute Destructuonation, Astralix finomniea, THE END OF NUMBERS

Smaller: The Life, FIMU, The Absolute Demise, The Liminal, Ionatizonis Myocrinthia, Ultimus Worldius, THE UNIVERSE


NO! 8/9, The "caseoh" was changed to "chaos".
