Fictional Googology Wiki

Not to be confused with the difficulty.

The Ultimate Construct (⧆) is the Supernatural Number that holds the bridge between all Observeable Numbers. Without it, all observable Numbers would Spontaneously Collapse into Genesis and become [COLLAPSE ERROR] It’s Located at the End of Pre-Ethereal Class.


TUC’s Formula is not even definable, only MetaLogic can get you there, not even TFN^^^^^^^^^..…………^^^^^^^TFN is close.

It's More of the Genesis of Undefinable Numbers and Can't Be Attached to any Non-Meta Object or Property that is below this nor can it be attributed to anything.

The Ultimate Construct is also Some what Unobserveable, requiring god-levels in order to observe at a uncollapsed form.


  • TUC’s Formula used to be FOM2^^^^^^^^^..…………^^^^^^^FOM2.
  • This used to be an Ethereal Class Number.
    • Primarily because Ethereal class used to be JTC spam.
      • It might be readded back there.
        • nobody wanted it added back there
  • For some reason, clicking on the image shows the old version.
    • This is now fixed.
  • This Number has not appeared in any series yet.
    • However, this has been Marked by Nova1789 (Noahbloxian2010’s Scratch Account) to appear in his Numbers 0 to … series.