The Unbreakable Border is an entry that constantly makes itself harder to break.
Version 1.0[]
This version contains all properties that are breakable, unbreakable, and/or any other state of breakable. It is transcendent over all logic, and all of its properties, including this definition, are used in the ways that boost each other the most possible, impossible, etc. Unbreakable properties are properties that are unchangeable in any form.
Version 1.1[]
This version uses all iterations of independencies from all sides (inside, outside, etc.) of -nesses (pseudoness, metaness, pataness, etc.), -tachabilities (attachability, detachability, distachability, etc.), and sensories (viewability, fictionalization, embodiments, etc.) It is so outside of everything that using any iteration of physical properties, such as boxes, doesn't even get you anywhere near this border. Simply stating versions of The Unbreakable Border won't work (unless they have an official definition), as they are just attachments of its initial version, Version 1.0.
Version 2.0[]
This version uses all properties within all -codings (encodings, decodings, etc.) and transcendental numbers and cannot be coded or un-transcended regardless of any of these properties.
Encoded transcologisms use ficto-abstraction of decoded and encoded stratalogical things within FMS-point (FMS is short for Fictional Matrix System). Any -cryption counts as -coding. Originally, this was meant to surpass transcendental numbers, but due to Aripiprazole Setplex, they were only prebroken. Here's what some of the transcendental numbers would've been if Version 2.0 reached them:
Transcendental Zero > Real-life limit
Transcendental The Phrase Function = Strata Moonbow
Transcendental T..H..E E..N..D = Abstracension
Transcendental ????[3] > Oloe
Version 2.0.1[]
This version is the same as Version 2.0, except if it were to actually surpass -scendentals after doing things to them that are required, such as prebreaking, applying Zffinisms, and more. This includes -box-transcendentals, self-claimed transcendentals, asymptotic transcendentals, etc.
All -'s are allcata-ized, allowing them to be replaced with texts in any form, even beyond ill-kathtext.
Version 2.1[]
This version cannot be fysikally-iterable.
Fysiks cannot be ignored with any physics, including treolphysics (which use treol- to encompass any attachment of physics, even itself), tetreolphysics (which are boundless from any attachment), and so on. They cannot correspond to anything, not even fields, as they have the same power as kathfysiks, treolfysiks, tetreolfysiks, [fysikal concept]-like fysiks, and so on. They are purely maximality-less.
The treolphysics here can be considered pata-[xeno] fallacies, with tetreolphysics being pata-[hyper] fallacies, and so on. Fysiks are an Unending property.
Version 2.2[]
This version is beyond "paradoxically-outsides", but cannot be built with any Surpaxiomatic System.