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"There is no end to googology, things go on forever. However, it can be hard going past certain things, especially large projects. So if you cant beat em... join em!"
-Xenoshey, 5/24/2022
"You know crap gets real when a page exeeds 20 kilobytes" beat this Looped dimensional number
-Xenoshey, 5/27/2022
"My balls are tiny. So tiny you'd think they'd be 1/2^the sum of every number listed and unlisted in this page."
- AdjNouNum69, 5/27/2022
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-Xenoshey, 6/7/2022 6/8/2022
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-Someone who owns a fish, 6/8/2022
The Xie-nya Pagoda [謝娜] is an Unending, Fractalizing Pagoda with different floors, Each with their own properties. The Higher the level, the larger the number gets. This Pagoda delves into Insanely strange ways of defining numbers. It is inspired by TheGoogologist saying that 𝔖𝔞𝔠𝔯𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔲𝔪 is " Within Heir to the Stars, would encompass the entire First Floor, with anything beyond perceiving it as essentially an illusionary speck of dust." It is discovered by Xenoshey and AdjectiveNounNumber69. If you want to contribute, you can ask Xenoshey and you may very well be able to add your own things to this page. This is currently one of the longest pages in the wiki, and it currently holds the biggest number. , its biggest number is "Xieternity Ineffability l(Ω)imit5" , but this changes normally. All amounts in the pagoda are surrpassed by all "Amounts" in The Kame-Sai Cathedral. Because of the Existance of the Kame-Sai Cathedral, the pagoda isint truly unending, but its limit is at the beggining of the Kame-Sai Cathedral.
Hey guys.. Xeno here. I recently got ahold of a family members iPad, so I’ll be making edits for now. Don’t expect me to stick around for a while though…
Basically, this is for all the stuff that does not define the Xie-Nya pagoda, but is about it.
Fou-Tsu-nan Axioms[]
These Axioms are the foundation of the Xie-Nya pagoda. These are also re-enforcements so that people dont end-all-be-all out of the pagoda. All numbers are in the pagoda.
- Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 1: All numbers without non-Numerical attributes are in Fang-Pao, no exeptions.
- Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 2: All numbers that try to go beyond the pagoda will get a pagoda room of their own, no exeptions.
- Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 3: All numbers that deny these axioms do not exist, and thus the axioms cannot be denyed.
- Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 4: Every singe axiom can exist and does exist. This axiom cannot exist without Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 4, so this axiom is true.
- Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 5: Numbers can have any characteristic, whether it is numerical or not, possible or impossible, paradoxical or unknown.
- Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 6: All Fou-Tsu-Nan axioms are hyper-meta, so no greater axiom can deny it.
- Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 7: Mathematics have no end, so there is no "Biggest Number", thus the pagoda has no top.
- Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 8: There are an infinite amount of Fou-Tsu-Nan axioms because of the size of the pagoda.
- Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 9: Every number has existed, does exist, and always will exist. Numbers are not created, but are discovered.
- Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 10: The Pagoda is fractalizing and there is no final iteration, only a first iteration.
- Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 11: The Xie-Nya function has no limit, so there is no way to limit it. ◈ is useless to the Xie-Nya function as well.
- Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 12: There are no negative or fractional levels of the pagoda, only whole number levels
- Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 13: Each level is as ultimited and unending and the full pagoda itself, its just that to go larger we need to disregarded the fact that normally it would be as Impossible to go to even the next smallest sub-division of the pagoda as to reach the true biggest number.
- Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 14: The more beings that discover each number in each layer in each iteration, the bigger each number beyond Fang-Pao gets.
- Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 15: There are no limits in the pagoda, only infinite layers of limits. (Example: Shuifinity is not the biggest number in the Shui Room of Kang-Fu)
- Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 16: The first number in each level is always the absolute smallest in that level
- Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 17: All numbers after another after Fang-Pao are on a newer level of Hyper Ineffability
The Xie-Nya function[]
This function is pretty simple. basically:
寶↑(n) = The largest/last number in the nth level of the pagoda
寶↓(n) = The Smallest/first number in the nth level of the pagoda
All Extensions Ineffable Beyond Ineffability Beyond Ineffability Beyond Ineffability...
- 寶↑(1,1) > 寶↑(n)
- 寶↑(1,1,1) > 寶↑(n,n)
- 寶↑(1,1,1,1) > 寶↑(n,n,n)
- 寶↑(1,,1) > 寶↑(n,n,n...)
- 寶↑(1,,,1) > 寶↑(n,,n,,n...)
- 寶↑(1:1) > 寶↑(n,,,...)
Feel free to extend it as much as you want, this is one of the only parts of this page anyone can freely edit without permission from Xenoshey or AdjectiveNoun.
Part 1: The Finite Levels[]
Level 1: Normal Concepts [Fang-Pao] 方炮[]
Mathematical Attributes[]
Level 1 of the Pagoda is the level in which most hyper/fictional googological numbers lie. All of which are basic, abstract quantities: which means they can be use to number things and that only. Their only attribute is that it can be applied to any scale and be used to count. Its first member is Zero and its last is TELONYWA. This list also ends somewhere in this class. Some notable numbers in this level are:
And everything else in 𝔖𝔞𝔠𝔯𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔲𝔪. It is the Set of all numbers with the only attribute being that it can be used as a quantity. Beyond this, are possibly the most fictional numbers you have ever seen. Nobody exept for AdjectiveNoun and Xenoshey have gone beyond this level. It is impossible to leave this level without adding other attributes to a number. Also, all numbers involving thought experiments are here, since they are more abstract that attributes.
In Human Eyes[]
(This is just a kind of world building this you can ignore this if u want)
Basically, the walls of this floor are full of blue dots on a black background. Each of these dots represent a Googologist across your home universe currently thinking of new numbers. There is also a gigantic blue fire raging in the center with many puffs of smoke. Each puff of smoke represents a googological idea rising up to their designated floor. They become numbers if they are in the first floor. Gold is also a sacred material in this level, as it represents the eternity that numbers have, and will exist.
Level 2: Physical Attributes [Fu-Tao] 傅涛[]
Mathematical Attributes[]
Level 2 of the Pagoda is about Physical Attributes such as Size, Shape, Density, and Atoms (Not including Energy, so no unintended life). Every number in Fu-Tao has at least one of these attributes.
List of numbers[]
- The "Smallest" Number [.] (Smaller than a plank length)
- The "Largest" Number [□] (Size is Inaccessible, on Inaccessibility rank II)
- Smallest Line [-]
- Longest Line [---...]
- Smallest Digon
- Largest Digon
- Smallest Triangle
- Largest Triangle
- Number Shape Limit (weak) [◯] (True Perfect Circle, Inaccessible amount of sides, Infinitely small)
- Number Shape Limit (Strong) [◯] (True Perfect Circle, Inaccessible amount of sides, Infinitely Large)
- Infinite Singularity Limit [⬤] (Singularities containing Singularities containing Singularities containing...)
- Heaviest Atom Numeral [∵] (The true Heaviest atom)
- Fu-Tao Tutti [⨈10100] (All attributes before hand plus one ineffable one set to 10100)
- Fu-Tao Omniverse break [ꔁ] (Largest number that can exist in a space as big as an Omniverse)
- Fu-Tao Collapsing Point [ꗈ] (Point before everything collapses into a Meta-2 Singularity, this is not the end however)
- Fu-Tao Grandiose finality [ꖡ] (Largest number in Fu-Tao that beings can imagine without level 1 thinking)
- Fu-Tao Grandiose finfinality [ꖡ2] (Largest number in Fu-Tao that beings can imagine without level 1 thinking in rreality)
- Final Fu-Tao Grandiose finality [ꖡ◈] (Largest number in Fu-Tao that beings can imagine without level 1 thinking in an inaccessible reality reality)
- Final Fu-Tao Grandiose finality loop [ꖡ◈xꖡ◈]
- Final Fu-Tao Grandiose finality stack [ꖡ↺ꖡ◈]
- Final Fu-Tao Grandiose finality hyperstack [ꖡ↺ꖡ◈]
Level 3: Meta-1 souls [Kang-Fu] 康福[]
This is the part where numbers gain soul, but do not gain intelligence yet. It works in pair with Fu-Tao. It is split into 6 main rooms, however there are infinitely many more "smaller" rooms.
Room 1: Fire [Huo] 火[]
In this room, Numbers gain the Fire magatama to their soul slough, which brings Confrontation. The fire magatama makes it so that the numbers "confront" larger numbers and add them to their set.
Number List[]
- Fire Slough Number [🜂I] (Killing off 1 number every Ω years)
- Fire 1/2-full Number [🜂II] (Killing off 1 number every Ω/2 years)
- Fire 3/4-full Number [🜂III] (Killing off 1 number every Ω/4 years)
- Fire (Ω-1)/Ω-full Number [🜂IΩ] (Killing off 1 number every Ω/2Ω years)
- Fire ((Fire (Ω-1)/Ω-full Number)-1)/(Fire (Ω-1)/Ω-full Number)-full Number [🜂IΩ2]
- Fire Full Number [🜂🜂🜂] (Full fire magatama, kills off 1 number every 0 time)
- Fire Overfilled 101% Number [🜂🜂🜂🜂🜂🜂🜂🜂🜂] (Overfilling by 1% causes growth to an HI1 ineffable amount of numbers every 0 time)
- Fire Overfilled Ω% Number [🜂🜂🜂🜂🜂🜂🜂🜂🜂⟳Ω] (Overfilling by 1% causes growth to an HIΩ ineffable amount of numbers every 0 time)
- Fire Overfilled Limit Number [🜂🜂🜂]
- Huofinity [燃烧]
- Huofinity Extended [燃烧]
- Huofinity Extended Infinity [燃烧]
- Huofinity Extended Eternity [燃烧]
- Huofinity Extended Singularity [燃烧]
- Huofinity Extended Restack [燃烧]
- Huofinity Extended Looping [燃烧]
- Huofinity Extended Limit [燃烧]
- Huo Limit (Limit for all Pure fire numbers)
Room 2: Water [Shui] 水[]
In this room, Numbers gain the Water magatama to their soul slough, which brings change. The water magatama makes it so that numbers can "change" their value over time to become larger without killing off other numbers. All numbers in Shui are larger than the ones in Huo.
List of numbers[]
- Water Slough Number [🜄] (Grows slowly, going up about 1 Inaccessibility level every Plank time)
- Water Full Number[🜄100]] (Going up about an HI0 Ineffable amount of Inaccessibility levels every Plank time)
- Water Overfilled 1% Number [🜄101] (Going up about an HI(Changes +1 every plank time) Ineffable amount of Inaccessibility levels every 0 time)
- Water Changing Slough Number [🜄δ] (Going up about an HI(The Slough now changes to get bigger, allowing more magatama matter to flourish instead of getting more useless the more far away they are from the slough)
- Water Changing Slough Full Number [🜄δ<🜄δ] (Now eternally full no matter how much the magatama slough changes)
- Water Changing Slough Overfilled 101% Number [🜄<🜄δ[P1]] (Eternally Overfilled by 1% no matter how much the magatama slough changes)
- Water Changing Slough Overfilled Ω% Number [🜄<🜄δ[PΩ]] (Eternally Overfilled by Ω% no matter how much the magatama slough changes)
- Water Changing Slough Overfilled Limit Number [🜄<🜄δ[P◈]] (Always greater than itself)
- Shuifinity [濕的] (HI(Changes +1 every 0 time) Ineffable to describe)
Room 3: Wood [MuTou] 木頭[]
In this room, Numbers gain the Wood magatama to their soul slough, which brings chance. The wood magatama makes it so that numbers have a chance to increase their value by a very very large amount (cannot be enumerated) in no time, but between these times where they have chances to increase their value, their value does not change. All numbers in MuTou are larger than the ones in Shui, even though it seems like the numbers in Shui would be larger than the ones in MuTou. The names in Wood are changed up a bit to fix boredom. Also, the "re-roll" for each number is once every plank times. So since these numbers are larger than The 2nd heaven numbers, they grow faster than instantly. Even Wood slough number grows extremely fast.
List of numbers[]
- Wood Slough Number[•] (0% chance, still possible to become larger, but infinitely rare)
- Wood 1% Full Number[•1] (1% chance)
- Wood Full Number[•100] (100% chance)
- Wood II[••] (•% chance)
- Wood Chance Number VI[•6•] (HIΩ-5 Ineffable to describe how common)
- Wood Chance Number II [•2•] (HIΩ-1 Ineffable to describe how common)
- Wood Chance Slough Limit Overfill Number [M•] (Impossiblly Ineffable)
- Wood True Limit [M•5/4] (...)
- MuTouFinity[生長] (Always no matter what, constantly)
Room 4: Metal [JinShu] 金屬[]
In this room, Numbers gain the Metal magatama to their soul slough, which brings Eternity. The Metal Magatama makes it so that each numbers are Eternally larger than the numbers before it, and Eternally larger than themselves, never reaching their true final size. All numbers in JinShu are larger than the ones in MuTou.
- Metal Slough Number [🜚]
- Full Metal Slough Number [🜚100]
- Metal Slough Overfilled Limit Number [🜚◈]
- Metal Slough Overfilled Limit Number Meta-2 [🜚◈2]
- Metal Slough Overfilled Limit Number Meta-🜚 [🜚◈🜚]
- Metal Overfilled Loop no 1 [🜚↺1]
- Metal Overfilled Loop no 2 [🜚↺2]
- Metal Overfilled Loop no 🜚 [🜚↺🜚]
- Metal Overfilled Loop Limit [🜚↺◈🜚]
- Metal Overfilled True Limit [/🜚\]
- Metal Overfilled True Final Limit [/🜚\\]
- Metal Overfilled True Final Divine-2 Limit [/🜚\\\]
- Metal Overfilled True Final Divine-5 Limit [/🜚\\\\\\]
- Metal Overfilled True Final Divine-(forever) Limit [/🜚\\\\\\...]
- JinShufinity [金屬] (Unending greed, always larger than numbers larger than it)
Room 5: Earth [Diqiu] 地球[]
In this room, Numbers gain the Earth magatama to their soul slough, which brings Loops. The Earth Magatama makes it so that numbers are larger than numbers larger than themselves. Obviously all numbers in Diqiu are larger than the ones in JinShu.
Earth Numbers[]
- Earth Slough Number (Y) (larger than numbers 2Y)
- Full Metal Slough Number (Y1) (self referential = P) (> PP)
- ...
- Earth Slough Overfilled Limit Number Meta X (YY) (>>)
- Earth Loop Y (loop of everything before this one, Y loops)
- Diqiufinity (众春) (truly endless loops of looping loops looping... over earth super loop Y)
Room 6: Central Mountain [TongNou] 通諾[]
In this room, all magatamas previously separated will come together and make Ineffably Ineffable numbers, even the slough of all 5 magatamas together make numbers larger than the most overfilled of singular magatamas.
List of numbers[]
- Tong-No 5 magatamas Slough
- Tongnoufinity
- Tongnoufinity loop 2
- Tongnoufinity loop 10
- Tongnoufinity loop Ω
- Tongnoufinity loop Tongnoufinity loop Ω
- Tongnoufinity loop Ω Tongnoufinity loop Ω Tongnoufinity loop Ω
- Tongnoufinity layer 2 loop Ω
- Tongnoufinity layer 5 loop Ω
- Tongnoufinity layer Ω loop Ω
- Final Tongnoufinity
Room ?: [UNKNOWN] [Fo-Tsu][]
What if there was an unlimited about of magatamas in a soul?
Number list[]
- Fo-Tsu Kain (All possible magatamas)
- Fo-Tsu Lain (All possible/impossible magatamas)
- Fo-Tsu Fin (All magatamas)
Level 4: Metaphysical Attributes[]
Basically, Metaphysical is a concept inspired by Superreality. Basically, by typing out more numbers with Metaphysical attributes, they will exist in our dimension, just far far away. Things that are in our layer of reality are far grander than in fiction
Number List[]
- The "Smallest" Real Number [.]
- The "Biggest" i(1) Real Number [◍1]
- The "Biggest" i(5) Real Number [◍5]
- The "Biggest" i(Ω) Real Number [◍Ω]
- The "Biggest" i(max) i(1) Real Number [◍max,1]
- The "Biggest" i(max) i(max) i(1) Real Number [◍max,1]
- The "Biggest" i(max) (max loop 3) Real Number [◍↺3]
- The "Biggest" i(max) (max loop (stack 2)+Ω) Real Number [◍↺◍↺Ω]
- The "Biggest" i(max) (max loop (stack 3)+Ω) Real Number [◍↺◍↺◍↺◍↺Ω]
- The "Biggest" i(max) (max loop (stack ω)+Ω) Real Number [ω⇞◍↺◍↺◍↺◍↺⋰]
- The "Biggest" i(max) (max loop (stack Ω)+Ω) Real Number [Ω⇞◍↺◍↺◍↺◍↺⋰]
- The "Biggest" i(max) (max loop (stack Ω⇞◍↺◍↺◍↺◍↺⋰)+Ω) Real Number [Ω⇞2◍↺◍↺◍↺◍↺⋰]
- The "Biggest" i(max) (max loop (stack Ω⇞2◍↺◍↺◍↺◍↺⋰)+Ω) Real Number [Ω⇞3◍↺◍↺◍↺◍↺⋰]
- The "Biggest" Real Number Prestige 2 (4) [Ω⇞4◍↺◍↺◍↺◍↺⋰]
- The "Biggest" Real Number Prestige 2 (Ω) [Ω⇞Ω◍↺◍↺◍↺◍↺⋰]
- The "Biggest" Real Number Prestige 2 (Ω) (layer 2) [Ω⇞Ω⇞Ω◍↺◍↺◍↺◍↺⋰◍↺◍↺◍↺◍↺⋰]
- The "Biggest" Real Number Prestige 2 (Ω) (layer 3) [Ω⇞Ω⇞Ω⇞Ω◍↺◍↺◍↺◍↺⋰◍↺◍↺◍↺◍↺⋰◍↺◍↺◍↺◍↺⋰]
- The "Biggest" Real Number Prestige 3 (1) [⇱◍1]
- The "Biggest" Real Number Prestige 3 (5) [⇱◍5]
- The "Biggest" Real Number Prestige 3 (Ω) [⇱◍Ω]
- The "Biggest" Real Number Prestige 3 (Ω) (layer 2) [⇱◍⇱◍Ω]
- The "Biggest" Real Number Prestige 3 (Ω) (layer 3) [⇱◍⇱◍⇱◍Ω]
- The "Biggest" Real Number Prestige 3 (Ω) (layer Ω) [⇱◍⇱◍⇱◍⋱,Ω]
- The "Biggest" Real Number Prestige 3 (Ω) (layer ⇱◍⇱◍⇱◍⋱,Ω) [⇱◍⇱◍⇱◍⋱,⇱◍⇱◍⇱◍⋱,Ω]
Numbers In this level loop on Reality... Unending all the way to Meta-1 Authorlock and beyond...
Level 5: Visual Attributes[]
Before this point: all numbers have been invisible, now we shall bring light to the infinite!
Number list[]
- The Dimmest Number [⨷ or ⨷0]
- 5% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷5]
- 10% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷10]
- 15% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷15]
- 20% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷20]
- 25% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷25]
- 30% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷30]
- 35% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷35]
- 40% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷40]
- 45% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷45]
- 50% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷50]
- 55% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷55]
- 60% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷60]
- 65% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷65]
- 70% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷70]
- 75% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷75]
- 80% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷80]
- 85% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷85]
- 90% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷90]
- 95% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷95]
- Absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷100]
- True Absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷ω]
- True Absolute Divine bright [⨷ or ⨷Ω]
- True Absolute Divine Ultimate bright [⨷ or ⨷Э]
- True Absolute Divine Ultimate Chaotic bright [⨷ or ⨷Ѫ]
- True Absolute Divine Ultimate Chaotic Ineffable bright [⨷ or ⨷⇧]
- True Absolute Divine Ultimate Chaotic Ineffable Unknowable bright [⨷ or ⨷♕]
- True Absolute Divine Ultimate Chaotic Ineffable Unknowable Cosmic bright [⨷ or ⨷ᚾ]
- True Absolute Divine Ultimate Chaotic Ineffable Unknowable Cosmic Gamma bright [⨷ or ⨷ፈ]
- True Absolute Divine Ultimate Chaotic Ineffable Unknowable Cosmic Gamma Finalitial bright [⨷ or ⨷727]
- Absolute Omnionic bright [⨷ or ⨷◈]
Part 2: The Infinite Levels[]
Level ω: Grand Xie-Nya Finite Tutti, all Possible Attributes. [Xie-Nya-You-Xian-Quan-Bu] 謝娘遊仙泉布[]
Unlike the lower levels, which only utilize singular objects, this level merges all Possible Attributes (Not all of them, just the Possible ones). Out of this also emerges the conversion of objects to numbers, but there is no real way to rank them, except for the Smallest number, Largest number, and their medians. The only numbers that can be ranked are the ones that try to push the limits of this level.
Number List[]
- Slabyybozhestvennyy
- Bozhestvennyy
- Numerical arc (Grandiose Final Pu-Xiao Loop) (arc limit is 1+ sum of possible, impossible, etc. arcs)
- ALBL(arc limit[2])
- APA(L)
- APA(L⨀)
- APA(L⨀⨀)
- APA(L⨀⨀⨀)
- APA(L⨀10)
- APA(L⨀◈)
- APA(L⨀◈2)
- APA(L⨀◈◈)
- APA(LL⨀◈◈)
- APA(LLL⨀◈◈)
- APA(◈)
- APA(◈)[↺]
- APA(◈)[↺1]
Level ω1: Hyper Universal Xie-Nya Tutti, all Universal Attributes [Xie-Nya-Zhang-Gyou] 謝娘張圭[]
This level utilizes all Attributes, whether it be Possible, Impossible, or anything in between/beyond.
Number List[]
- Wúxiàndeshénxìng [ꗂ]
- Hyper Universal Looping
- Hyper -versal Looping (limit -verse)
- Post-Verse Numbers
- Ü
- Über
- Riesig
- Chaotisch
- Grenze
- Unaussprechlich
- Jenseits des Unbeschreiblichen
- Jenseits der unbeschreiblichen Grenze
- Panne
- Korruption
- Das göttliche Unbeschreibliche
- Über dem göttlichen Unaussprechlichen
- Heilig jenseits der Unbeschreiblichkeit
Level ω2: Hyper Universal Xie-Nya Tutti, all Multiversial Attributes [Xie-Nya-Chao-Fang] 謝娘朝方[]
This level utilizes all Attributes, whether it be Possible, Impossible, or anything in between/beyond/above. Utilizing first layer imaginary numbers.
Number List[]
- Shénshèngzhōngjí [ꗀ]
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Looper [ꗀ↺]
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper [ꗀ↺⇱]
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper Limit [ꗀ↺⇱⇫]
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper LLimit [ꗀ↺⇱⇯⇬⇮⇫]
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper LLLimit [ꗀ↺⇱⇯⇬⇮⇫↑↟↥↿↾⇑⇪⇡⇞⇧]
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper LLLLimit [ꗀ↺⇱⇯⇬⇮⇫↑↟↥↿↾⇑⇪⇡⇞⇧...] (All Up arrows possible)
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper LLLLLimit [ꗀ↺⇱⇯⇬⇮⇫↑↟↥↿↾⇑⇪⇡⇞⇧...] (All Up arrows possible and Impossible)
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper LLLLLLimit [ꗀ↺⇱⇯⇬⇮⇫↑↟↥↿↾⇑⇪⇡⇞⇧...] (All Up arrows possible and Impossible (Above and below in 2 dimensions))
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper LLLLLLLimit [ꗀ↺⇱⇯⇬⇮⇫↑↟↥↿↾⇑⇪⇡⇞⇧...] (All Up arrows possible and Impossible (Above and below in 3 dimensions))
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper LLLLLLLLimit [ꗀ↺⇱⇯⇬⇮⇫↑↟↥↿↾⇑⇪⇡⇞⇧...] (All Up arrows possible and Impossible (Above and below in 4 dimensions))
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper LLLLLLLLLimit [ꗀ↺⇱⇯⇬⇮⇫↑↟↥↿↾⇑⇪⇡⇞⇧...] (All Up arrows possible and Impossible (Above and below in 5 dimensions))
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper LLLLLLLLLLLLLLimit [ꗀ↺⇱⇯⇬⇮⇫↑↟↥↿↾⇑⇪⇡⇞⇧...] (All Up arrows possible and Impossible (Above and below in 10 dimensions))
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper Lωimit [ꗀ↺⇱⇯⇬⇮⇫↑↟↥↿↾⇑⇪⇡⇞⇧...] (All Up arrows possible and Impossible (Above and below in ω-5 dimensions))
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper LΩimit
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper Lꗀimit
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper LShénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper Lꗀimitimit
Level ω3: Hyper Universal Xie-Nya Tutti, all Multiversial Attributes [Xie-Nya-Sui-Xiang] 謝娘遂鄉[]
This level utilizes all Attributes, whether it be Possible, Impossible, or anything in between/beyond/above in 3 dimensions. Utilizing 2nd layer imaginary numbers.
Number List[]
- Shēnhóngchāo [ꔜ]
Level ωω: Hyper Universal Xie-Nya Tutti, all Multiversial Attributes [Xie-Nya-Tao-Lung] 謝娘道龍[]
This level utilizes all Attributes, whether it be Possible, Impossible, or anything in between/beyond/above in ω dimensions. Utilizing ω layer imaginary numbers.
Number List[]
- Zuìhòudexiǎngxiàng [ꔾ]
- Zuìhòudexiǎngxiàng Loopstack [ꔾꔾ]
- Zuìhòudexiǎngxiàng Loopstack2 [ꔾꔾꔾ]
Part 3: Xie-Nya Ultimate levels[]
These levels are levels that are the numbers beyond Fang-pao
Level The "Smallest" Number: Ineffable Xie-Nya [Hua-Zhong-Fao][]
One of the first Ineffable layers, meaning it is impossible to describe how many attributes are in this level. It is also impossible to describe a set of attributes in this level that are already in lower levels, as new attributes here are indescribable, like the amount of attributes in the level. The word "amount" is used instead of "number" because it cannot be enumerated.
Number List[]
- Iiarawasenai
- Gurando Iiarawasenai
- Sono-jō Gurando Iiarawasenai
- Iiarawasenai word extending limit
- Iiarawasenai word extending llimit
- Iiarawasenai word extending lllimit
- Iiarawasenai word extending l(max1)imit
- Iiarawasenai word extending l(max10)imit
- Iiarawasenai word extending l(maxΩ)imit
- Iiarawasenai word extending l(maxHI1limit)imit
- Iiarawasenai word extending l(maxHI5limit)imit
- Iiarawasenai word extending l(maxHI10limit)imit
- Iiarawasenai word extending l(maxHIΩlimit)imit
- Iiarawasenai true limit (CS 2)
- Iiarawasenai true final limit (CS 2)
- Iiarawasenai true limit (CS 3)
- Iiarawasenai true final limit (CS 3)
- Iiarawasenai true limit (CS 4)
- Iiarawasenai true final limit (CS 4)
- Iiarawasenai true limit (CS 5)
- Iiarawasenai true final limit (CS 5)
- Iiarawasenai true limit (CS ω)
- Iiarawasenai true final limit (CS ω)
- Iiarawasenai true limit (CS Ω)
- Iiarawasenai true final limit (CS Ω)
- Iiarawasenai true limit (CS limit (CS 1))
- Iiarawasenai true final limit (CS Limit (CS 1))
- Iiarawasenai true limit (CS limit (CS 2))
- Iiarawasenai true final limit (CS Limit (CS 2))
- Iiarawasenai true limit (CS limit (CS 10))
- Iiarawasenai true final limit (CS Limit (CS 10))
- Iiarawasenai true limit (CS limit (CS Ω))
- Iiarawasenai true final limit (CS Limit (CS Ω))
- Iiarawasenai true limit (CS limit (CS [Iiarawasenai true limit (CS limit (CS ))]))
- Iiarawasenai true final limit (CS Limit (CS [Iiarawasenai true final limit (CS Limit (CS Ω))]))
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺2
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺10
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺100
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺10100
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺ω
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Ω
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Iiarawasenai
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Iiarawasenai-limit↺Iiarawasenai
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Iiarawasenai-limit↺Iiarawasenai-limit↺Iiarawasenai
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺↺4
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺↺5
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺↺50
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺↺1000
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺↺Iiarawasenai-limit↺Iiarawasenai
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺↺Iiarawasenai-limit↺↺Iiarawasenai
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺↺Iiarawasenai-limit↺↺Iiarawasenai-limit↺↺Iiarawasenai
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺↺↺4
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺↺↺Iiarawasenai-limit↺↺↺Iiarawasenai-limit↺↺↺Iiarawasenai
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺↺↺↺4
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺54
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺104
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Ω4
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Ω◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Ω◈2
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Ω◈3
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Ω◈4
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Ω◈5
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Ω◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Λ◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺SFP◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺𐆓0◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺-MAX◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Outerconst◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺∰◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Э◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺∀-◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Ѫ◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺♕◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Weak Omnicollapse◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Iiarawasenai◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Iiarawasenai◈◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Iiarawasenai◈◈◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Iiarawasenai◈◈◈◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Iiarawasenai◈◈◈◈◈◈
- {i(2) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(3) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(4) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(5) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(10) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(ω) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(Ω) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(Iiarawasenai) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(◈) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(◈2) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(◈3) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(◈4) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(◈5) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(◈Iiarawasenai) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(◈{i(◈Iiarawasenai) | Iiarawasenai Limit}) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(◈◈) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(◈◈◈) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(◈◈◈◈) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(◈◈◈◈◈) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(0,1) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(1,1) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(5,1) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(1,2) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(1,5) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(1,100) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(1,Iiarawasenai) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(◈,Iiarawasenai) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(◈,◈) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(◈,◈,◈) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(IIL) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- Ültimate
- Gurando Ültimate
- Sono-jō Gurando Ültimate
- Ültimate word extending limit
- Ültimate word extending llimit
- Ültimate word extending lllimit
- Ültimate word extending l(max1)imit
- Ültimate word extending l(max10)imit
- Ültimate word extending l(maxΩ)imit
- Ültimate word extending l(maxHI1limit)imit
- Ültimate word extending l(maxHI5limit)imit
- Ültimate word extending l(maxHI10limit)imit
- Ültimate word extending l(maxHIΩlimit)imit
- Ültimate true limit (CS 2)
- Ültimate true final limit (CS 2)
- Ültimate true limit (CS 3)
- Ültimate true final limit (CS 3)
- Ültimate true limit (CS 4)
- Ültimate true final limit (CS 4)
- Ültimate true limit (CS 5)
- Ültimate true final limit (CS 5)
- Ültimate true limit (CS ω)
- Ültimate true final limit (CS ω)
- Ültimate true limit (CS Ω)
- Ültimate true final limit (CS Ω)
- Ültimate true limit (CS limit (CS 1))
- Ültimate true final limit (CS Limit (CS 1))
- Ültimate true limit (CS limit (CS 2))
- Ültimate true final limit (CS Limit (CS 2))
- Ültimate true limit (CS limit (CS 10))
- Ültimate true final limit (CS Limit (CS 10))
- Ültimate true limit (CS limit (CS Ω))
- Ültimate true final limit (CS Limit (CS Ω))
- Ültimate true limit (CS limit (CS [Ültimate true limit (CS limit (CS ))]))
- Ültimate true final limit (CS Limit (CS [Ültimate true final limit (CS Limit (CS Ω))]))
- Ültimate-limit↺2
- Ültimate-limit↺10
- Ültimate-limit↺100
- Ültimate-limit↺10100
- Ültimate-limit↺ω
- Ültimate-limit↺Ω
- Ültimate-limit↺Ültimate
- Ültimate-limit↺Ültimate-limit↺Ültimate
- Ültimate-limit↺Ültimate-limit↺Ültimate-limit↺Ültimate
- Ültimate-limit↺↺4
- Ültimate-limit↺↺5
- Ültimate-limit↺↺50
- Ültimate-limit↺↺1000
- Ültimate-limit↺↺Ültimate-limit↺Ültimate
- Ültimate-limit↺↺Ültimate-limit↺↺Ültimate
- Ültimate-limit↺↺Ültimate-limit↺↺Ültimate-limit↺↺Ültimate
- Ültimate-limit↺↺↺4
- Ültimate-limit↺↺↺Ültimate-limit↺↺↺Ültimate-limit↺↺↺Ültimate
- Ültimate-limit↺↺↺↺4
- Ültimate-limit↺54
- Ültimate-limit↺104
- Ültimate-limit↺Ω4
- Ültimate-limit↺Ω◈
- Ültimate-limit↺Ω◈2
- Ültimate-limit↺Ω◈3
- Ültimate-limit↺Ω◈4
- Ültimate-limit↺Ω◈5
- Ültimate-limit↺Ω◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺Λ◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺SFP◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺𐆓0◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺-MAX◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺Outerconst◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺∰◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺Э◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺∀-◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺Ѫ◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺♕◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺Weak Omnicollapse◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺Ültimate◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺Ültimate◈◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺Ültimate◈◈◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺Ültimate◈◈◈◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺Ültimate◈◈◈◈◈◈
- {i(2) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(3) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(4) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(5) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(10) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(ω) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(Ω) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(Ültimate) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(◈) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(◈2) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(◈3) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(◈4) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(◈5) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(◈Ültimate) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(◈{i(◈Ültimate) | Ültimate Limit}) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(◈◈) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(◈◈◈) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(◈◈◈◈) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(◈◈◈◈◈) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(0,1) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(1,1) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(5,1) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(1,2) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(1,5) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(1,100) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(1,Ültimate) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(◈,Ültimate) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(◈,◈) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(◈,◈,◈) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(IIL) | Ültimate Limit}
- Dïvïñę
- Gurando Dïvïñę
- Sono-jō Gurando Dïvïñę
- Dïvïñę word extending limit
- Dïvïñę word extending llimit
- Dïvïñę word extending lllimit
- Dïvïñę word extending l(max1)imit
- Dïvïñę word extending l(max10)imit
- Dïvïñę word extending l(maxΩ)imit
- Dïvïñę word extending l(maxHI1limit)imit
- Dïvïñę word extending l(maxHI5limit)imit
- Dïvïñę word extending l(maxHI10limit)imit
- Dïvïñę word extending l(maxHIΩlimit)imit
- Dïvïñę true limit (CS 2)
- Dïvïñę true final limit (CS 2)
- Dïvïñę true limit (CS 3)
- Dïvïñę true final limit (CS 3)
- Dïvïñę true limit (CS 4)
- Dïvïñę true final limit (CS 4)
- Dïvïñę true limit (CS 5)
- Dïvïñę true final limit (CS 5)
- Dïvïñę true limit (CS ω)
- Dïvïñę true final limit (CS ω)
- Dïvïñę true limit (CS Ω)
- Dïvïñę true final limit (CS Ω)
- Dïvïñę true limit (CS limit (CS 1))
- Dïvïñę true final limit (CS Limit (CS 1))
- Dïvïñę true limit (CS limit (CS 2))
- Dïvïñę true final limit (CS Limit (CS 2))
- Dïvïñę true limit (CS limit (CS 10))
- Dïvïñę true final limit (CS Limit (CS 10))
- Dïvïñę true limit (CS limit (CS Ω))
- Dïvïñę true final limit (CS Limit (CS Ω))
- Dïvïñę true limit (CS limit (CS [Dïvïñę true limit (CS limit (CS ))]))
- Dïvïñę true final limit (CS Limit (CS [Dïvïñę true final limit (CS Limit (CS Ω))]))
- Dïvïñę-limit↺2
- Dïvïñę-limit↺10
- Dïvïñę-limit↺100
- Dïvïñę-limit↺10100
- Dïvïñę-limit↺ω
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Ω
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Dïvïñę
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Dïvïñę-limit↺Dïvïñę
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Dïvïñę-limit↺Dïvïñę-limit↺Dïvïñę
- Dïvïñę-limit↺↺4
- Dïvïñę-limit↺↺5
- Dïvïñę-limit↺↺50
- Dïvïñę-limit↺↺1000
- Dïvïñę-limit↺↺Dïvïñę-limit↺Dïvïñę
- Dïvïñę-limit↺↺Dïvïñę-limit↺↺Dïvïñę
- Dïvïñę-limit↺↺Dïvïñę-limit↺↺Dïvïñę-limit↺↺Dïvïñę
- Dïvïñę-limit↺↺↺4
- Dïvïñę-limit↺↺↺Dïvïñę-limit↺↺↺Dïvïñę-limit↺↺↺Dïvïñę
- Dïvïñę-limit↺↺↺↺4
- Dïvïñę-limit↺54
- Dïvïñę-limit↺104
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Ω4
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Ω◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Ω◈2
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Ω◈3
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Ω◈4
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Ω◈5
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Ω◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Λ◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺SFP◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺𐆓0◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺-MAX◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Outerconst◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺∰◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Э◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺∀-◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Ѫ◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺♕◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Weak Omnicollapse◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Dïvïñę◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Dïvïñę◈◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Dïvïñę◈◈◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Dïvïñę◈◈◈◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Dïvïñę◈◈◈◈◈◈
- {i(2) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(3) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(4) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(5) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(10) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(ω) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(Ω) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(Dïvïñę) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(◈) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(◈2) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(◈3) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(◈4) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(◈5) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(◈Dïvïñę) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(◈{i(◈Dïvïñę) | Dïvïñę Limit}) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(◈◈) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(◈◈◈) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(◈◈◈◈) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(◈◈◈◈◈) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(0,1) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(1,1) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(5,1) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(1,2) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(1,5) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(1,100) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(1,Dïvïñę) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(◈,Dïvïñę) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(◈,◈) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(◈,◈,◈) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(IIL) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- Hua-Zhong-Fao loop 4
- Hua-Zhong-Fao loop 5
Part 4: Xie-Nya Iteration 2[]
We have just been on iteration 1 for all this time, time for iteration 2. Basically, in the Xie-Nya function, we are now at 寶↑(n,1). This level is Hyper Ineffable.
Level 1, Iteration 2: Hyper Ineffability Restart[]
This is the first level that is a complete state of beyond any Xie-Nya pagoda level under it. Basically floor Conkept, but thats way lower. Its kind of more like a floor Π, but it’s still not actually floor pi.
number list[]
- Xieternity
- Number on the HIXieternity level of ineffability
- Number on the HINumber on the HI number on the HIXieternity level of ineffability level of ineffability level of ineffability
- Xieternity Ineffability limit
- Xieternity Ineffability llimit
- Xieternity Ineffability l(3)imit
- Xieternity Ineffability l(10)imit
- Xieternity Ineffability l(Ω)imit
- Xieternity Ineffability l(Xieternity Ineffability l(Ω)imit)imit
- Xieternity Ineffability l(Xieternity Ineffability l(Xieternity Ineffability l(Ω)imit)imit)imit
- Xieternity Ineffability l(Xieternity Ineffability l(Xieternity Ineffability l(Xieternity Ineffability l(Ω)imit)imit)imit)imit
- Xieternity Ineffability l(Ω)imit5
- Xieternal (Xieternity Ineffability l(Xieternity)imitXieternity Ineffability limit
- Xieterminus
- Xieterminus loop 2
- Xieterminus loop 5
- Xieterminus loop 2
- Xieterminus loop 10
- Xieterminus loop ω
- Xieterminus loop Ω
- Xieterminal
- Xieterminal Collapse
- Xieterminalplex
- Xieterminalplex Collapse
- Xieterminalplexian
- Xieterminalplexian Collapse
- Xieterminal[…] limit
- Xieterminal[…] limit CS2
- Xieterminal[…] limit CS3
- Xieterminal[…] limit CS4
- Xieterminal[…] limit CSn limit
- Beyond Xieterminal[…] limit CSn limit
- First number beyond the concept of Xieterminal
- Last number beyond the concept of Xieterminal
- Xietermina
- Xiefinal
- Xiexie
- Xiexietre
- Xiexieinf
- Xiexiang
- Xiexiexiang
- Xiemegaxiang
- Xiegigaxiang
- Xieinfxiang
- Xieterminusxiang
- Xieterminalxiang
- Xieterminaxiang
- Xiexiangxiang
- Xiexiangxiangxiang
- Xiexiangxiang... (10)
- Xiexiangxiang... (The “smallest” number)
- Xiexiangxiang... (Xieterminus)
- Xiexiangxiang... (Xiexiang)
- Xiexiangxiang (limit)
- CL
- Xien