- Follow the Fictional Googology Wiki's rules and Fandom's Terms of Services.
- Only add numbers that has least amount of rules.
- Use the logic from these numbers.
- Bleep out the middle letters of bad words to symbolize the fact that everytime you do this you don't bleep out the word and people can see the meaning dummy!
Unclassified (Class 0)[]
Ham realm[]
can’t be classified as it contains all hams and isn’t really a number it is the ham verse and could be any ham therefore is multiplie things at the same time
The controller[]
isnt a nukner so makes 1000% sense lmao
smol class (Class I)[]
so fucking small it’s below the concept of small
0=wxmsjosmiskwmsisjxjwqp’ekxmwoos contradictiom
explaination (fart)[]
Bassicly this number is if you think godmode wiki is steonfer then fictional googlogy,tifw,jjt, or actuality index your Peor level gets downgraded to this number and is sueper small almost ass smol ass fatter

No gogmoge joke bettle memeverse weak 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
Gogmog weak to all wiki I show
memeverse loses to all wikis I put
Zerbo (Dubstepv1's first number)[]
Zerbo is impossible to get smaller than. As any form of eating crabby patties don't work. This means you need to hyper ultrea exponentially increase a number by -0 to reach nowhere. I just trolled you lolz
just stronger fodder
daibete numnber[]
defined as number get smaller = number get fatter
big (Class II)[]
note: all big number is beyond ethereal and unclassified bcus i said so
indescribable because it has goofy ahh words like cjwjdiqsmkiwkemwodoos and none knows what this random shit means
The number number is a number bigger than numbers being numbers as numbers are numbers. If numbers become numbers because numbers are numbers then this number is higher than those numbers being numbers because of numbers.
“Absolutely incomprehensible is not the limit” is not the limit[]
composite list of numbers[]
smol compared to this
drama idk
Bleeped because yes
"The" is defined as uncollapsed uncollapsed uncollapsed uncollapsed uncollapsed uncollapsed RReality/MRL, haha you lose
super big (Class III)[]
istamtae number[]
big so big
"This has 4 ears and 5 noses and 6 eyebrows" - Baby Nunu
large number fistermeast number[]
so big so big so big so big so big so big so big
The true eng[]
the eng
or is it
omega super duper ineffable incomprehensible unwordable unimaginable indescribable unfathomable big (cant describe with wods) (Class IV)[]
Omni Fart cardinal []
poop on all characters that have dimensionality bcus yes
The(I cannot put cubed sign sad)[]
The^3 is bigger than the as it is cubed. And because cubing is a third dimention and uncollapsing is in the 0th dimention of nothingness (Concepts are in 0th dimention because they cannot be seen) the third dimention is therefore higher than the 0th dimention. Hah I win
The infinititheiethethehtrhetitethrethe dimention[]
Because every number is in 0th dimention is lower than higher dimentions so this is bigger that all other dimentions because it is the all dimentions of dimentions
289228202810292820220929ke2xmiwoqskmsmskwkwskwidmdcwmkw😙😙😗😗😗😗🙄😲😎😮💨😎😪😎😪😪😪 states it is the biggest because I said so which is the best argument and can’t be dismissed n any debetes
the ham has spoken[]
is the lord of all hams and is equal to 289228202810292820220929ke2xmiwoqskmsmskwkwskwidmdcwmkw😙😙😗😗😗😗🙄😲😎😮💨😎😪😎😪😪😪
Impossible to e (Class V)[]
The infinititheiethethehtrhetitethrethe dimention highest interpretation[]
transcend fiction lol
e of all e's is higher than everything before it. As e's have e'd eing and e's will e everything that e's e with e's as eing e'
the ham has spoken extended (mid bound)[]
contains all hams and is equal to the ham realm but not unclassifeid bcus idk equal to E
e e'd[]
e e'd is e but e'd as eing e's is the most powerful eing method of e's to come.
Bread (Class VI)[]
PI, r, squared.
PI, r, squared. PI, r, squared.
PI, r, squared. stated infinite times
Alphabeteries (Class VII)[]
The alphabet[]
We ran out of numbers so we are using letters now. These letters are stronger than anything that could be in math and googology ever. Nothing ever passes letters!
Greek alphabet[]
We ran out of letters so we are using Greek symbols now. These symbols are even stronger than letters!
Chinese alphabet[]
We ran out of all previous alphabets so we are using Chinese symbols now. These symbols are the strongest alphabet type!
We ran out of characters, alphabets, and symbols. So now we are using a 2 year olds scribbles. These are the strongest things in anything ever made ever
Taxes (Class VIII)[]
Bro does not want to pay his shop's taxes 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
Bad ending[]
CaseOh didn't pay his taxes and went to jail
Good ending[]
CaseOh paid his taxes and went to jail
Taxes cost[]
Taxes are so expensive they are bigger than anything ever seen before and will put you in -taxes debt. They are super duper expensive its not even funny
inflation is the fastest infinitely expanding number ever seen. It is bigger than anything that says it is bigger than anything because of inflation
the superincomprehensibly tiering (Class IX)[]
above all collapses use your penis and it’s beyond all of class VII because I said so
Above all collapses because collapsecollapse
will never be defined two weird
omni box omniversal fg true god (Class X)[]
The box[]
The box contains everything
The box^2[]

The box^the box[]
The box is a lie, the cake is a lie.
The class of classes (Class XI)[]
absolute god class (class XI)[]
true end of box dimensional time space fg actuality index (Class XII)[]
the true end of ends of ends (class XIII)[]
beyond actuality index,fg,hg,all dimensions, v&d,tifw,godmodes,joke battles,ng,all fg branches (class XIII)[]
beyond Jesus (class XXIV)[]
what the f**k do I call this (class XXV)[]
what the f**k do I call this to (class XXVI)[]
the ending (not)(class XXVII)[]
grimace class (class XXVIII)[]
caseoh true form class (Class XII)[]
caseoh full power Omni true form fused with fg am memeverse[]
strongesr caseoh form so strong he can’t activists it and isn’t even a form lol
CaseOh but he's full[]
CaseOh is never full. He will never be full, this is why this number is so strong
Class of classes 2. The classing (Class XIII) (Please stop adding classes until you reach em Zander)[]
IT (class XXX)[]
THE (class XXXI)[]
give me a name for this (class XXXII)[]
wtf (class XXXIII)[]
bruh (Class XXXIV)[]
Give me a name idea NOW (class XXXVI)[]
can’t make a name (class XXXVII)[]
A class (class XXXVIII)[]
Bassicly the biggest (class XXXIX)[]
wow you scrolled this far to reach this class (class XL)[]
scrible beggining (class XLI)[]
wis wisjwioaqoxjhsoqka (Class XLII)[]
Beyond this class (Class XIV)[]
Nothing will fit in this class because you have to go to the class beyond it. Rules are rules!
What class is bigger than the last class (Class XV)[]
Stale crackers[]
Stale crackers are beyond this list entirely. We need entire sub lists. Stale crackers lists lists of lists because of lists listing lists
- Stale crackers
- The list
- list of lists
- Stale crackers
- Lists of the list
- "List"
- lisp
- Stale crackers
- Bananas have potasisium
- Bananas have potassium
- Stale crackers
Beyond stale crackers[]
Stale crackers are easy to surpass. You just needa add one
Observable stale crackers[]
@istamtae @istamtae @istamtae @istamtae @istamtae @istamtae @istamtae @istamtae @istamtae @istamtae @istamtae @istamtae @istamtae @istamtae @istamtae @istamtae @istamtae @istamtae @istamtae @istamtae @istamtae @istamtae @istamtae @istamtae @istamtae @istamtae @istamtae @istamtae @istamtae @istamtae @istamtae @istamtae
Stale crackers at 10,000+ bytes[]
Large Page |
We are to inform you, The anarchy number. (List) is a very large page. Pages longer than 10 - 20kB may lag on lower-end devices. Proceed with risk if you have such a device! |
"Who actually reads these?" - fish (2023) |
Because stale crackers is the first thing with 10,000+ bytes it is bigger than observable stale crackers
Beyond all stale crackers (Class XVI)[]
the void[]
The void can destroy all numbers no matter what happens. However, there is a way to destroy the void.
we had to stop the void[]
That void that came and destroyed the vision of the other numbers almost destroyed the numbers themselves. The void was a very strong number but this is stronger. As this number can destroy the destroyer of numbers or the void this means that this number is currently the biggest.
Coco-melon. The melons are coco'ng[]
[[File:Voicy Cocomelon Intro (1).wav|left|thumb|[[File:Voicy Cocomelon Intro (1).wav|left|thumb|[[File:Voicy Cocomelon Intro (1).wav|left|thumb|[[File:Voicy Cocomelon Intro (1).wav|left|thumb|[[File:Voicy Cocomelon Intro (1).wav|left|thumb|[[File:Voicy Cocomelon Intro (1).wav|left|thumb|
]]]]]]]]]]]]Four score-seven years ago. Coco-melon did a move and existed. This is the apocolypse. Please do not put all audios playing at once or else.