Observation is the ability to interact with objects/non-objects/concepts/other, observation is also all senses consisting of, touch, smell, sight, taste, proprioception, sound, balance, comprehension, other and all abilities that can be used, Observation can be noticing something also, but in this entries sake, the term "observation" will be referred to "existing, interaction, senses, and linear/normal/any other sets/non-sets/beings have the ability to "understand, and comprehend" whether human or not to another set/non-set/being/other, the ability to intake information and knowledge through a cognitive/non-cognitive process" which means that everything in this entry is observable, and even the representation is observable, as unobservable/intervational objects are not branchable.
Unobservation is when a observational object is no longer observational, and widely described as "detached from all forms of everything within observation, making it a impossible to reach from below, which we are below as we are observable, unobservable objects are not bound to anything as "anything"/"everything"/"conceptualization" is within observation, the only thing It is bound to is how much states it can have, and that it is a state, and also that it cannot transfer through observation and unobservation, unobservation is unbranchable making it impossible to be linguistically reached, or reached at all, in basis, unobservation is the detachment and being unbound to anything we can describe" This also means it is detached from all frameworks in a pure form(catafilm, collapse, ham, others)
Intervation is when a unobservational state, is no longer bound to having a state, or the amount of states it can have, and it can also transfer through observation, and unobservation, making it completely boundless to everything, making it reachable when it is in its observable form, but unreachable when it is in its unobservable form.
Cata-detachment is a sub-form of unobservable objects where you are detached from collapsing, states, cata-reflection, reverse cata-mirroring, cata-mirroring, cata-sizing, non-cata-sizing, branching, linguistics, others, that are said to be "impossible" to detach from, but this is evaded but using antiprinciple to refute those statements that lead to more substantial principles.
I love stealing from absolute aperdinal
Cannot be branched by any linguistic/action.
Cannot be collapsed/hammed
Beyond axiology
Cannot be decoded out of Fg, by the fg matrix
cannot be mirrored by any reality layer/film
Beyond abstraction, cannot be conceptualized
Cannot be expanded into "bigger"/better embodiments
Cannot be viewed from out standpoint
Cannot be created/defined by/from any autological projections(the catafilm)
True stratalogic[]
The true stratalogic contains all logic-referencing projections(including autological projections).
The intervational cata-detachment is a [REDACTED] border and border decider between observation and unobservation(in any amount of purity), and can decide whether something is observational or not, it is the absolute [REDACTED] of intervation.