this is the scaling list[]
let's start[]
negitive class[]
nulloid < -_< -agite < zeroid -0 < -omicron < -never < -terminus -absolute everything < -continuum < -omegaforce < -transfinity < -theta < -absolute infinity < -nu < -gamma < -phi < -epsilon < -omega -aleph null -infinity < -milton < -finity < -gerfillionplex < -gerfillion < -sand reckoner < -ultimate croutonillion < -gerflo's number < -samillionplex < -samillion < -sam's number < -salad number < -trinitar < -hollam's number < -fish number 7 < utter oblivion < oblivion < -dekotar < -large number garden number < -rayo's number < -tritar < -grahamgol < -loader's number < -skewe's number < -sscg(graham's number) < -sscg(3) < -tree(graham's number) < -tree(3) < -graham's number < -googolplexiante < -googolplexianth < -googolplexian < -skewer's number < -googolplex < -googolbong < -millinillion < -centillion < -quadragintillion < -googol < -duotrigintillion < -untrigintillion < -trigintillion < -novemvigintillion < -octovigintillion < -septemvigintillion < -sesvigintillion < -quinvigintillion < -quarttourvigintillion < -tresvigintillion < -duovigintillion < -unvigintillion < -vigintillion < -novemdecillion < -octodecillion < -septemdecillion < -sesdecillion < -quindecillion < -quarttourdecillion < -tresdecillion < -duodecillion < -undecillion < -decillion < -nonillion < -octillion < -septillion < -sextillion < -quintillion < -quadrillion < -trillion < -billion < -millard < -million < -100000 < -10000 < -1000 < -100 < -10 < -1 < 0
10th < 9th < 8th < 7th < 6th < 5th < 4th < 3rd < half < 1 (to be fixed)
1 < 10 < 100 < 1000 < 10000 < 100000 < million < mylian < millard < billion < trillion < quadrillion < quintillion < sextillion < hextillion < septillion < octillion < nonillion < decillion < undecillion < duodecillion < tresdecillion < quarttourdecillion < quindecillion < sesdecillion < sepdecillion < octdecillion < novemdecillion < vigintillion < unvigintillion < duovigintillion < tresvigintillion < quarttourvigintillion < quinvigintillion < sesvigintillion < sepvigintillion < octvigintillion < novemvigintillion < trigintillion < untrigintillion < duotrigintillion < googol < trestrigintillion < quarttourtrigintillion < quintrigintillion < sestrigintillion < septrigintillion < octrigintillion < novemtrigintillion < dragintillion < undragintillion < duodragintillion < tresdragintillion < quarttourdragintillion < quindragintillion < sesdragintillion < sepdragintillion < octdragintillion < novemdragintillion < vigdragontillion < trigdragontillion < centillion < ringentillion < < googol bong < googolplex < googolplexian < googolplexianth < googolplexiante < skewer's number < graham's number < tree(3) < tree(graham's number) < sscg(3) < sscg(graham's number) < loader's number < grahamgol < tritar < rayo's number < large number garden number < obivion < utter oblivion < fish number 7 < hollam's number < trinitar < salad number < sam's number < samillion < croutonillion < samillionplex < gerflo's number < gerfillion < ultimate croutonillion < sand reckoner < gerfillionplex < ultimate gerfillion < finity < milton < dranhun < dekohun < beyondhun cardinal unit < s+1 < s+googol < s+hun < finite omega < s+finite omega < isfinity < aleph null
aleph null < omega < infinity < epsilon nought < zeta nought < eta nought < phi null < gamma null < feferman schutte ordinal < ackermann ordinal < bachmann-howard ordinal < omega fixed point < church-kleen ordinal < first uncountable ordinal < inaccessible cardinal < mahlo cardinal < absolute hot < weekly compact cardinal < absolute infinity < nu nought < thetanought < transfinity < megafinity < kilofinity < thetafinity < everything < absolute everything < true infinity < ultimate infinity < continuum(low level) < continuum(high level) < absolute continuum < terminus < never < unlimited < endless < collapsefinity< omicron < forever < the absolute true end
concepts (links)[]
absolutely beyondlevel < Omniexistent Infinity < Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit < The Eternal Limit < Ryouran! Victory Road < Permanence Inacquirementification Extremity Limit < True Absolute Insurmountable Limit < Kijetesantakalufinity < Atrociously Boosted Number < Beyond Permanent Unquestionably Ultra Transcendental Larger Aleph Null Unsurpassable Limit < True Real Limitless < Void's Field Limits < Hard-V-Lock < omniscate < Post-Writing = Post-pencil < absolute Postfinity < Zffinity < Postpotent Transinstant PostEaBa Postwriteful Postpoint < real infinity < Actual infinity < The everlasting terminal point beyond all post-writing < Limbo Bewilderment < The Chronic Ineffability Breakdown < Infibroty < Rediagonalization Point < Danger Numker < Omniumber < Perfect Conkept(real) < Signia < N-Signia < weak unbounded totality < strong unbounded totality < weak bounded totality < strong bounded totality < immortal bounded totality < signian bounded totality < duo-bounded totality < trio-bounded totality < quadrio-bounded totality < quintio-bounded totality < apierio-bounded totality < bounded-layers of totality-2 < bounded-layers of totality-3 < bounded-layers of totality-4 < bounded-layers of totality-5 < bounded-layers of totality-10 < bounded-layers of totality-weak bounded totality < bounded-layers of totality-stacking < the second sequence < unbounded totality < bounded totality < terminal totality < metascended totality < strong bounded totality (regiment terminator make up) < Sigma Recursion Conception Number < Cyclonec Rebound < the totality bounding numkertomin < the questionable domain < Eternity < skn < Eternity true form < ordinality of fg < ordnality of portions < total expansion language < measkertimmy< ordinality of sumality < conkeptomin < ordinality of amountality < theorytimmy < hypothetomin < timmy/tomin < timmytomin < the creator timmytomin < Everythingium < Antizeroid < Paradox-language < true perfection < segment 2 < Post-stubbornness full potential < Hyper Axiom Totality < Beyondium of Metaium Realmium(FG ????...???? Limit) < The Form Breaker < The Quasidefine Breakium < < hyperology < < postology regiment structure < Matrix structure to matrix postprisms < Matrixatic rebirth < Matrix breaking point < interion's ThroneTaker < The Questionable Acceleration < The Infinite Omnicosmic Supremacy Number (IOSN) < < The Sovereign of Infinite Realms Number(SIRN) < The Omnipotent Multiversal Convergence Number (OMCN) < sxdcfgvhb's thronetaker < Ultimate throne-snatcher < the throne < the throne's breaking point < the higher throne < the highest throne < the highest throne's breaking point < the prolonged unending simulation < the idea delusion < the delusion central < post-delusion < the unending simulation delusion < the prolonged simulation delusion < the unending prolonged simulation delusion < absolute delusion < true delusion < real delusion < actual delusion < ultimate delusion < final delusion < end of the delusion < start of the new delusion < prolonged unending paradox < the possibilities < The ultimate possibility container < Altered definitions < Altering + possibility bubble < Rebuild < The Dilation Protection of Ultimate altering < Istamtae's brain set in a container, and if he sets my brain in a container i will take it out, but i glued his shut < Interion container < Amended proception < Hyper adapted rebuild < The deletion hyper-bubble < Ranking 100 < The Final Stretch < Looped dimensional number =<? The salad domain ? NaN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< QaN < Ordinality build up < Axiom belief scenario < The one domain < Full function domain < Fully elongated percentage =(?) The ultra domain