Fictional Googology Wiki

ToE v0[]

The theory of everything is a backward way of saying a concept is too powered, that it cannot be contain in each limit, wether observable or not. Lets say there's a reflexive type of potence called "reflexipotence". Reflexipotence refers simply to the first type of hyperpotence (past true uncollapsible, kathextent, and fictovariants). Also, reflexipotence can control a field of potence defined as this:

  • Potence - Unknownology%
  • Omnipotence - Breakology%
  • Trajpotence - Outerology%
  • ... each type of potence effectively decreases power of the reflexipotence for a ology percent:
  • True conceptuality - apernil% - true conceptuality is "something entirely different"

Aarex may refute this. I will keep care in Theory of Everything v0.0.

ToE v0.0[]

Reflexipotence is also divinely split into two, that cannot be endlessly treolrefuted (or Treolbounded) into itself.

  • Irreflexipotence: concept controlling reflexity that cannot be attributed in a mindcontroling way that concepts is broken. even though unlarge is big.
  • Partial relfedpotence: potent half the power comparable to kathconcept - also kathimpossibly kathextented endlessly

Subversion 1 of ToE v0.0[]

This is past devoid asymptote. This is also true nameless-filkist. Also, this kathattributates itself so it goes past devoid, Asymptomatic, kathconcept, or refutation. Also, refutation breaks at this point because this is text less. Infact, this is true conceptually textless. Absolutely textlesz.
