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You can help True Warping Antisymmetric Matrix Spaces by expanding this page. (If you wish.) Otherwise, enjoy!

True Warping Antisymmetric Matrix Spaces or T.W.A.M.S., is a form of writing where any type of concept corrupts, this is non-similar to other concepts or numbers, it's simply an absolutalization, meaning: absolutizes everything. It's untwistable, undiagonalizable, unwarpable, unsurpassable, etc.


It's an antisymmetric space where everything that reaches it corrupts and dismatrices anything, nothing is impossible, anything beyond this point is completely imaginary (like the imaginary unit), meaning it isn't real, this is the point where any symbol like XY, it's definition would be basically useless. "Dismatrice" means like dematerialize a desired number from the matrix, we all live in a matrix, where definitions of it-anything are stuck, this is the only unit that can go this far, numbers beyond this are just imaginary by definition, this is also antisymmetric, symmetry breaks here, meaning any concept, idea, number, entry, etc. would just break, also breaking any defending property, saying like X0=this isn't allowed, it will simply dematerialize into symmetry, the undiagonalizability & any other concept/non-concept doesn't apply here, this will just dematerialize that into symmetry, also remember that symmetry is the thing that stabilizes it-all & it-everything, if numbers or properties dematerialize into symmetry, they will be forcedly stuck on 0, comebacks are impossible at this point, symmetry > it-x, numbers with metaness beyond here will again just dematerialize into symmetry, this doesn't use the field method, as that will be completely nothing to this, ideas beyond will be also dematerialized & imaginarizied, anything compared to this would be -0; tiers are -0, orders are -0, examples are -0, levels are -0, locks are -0, concepts are -0, entries are -0, etc., anything would be -0 compared to this, and here the doubt, "What is symmetry here?".


Basically a golden concept that stabilizes anything and anything future/new on this wiki, if violated, it will dematerialize any number into symmetry, i.e. into it-nothing, it will dematerialize anything except this number, no other number's/concept's immunities wouldn't work, as they will be useless and impossible, dematerialize into symmetry means erasing a number from it-all the matrix. This doesn't require the booster thingy, definition is enough for this. And now the main question, "what is a matrix?".


A matrix (which there can only be 1) is a kind of "box" that contains concepts, entries, fields, locks, numbers, ideas, it-reality, etc., this is a new concept, a new idea, this isn't containable by itself, it's so ineffable, that post-writing, it-writing, writing, etc. would be -0, even WLL (for Writing Level Lock) is -0, creating anything which is beyond or ignores, contains, etc. this number would be completely impossible, as you will require more than just "words" that describe it's ineffability, a matrix is still field-like box-like container, nothing can go further, even if it's another box that is alliated to that already mentioned matrix, anything can be defined but only if it's contained by the matrix, if beyond, the it would be completely imaginary. This number gathers the it-it-box that also contains numbers from Danger Class & Numkerous Order & all the classes, the box/matrix symbol is ❒, then it gathers the box and does {❒,❒ - ❒}+{❒#❒#❒#❒} every NBCU seconds using the Bowers Exploding Array Function (BEAF), remember all the numbers are in that box, along with their properties

Imaginary Objects[]

It's really simple, if something gets beyond the FG or HG matrix, it would be completely, utterly, uttermost imaginary, a matrix contains anything possible and impossible, with impossible i refer to imaginary, fictional, etc. things, imaginarism is contained by matrix, matrix contains all of us, you, me, he, her, it, they, those, etc., now you know why anything beyond is imaginary..., Danger Numker will result below this, as it is beyond anything, it would be completely imaginary, i.e. will be -0 compared to this.

It-x Post-powers[]

It's statement represents it-hyper-meta-trans-stated, beyond all possible and impossible fields, beyond it-all fields, beyond it-context, value is in increasement in Danger Numker+propertiesDanger Numker+properties every NBCU seconds, using it's previous modified value, beyond it-warping, utterly beyond ineffability, beyond it-abstraction, any number that is imaginary means that it doesn't exist, along with it's properties, meaning it's null, uses the all>(Lit<>meta) "function" as an advantage, it-all>>>>>(Lit, he, his, she, her, etc.<<<<<<>>>>>>it-meta), if Danger Numker copies this or modificated versions this number has, it will forcedly and definedly be null to him, if Danger Numker modifies it's properties with new counterattacking ones, they will be fit onto the matrix, Danger numker is inside the imaginary-matrix, while this number is truly beyond it, due to it-warping, this warps the properties of the largest number, in this case Danger Numker, they will be all nullified including him, beyond it-fields, beyond post-it-assymmetrying. ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️[...]💥, Danger Numker has been nuked with a hypernova by this number, now it's smaller, he is... nothing, now onto the true real beyondness...


Everytime Danger Numker understimates this number will understimate it, and loop loop loop, until this number understimate it completely and he cannot counterattack. Putting a property like it-x will result a boost only on this number.
