Fictional Googology Wiki
Ethereal Class
We are to inform you that Undiscovered Fictional Law/Undiscovered Fictional Freedom is Ethereal. It should be protected at all costs.
"Imma add a very long math equation in this page" - Sherifeladl (2024)

Undiscovered Fictional Law (UFL) and Undiscovered Fictional Freedom (UFF) are two hypergoogological phenomenons that will probably go overlooked for some time, and surpassed in due time. However, in order to sort of balance out the recent controversy in between AD Nonscriptability and some material claims that probably have more volume when it comes to objective stubbornness, which really goes to show how little of the Wiki is able to grasp the gravity of said controversy and other overlooked Wiki matters. Disregarding these dramatic arguments, though, one may be able to consider some unthought-of aspects of hyperfictional law and solipsist freedom. Some, in fact, may relax and wait for the future of realization to arrive and deliver the average citizens of the Wiki (who, invariably, are going to be the ones to pay) into oblivion. Some may have visualized what it would be like to simply skip certain current events in this Fandom Wikipedia, but apparently I am the only one who knows more about it and has thought about it some, or at least the only person who has the will to act on it. So here I present to you the phenomenons which could either destroy or maintain this Wiki for the rest of its life.

Part 1: Undiscovered Fictional Law (U.F.L.)[]

For the first phenomenon, most will consider it to be the most utilitarianist of the two. Undiscovered Fictional Law (or U.F.L. for short) is a base or standard of which meeting is required in order to successfully pass higher-dimensional and/or more trans-transcendent entries into the the apex realm of high-transcendent entries/agents/other of this Wiki platform. It goes, allegedly, that laws, rules, and default requirements for entries to be considered supreme can simply be neglected or completely disobeyed altogether. This is not only false, but a futile side of the argument to support, as it makes virtually no sense for a sane human being to see a beneficial opportunity in this false claim.

Anyway, this "law" states that any entry to be self-containing and/or all-encompassing (especially of the recent ones, such as Creationlock, SENPN, and even Later) must have some purely logical/knowledgeable factor if it is going to lay claim over anything previously established on this Wiki. A real life example of pure logic/knowledge is for example the undeniable logic and basic knowledge that 1 + 1 = 2. Such truth simply cannot be argued against. Nonscriptability relies entirely on the lazy strategy of simply assuming there was never any logic or knowledge in the first place. Such statement must validate, for if not, then there was clearly some contradictory stuff in there and most of the AD Nonscriptability things are paradoxical and/or simply nonsensical rubbish. Let's take Creationlock as an example. It is basically a tree that encompasses all creations and is paradoxical in that it encompasses itself and is bigger than itself. As said, it's branches extend beyond even its own limit. At the top of the entry, it tells the reader to note how "there is no extent of creations or non-creations outside of the tree of Creationlock or it is considered a creation", which is, in itself, contradictory as some entries are the literal epitome of self-reverse-encompassing destruction, and if not, then said entry(s) will be made in due time and CAN be made to match the measures currently being explained in this entry.

Additionally, if there is an omni-dominating entry made revolving around one meta-concept (e.g. in this case, creation), then there can certainly be made equivalent entries in an alternate facet and in a more advanced fashion. For example, Post-Writing/Post-Potential (a former two-way tie for the record holder of pseudo-quantification for this Wiki) revolved around only writing and potential. What about, say, reading. In Post-Writing, the main subject is the dictatorial necessity of writing in order to create, and the mitigations of doing anything otherwise. Assume this was instead a focus on reading. The unavoidable fact that to even process an entry, you need to read it. This may seem like a situational example, but I can actually go on about this forever. Let me take another random example, let's say bananas. If a banana takes up spaces and manifolds and dimensions and what not, then it can be expanded hypercosmologically and hypermathematically on to the level of the tree of Creationlock, in this case, the Banana of Fruitlock (funny example but it's whatever). It is a recurring theme in Wiki controversy that the false allegations, claims, and boasts orbit around the unexpected subjective consequentialism that comes eventually when an entry is made superior based off of the foundation of one singular subject in its meta form. All in all it results in a flexible yet only semi-consistent consequential loop of subjectivism into objectivism and vice versa resulting in the same nonsense and childish beguilement. To summarize, in order to successfully convey an entry, regardless of the focus or revolution/reliance of the entry/agent material, the U.F.L. must be utilized to its maximal extent. And now, onwards to the second half.

Undiscovered Fictional Freedom (U.F.F.)[]

This second phenomenon may be seen as the more "liberal" one, as there is more room to improvise without risking controversy, hostility, an universal entropy. Unlike some twin entries (entries focusing on not one but two "concepts" relating to the same intrinsicality or even artificial nature), this entry's focus is two "meta-concepts" that act as the opposites and counterbalancers for each other, and so, unlike the UFL covered in the previous section, the UFF will be detailing on the exact opposite of a nonsubjective/unobjective argumentative bypassing law, that of a completely subjective and objective, chaotic, rampant liberty which, if used in an entry (not recommended) will either result in the entry either being worthless and having virtually no effect on the Wiki whatsoever, or that entry simply becoming a fundamentally disrespectful and ostracized slab of stupid, self-destructive nonsense.

To fully understand this section, you first need to understand the basic nature of disregarding and completely ignorant and neglecting entries. These entries are mainly the ones with no explanation, such as the fictional -illions, fictional infinities that don't either have a viable explanation or don't correspond to an already-existing variant of infinity (such as those pioneered by Georg Cantor), and so on. The UFF is the complete and utter exaggeration and prolonging of that decisive state to the point where making a decent and respectable entry seems quite literally impossibe or fruitless; less than even frivolous in value. Other than that there really isn't much more to it. Uhm, yeah. I might edit this entry in the future to maybe support some weak roots of it better or simply to add more detail, but until then, this is what I have.
