Regiment 6: Extraneous Regiment (Contains Catanumber Classes)[]
Ↄ Longeteum Class (Class XXXI) Ↄ[]
- Expansible Triage (1.2)
- Conkept (maximal extentement of idea)
- The Catafilm
- Nukable
- Dubstep's summer boredom number (?)
- Reflectia Catastrophia
- Qwegiofwqhs
- Supercollapseofsuperultrapasscollapse
- Ionic Anti-Collapsium(?)
- Limacollapse+ (ፈƱ)
- 🐢
- Expansible Triage (1.3)
- Least Catathing Pseudovalue
- Mirrora Detachment
- The intervational cata-detachment
- Cyclonec Rebound
- Cataprojectible Rkinal
- The Periphericum Bounds
- Very big number
- Paxillion (Zenit's Terminology)
- Novafinity (1.0)
⍼ Angzarr Class (Class XXXII) ⍼[]
This class temporarily moves on from the Catamethods and keeps going beyond onto scenarios, ceitstates, and narratives.
- Novafinity (1.2) (Noah’s Terminology)
- Eichrozeiphynas
- Ascended Cata-Finity
- The Raktafilm
- Asymptote Hard Scale
- Fikta-Triakinal (1.4.1)
- Eichrolyzangas Indeterminate
- The Parabox
- Ultima Syllaba
- Cataclysmic Breakdown
Fictisolute Aperikal (3.13)
- Etcetera
- Afractal
- Shapeakia
- Etcetera fixed point
- Container.
- The Meta Description
ळ Re-Ascension Class (Class XXXIII) ळ[]
History is repeating. After one ascension the second will happen, third, fourth, until it doesn't matter. Moving from states, non-concepts, uncatables, ineffability and narratives to the next level.
- Demented Infinity
- Primordial Will
- Expansible Triage (√2)
- Primordial Text
- Mythological Singularity
- Leisuric
- Weak Kathrealituum (Яk-)
- Asymptote Unreasonability
- Pointless
- Unstackable
- Primordial Existence (0.33)
- Dosikium (2.03)
- The Unbreakable Border (2.1)
Fictisolute Aperikal (3.14)
- Absolute Illogical
🝯 Delusiem Class (Class XXXIV) 🝯[]
We have reached the unconventional, where we can't formally define in any amount of words and concepts.
- The Tip of Triangle
- Rest In Peace, Numbers... (黎)
- ∀_0+
- Kurante's Constant
- Deklassable
- Nullbound
- Fishy Fish
- Kath-Barriepoint
- Metaix
- Trait overrule paradox (T.O.P)
- Trajfield (lower bound)
- Outcome higher principles (lower bound)
- Theory of everything (lower bound)
- Kathrealituum
- Fictoiout Patain
- The Nothing ({_})
- The Final Question (⌬)
- Absolute Aperdinal/Version Pi (Ω∈π)
- Ohthekathmisery
- The Set-Imaginarium
ᢲ Incongentinas Class (Class XXXV) ᢲ[]
Kath- could boundlessly overrule any, disregarding unkathibles as the incorrect way preventing kath-.
- Post-Undefinable
- Dek objects
- ሁ objects
- The Intercological Sanctum
- Crocodile (🐊)
- Nomsolute Propertinal (Upper Bound)
- Past of Bound
- Absolute-Lock (Ωlock)
Fictisolute Aperikal
(Ω∈)- Number Fallout (?+)
- Dequalificate Ologica (Q.?+)
- The Cage (⛓️🔒)
- Infinite set
- Condensed Hyper Asymptomatic Repeating Meta / Counter kath limits / Kathkath (Kath- terminator?)
- Primordial Existence (0.357)
Regiment 7: Treolinium Regiment (Contains Treolnumber Classes)[]
₲ Seedling Class (Class XXXVI) ₲[]
Seeds can change numbers, but also manipulate Infinite Sets. You might say prior numbers are "unsurpassable" due to "unendingness."
- Primordial Existence (0.36)
- Briterion's entry targeting for Class 100 - Primordial.
- Treolinium Primordia (ᢲ0)
- The debunk of Primordial Existence as a subject for Infinite Set.
"The Nothing..."
- "When a mind or a characteristic is with the way to the Nothing..., they get broken off."
- Treolphysics
- Treolphysics are a way to say physics if not in hyperscenarios where instead of using kath, we use treol.
- Placement as of treol- v1.
- Unprotepertinal true Metaixial
- Beats asymptotes by H.I.G.G.S.
Albero Corrotto
- "The sprouts grew corrupted from a scarlet seed, feeling unnatural."
- Pata-[meta]
- The inconclusive, irreflexive Infinite Set.
- Aperible Set
- Collection of all reflexive and irreflexive Infinite Sets falling under an Infinite Set.
- Immovable unkathible unseedable cardinal
- Cannot be affected by Kaths or seeds.
- Outcome higher principles (BROKEN SCALE)
- Breaks kath-, treol-, and Transfinite Recursion to the point that it is paradoxically outside.
- Danger Numker
- Soon...
- Truer Breakdown XXXVI
- Soon...
Fictisolute Aperikal v3.1411
- Soon...