Fictional Googology Wiki

Nil's Ideas[]

As you can probably tell, this is a sequel to the original Nil's Ideas. This is going to have numbers ported over to here. (Templates soon.)


Assuming we’re symmetrical, Symmetria would be a “number” that would be pseudo-comparable to an absolute omni-symmetric[1] version of reality. (re^Ω-ality)

Levels of fiction/reality for levels of (a)symmetrical numbers.[]

  • Metafiction/R_-1(?) is super-asymmetrical
  • Fiction/R_0 is asymmetrical.
  • Reality/R_1 is symmetrical.
  • Post-reality/R_2 is supersymmetrical.
  • Re^Ω-ality/R_Ω would be absolute omni-symmetrical (by definition).

Reflectia Catastrophia (and entries related to Catafilm and beyond)[]

Reflectia Catastrophia is a point where such catareflection back from a reverse catamirroring of such is impossible, regardless of refutal of such still being catamirrored.. This makes the number "uncatareflectable" due to such. Uncatareflectable entries are similar to uncollapsible entries, but with catareflection from the Catafilm instead of collapsing entries. (Note that this is not 1. This is a Longeteum Class former record holder.)[2]

Stasized Catastrophia[]

Stasized Catastrophia is simply, the limit of non-catastasized (meta)entries.

Reflectia Methodizia[]

Reflectia Methodizia is the least object that is uncatamethodable from any exactly reflective version of such object.

Former Entries...[]

Mirroria Catastrophia[]

Mirroria Catastrophia is a point where such (meta)entry would be beyond such catamirrored things. Note that this is also uncatareflectable and may be illogical, due to the statement of still being catamirrored from the Catafilm page.

Reversibia Mirroria Catastrophia[]

Reversibia Mirroria Catastrophia is a point where such reverse catamirroring (when uncatareflectable) is impossible. It's kind of like Inexpansible, due to how Reverse Catamirroring is defined.

Cata-Existential Layers.[]

After Я♛, with almost nowhere to go except Aperdinology, we continue with an old concept, revived from the shadows. Note that CS = catastruxy. Inspired by (and is more of a variant of) Aarex’s idea of “Stratasis.” (Note: We are currently not Aperdinalized, yet.) Bonus: 𝔼_ = Reality (R1) (value made by NilGaming, due to no value for any 𝔼n that equals to Reality. Part of normal Existential Layers)

  • 𝔼_ = Reality (R1)
  • 𝔼0 = All such (cata)reality[3] layers combined. (Similar to Я♛)
  • 𝔼1 = This now includes 𝔼0 inattributive[4] (and attributive) realities (in (cata)struxyexpanded/(C)SE-𝔼) to a (𝔼0-CS-)extent to any other thing.
  • 𝔼2 = This now includes 𝔼0-inattributive AND 𝔼1-inattributive (and attributive) realities (in (cata)struxyexpanded/(C)SE-𝔼) to a (𝔼1-CS-)extent to any other thing.
  • ...

Here, 𝔼 represents Existential Levels as a whole. Note that we don’t have to make a version of RM() but for 𝔼, because the function already has things like 𝔼1,0, 𝔼1,0,0, etc. Next, let “Ệ” be non(CS)constructible from any CS(extension, attribution, projection)[5] to 𝔼. Here, Cataexistence (symbol: ∃ễ) is defined as a point where such thing is undefinable and unactualizable from any Ệ extent of things..

  1. From Imaginarism. (transcology link)
  2. According to Aarex's FG Comparison.
  3. (As in Rx.)
  4. Attributively impossible.
  5. Not going to lie here, this was kind of plagiarized from the TB 2.2.2 document, but this is technically just an idea I had in mind.

Ionic Anti-Collapsium[]

Ionic Anti-Collapsium is another entry about the negation of collapse, just like Conceptual Difference and Limacollapse. This version is about higher versions of collapsing types, and negating them. This paged has been moved to a document.

Trivia (v1.0)[]

Trivia (v1.1)[]