Fictional Googology Wiki

Ex(n) is a function that returns the limit of extending Ex(n-1), where Ex(0) = Absolute Infinity.

Ex(1) would be the limit of extending Absolute infinity, so it is greater than all mathis absolutes, but might be smaller than absolute eternal

Ex(2) would be the limit of extending Ex(1). in which case it might be around Absility.

Ex(3) would be the limit of extending Ex(2). It could be anywhere from Terminus to ATE.

Ex(4) I really don't know, but it should be between N E V E R and Beyondx.

Ex(5) should be between Beyond NEVER and Conkept. depending on Ex(4).

Ex(6) Might Be Binblety or something (if Ex(5) is close to Beyond NEVER)

Ex(7) might be Beyond Bineblety.


Eventually, you get to Ex(Ex(0)). which is some huge number.

Then, Ex(Ex(Ex(0))).

You can keep going. to the fixed point of Ex(a). or where Ex(a) = a.

Even later on, you can reach Ex(a) < a. which means extending a makes it smaller.