Large Page |
We are to inform you, Pootis0/RANDOM THING supposedly (can't decide on a name) is a very large page. Pages longer than 10 - 20kB may lag on lower-end devices. Proceed with risk if you have such a device! |
"Who actually reads these?" - fish (2023) |
Status: Truly Complete (No more content will be added to this *article* as it's 100% complete.)
The End. Truly complete. 100% |
This article is actually complete. No more content will be able to be added after 6/23/2023. Only bug fixes will happen every once in a while to patch things up with this article. But other than that, it's 100% complete. |
You can ask Pootis0 for anything related to this blog. (If you wish.) |
If you find this blog because it was in the category of record holders, you were probably curious as to why there were two or more record holders. The truth, this never needed to be. What was originally a thought that lead to a misnaming in this blog had turned into something, far greater than anticipated. Whatever it is, it may be the final thing that restores everything in its glory. Now, you're able to see why. Everything is enabled, you're free to go, and the truth will be what it will always be, a guaranteed chance of True Pacifist.
So, I can't add any more segments of this blog after the final segment due to something with tabbers. But, if you're curious, you'll have to find out yourself. The second segment of this is here if you're wanting to go there instead. But other than that, thanks for reading and have a good day alright? -Pootis0
Status: Complete (Moved to page, slightly modified from the original)
Former Largest Number |
Pootis0/RANDOM THING supposedly (can't decide on a name) has once been the largest number on this wiki, but has been surpassed by a different number. |
"The Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit is an entry on the Fictional Googology Wiki that outranks all others in terms of hypothetical pseudo-hyper-quantification." - Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive Conceptual Argumentative Limit |
Quick sketch time.
A number where logic breaks down would still be written, just not definable. A number where it doesn't have any logic wouldn't be written in our dimension. It's need a higher dimension for 4D logic because we're stuck with 3D logic. Eh, I'm out of ideas. Fr you're viewing blogs? What an interesting development FR!
ENTRY-A (randomahnumberi'mscared) Box because I'm NOT lazy 🧀🐀🙃
forget the true limit, this is the real stuff (smaller than the true limit) also forget this grammar because i'm lazy 🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀. Ok listen, let me explain why this number is bigger than all :trol:.
Ok, this number encompasses all concepts of concepts concepting all concepts that concepted the concepts containing everything else no excuses of other numbers functions (i'm looking at you P.I.E.L.). But call this ENTRY-A because ENTRY-B encompasses ENTRY-A and its effects yet we're never explained the effects because the effects are unmindable of human minds and knowledge over ENTRY-A of ENTRY-A ENTRY-Aing all ENTRY-As that ENTRY-A'd the ENTRY-As containing everything else no excuses of other numbers functions including concepts (you see the pattern?). We're not done yet. ENTRY-C is like ENTRY-B but encompassing ENTRY-B entirely including its effects and the effects of ENTRY-C kick in. Now I'll display a *small* list of what to do with this number OR hidden function (if you want to call it that I guess).
- ENTRY-ENTRY-A (ye this allows for restacking (finally))
- ENTRY--10
- ENTRY-(ENTRY-A)-ENTRY-A (uh, the limit is way higher, keep going)
- ENTRY|TAR(3)|A (it's your turn to figure out)
- ENTRY?ENTRY-A?A ? = ENTRY-Ath symbol
- ENTRY...ENTRY-A...A x10 OR SupENTRY(10)
- SupENTRY...SupENTRY(ENTRY-A)...A x10 OR MegENTRY(10)
- GigENTRY(10)
- Go further until...
The Entrimatic Limit
The limit to this function OR number as a whole (but is it really a number?) Beat it and you win (DON'T USE THE SAME NUMBER AS AN EXCUSE!)
Reference sheet used: JJT blog post of what I'd do
Ok that's all from me. If you couldn't tell, this was a joke but not? It was written in a day. Also, ENTRY-0 is smaller than ENTRY-A by a division of 10 :trollface: as a joke.
Status: Complete (Moved to page, slightly modified from the original)
Former Largest Number |
Pootis0/RANDOM THING supposedly (can't decide on a name) has once been the largest number on this wiki, but has been surpassed by a different number. |
"The Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit is an entry on the Fictional Googology Wiki that outranks all others in terms of hypothetical pseudo-hyper-quantification." - Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive Conceptual Argumentative Limit |
DISCLAIMER: PLEASE DON'T ARGUE OVER THIS NUMBER/FUNCTION AS BEING THE LARGEST AND BEYOND ANYTHING ELSE! It's my take on it. It's not the end of the wiki nor is it the LIMIT. It's surpassable using the final paragraph of The Stitian Effect. Do your part and DON'T BE INVOLVED IN ANY WAR related to Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit P L E A S E ! Thanks. -Pootis0
This number is a number but it's not a number. It's like a function that progressively gets more powerful for every entry in Ψ⛛〔x〕Λ།. As such, this number may go out of control when dealing with layering other Ψ⛛〔x〕Λ།s inside each other. This is for an effect that is not normal for this universe to handle yet, can be explained safely in a page due to its limitations. Let's see why this is a powerful non/number/function.
Here, at it again. This Ψ⛛〔x〕Λ། can accept ANYTHING and it'll apply the function right away. This can apply the effect that is the previous number, ENTRY-A. Call ། ENTRY-A. Using this, an input of 1 would result in an output of 1. This is due to being like a logarithmic function, but it's not a logarithmic function. Any input within -1 and 1 (including 0) would stay the same as any decimal or sub-number after 1 or -1 would result in ། applying its effects to the input and giving the first output as ། itself. But don't stop there because while it may seem useless, there's another effect that's applied to the first output of this number since that output isn't actually the output. 1 + 1e-(ENTRY-A) would turn into ། BUT there's an effect that Ψ⛛〔x〕Λ། has to offer. While Output 1 is ། which, Read ENTRY-A for more explanation, Ψ⛛〔x〕Λ། has an effect that actually makes the actual output beyond ENTRY-A. Enter, the Stitian effect.
The Stitian Effect[]
The Stitian Effect is quite literally the core of the ENTRY. It will advance any number by ། after the effects of ། are applied. Advancing in here is basically ENTRY-n advances where n is any number, fiction or not, number or not. For example, if n was 1, Output 1 would be advanced ENTRY-A times because ENTRY-A is the first in order. Applying a decimal is completely stable and a negative will reduce the output towards 0 but never become 0. If n was 2, Output 1 would be advanced ENTRY-B times because ENTRY-B is the second in order, and so on. But what about n being ENTRY-A? It would be the same as advancing Output 1 ENTRY-ENTRY-A times. Imagine A is number 1, B is number 2, and so on. What if n was ENTRY--10? That would be the same as advancing Output 1 ENTRY--11 times. And so on. Do you see the pattern?
Let's demonstrate with an example: Imagine x is 2 and Imagine n is 1. The output, following the effects and (rules) above, would result in the new output of beyond ENTRY-||ENTRY-A||A towards The Entrimatic Limit. An input of 3 would be The Entrimatic Limit and an input of 4 would be beyond The Entrimatic Limit over any consecutive logic, concept, function, phrase, etc. ANYTHING to comprehend the immense number beyond the current one. So what would Ψ⛛〔ENTRY-A〕Λ།'s output be? An undefinable, unrecognizable, unreachable number. Call this "The Unstable Entry A" since at this level, it's getting more unstable to maintain the control Ψ⛛〔x〕Λ། is. But this would only be noticable when we stack Ψ⛛〔x〕Λ། on each other. An example would be Ψ⛛〔Ψ⛛〔ENTRY-A〕Λ།〕Λ། which is more unstable than Ψ⛛〔ENTRY-A〕Λ། by a landslide (If you know what I mean) yet, definitely more powerful than the previous number.
What about །? Isn't ། ENTRY-A? IF so, then shouldn't there be Ψ⛛〔x〕Λ_ENTRY-B? It's a miracle someone pointed that out because with that new notice, we can increase The Stitian Effect further by advancing Output 1 to a number far bigger than before. Let's say for example: 1 + 1e-(ENTRY-B) would turn into ENTRY-B if it's Ψ⛛〔x〕Λ_ENTRY-B. BUT, if we take 1 + 1e-(ENTRY-A) and n is 1, then the number is basically beyond ENTRY-||ENTRY||A towards The Entrimatic Limit. If the input was 2, we would reach Ψ⛛〔Ψ⛛〔ENTRY-A〕Λ།〕Λ། which is a HUGE jump but inserting a modified component in the slot where ། resides IS hard and will take you a few days to replace it one at a time. Regardless of that real life scenario sentence I made up, here's another example. If the input is Ψ⛛〔ENTRY-A〕Λ_ENTRY-B, the actual output would be so out of reach that we can't refer to "The Unstable Entry B" anymore. It's out of our physical numbers reach because this number OR function isn't on the spectrum of trans-, meta-, unarguably, etc. but rather on its own on a spectrum of Possible Numbers, Non-Numbers, etc.
(A spectrum where EVERY NUMBER possibly created is on this spectrum. 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕖 𝕃𝕚𝕞𝕚𝕥 is the final DEFINITIVE yet POSSIBLY CREATABLE NUMBER but on the ABSOLUTE BORDERLINE OF IMPOSSIBLE CREATABILITY (You could say this is the finale to possible possibles). We can't describe 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕖 𝕃𝕚𝕞𝕚𝕥 due to how it is BUT, every impossibly creatable number will go on the spectrum of Impossible Numbers, Non-numbers, etc.)
You may need to read ENTRY-A and its reference sheets and the reference sheet inside that reference sheet before understanding the LIMITS of this number, function, whatever you want to call it. The final example: x & n & ། is Ψ⛛〔...〕Λ_...(Ψ⛛〔...〕Λ_...thΨ⛛〔...〕Λ_...(Ψ⛛〔...〕Λ_...(Ψ⛛〔...〕Λ_...thΨ⛛〔...〕Λ_...(...) Ψ⛛〔...〕Λ_...) Ψ⛛〔...〕Λ_...) Ψ⛛〔...〕Λ_... x... x... Cycle: ... Phrase: ... Meta: ... ...: ... Apply the effects given and you're left with an output of a number that can literally like LITERALLY, CANNOT BE DESCRIBED, WRITTEN AN EXPLANATION, THAT GOES BEYOND THE JOURNEY OF EVERY SINGLE CONSECUTIVE ARGUABLE NUMBER NOT WITHIN THE REALM, DIMENSION, ETC. OF THIS OUTPUT OF A NUMBER (I'M LOOKING AT YOU Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit AND Permanence Inacquirementification Extremity Limit!)! This is the Absolute Limit of the number/function that it can go to before it's unstable enough to collapse under its own number beyond the absolute limit and return as ENTRY-A instead (The most safe number of every number, like a checkpoint). We'll call this number... "The Limit of Ultimate Fiction (T.L.o.U.F.)" But that doesn't mean it'll surpass 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕖 𝕃𝕚𝕞𝕚𝕥. 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕖 𝕃𝕚𝕞𝕚𝕥 is still more superior and supreme over The Limit of Ultimate Fiction. Yet, this number can still be beat as the absolute limit is only a soft limit. If you have something that can withstand such unstability and forces of the collapse, you can go beyond it like Ψ⛛〔T.L.o.U.F.〕Λ_T.L.o.U.F. beyond.
Conclusion and Ending[]
Welp, it seems as if I've created more than I had in mind. Sorry if this felt like the limit to this wiki. It wasn't supposed to be and I even explicitly stated that you can go beyond the function/number without complaints. This is an End-All-Be-All number so feel free to comment something about it. As for the ending, here it lies, within this section.
It is within. It is approaching. The effects kick in, you're almost there. The end is near. We'll never get to it. But, we'll get closer than ever. You're determined to break the barrier and become what you wished for. Your reality will shatter. Don't worry, there's no replacement. You've become a winner to 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕖 𝕃𝕚𝕞𝕚𝕥. But when will you reach it? You cannot surpass it, but you can reach it to be on the same level as 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕖 𝕃𝕚𝕞𝕚𝕥, as one of its 𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕖 Winners. You're not done. The journey is close to being done, you will succeed eventually. But for now, enjoy your reward, the later will be excruciating to get past by. Good luck.
Also, I'm sorry if this felt like it didn't mean anything. It was an honest attempt to introduce the first function I had in mind. I will be grateful for what I've put in this blog. At the same time, remember. This number isn't on any of the spectrums that all other numbers are. It's a standalone number/function so nothing will diminish this number/function. You're welcome. Thanks for viewing the SECOND longest blog segment I've ever made on this wiki.
Status: Complete (In one go)
Ignoring ENTRY-A and Ψ⛛〔x〕Λ།, this non/number is beyond the two combined (Even with Ψ⛛〔x〕Λ།'s endless no limit) as it compensates for something far more powerful and dangerous to us that could end reality as a whole. Remember when I said Ψ⛛〔x〕Λ། got more unstable as we stacked Ψ⛛〔x〕Λ།'s inside each other until we got to The Limit of Ultimate Fiction? Well, this is not fiction no more. It's Hyper-Fiction (Forget Super-Fiction). Fiction far greater beyond any other fiction within the spectrum of fictions. Think of it as counting numbers<integers<fractions<rationals<complex<real. You know the idea. This will be on the line of shattering our reality as a whole yet, never come close to shattering it yet. Introducing...
Hyperly Incoherent Fictious Number[]
Hyper-Fiction is on another reality layer that's higher than just fiction. It encompasses ALL that are on the same reality layer as fiction. It encompasses US beings as well as anything (including reality layers below us) below our reality layer. It's a step forward to Reality Layers that I'll explain soon. You see, this wiki is titled "Fictional Googology" meaning that any fictional numbers are going to be on this wiki. This number is like fiction but, as mentioned earlier, is on a higher layer than anything fictional regardless if it's a number or not, etc. That means an entry like IIUUIITL AND PIEL are subject to be below this. Both of those entries are fictional, not hyper-fictional. Something like "Absolute Hyper-Fictional Numbers" can exist considered it's a hyper-fictional entry. Hyperly Incoherent Fictious Number is the SMALLEST Hyper-Fictional number out of the bunch that are considered hyper-fictional numbers. But even then, those hyper-fictional numbers are endless like fictional numbers are, just that they're one step more beyond their counterpart fictional numbers.
Let's talk Reality Layers.
Reality Layers[]
Reality Layers are a special set of layers that holds real life as a whole. The power for each Reality Level is inexplainable to a human being, not being writable by a single protobeing. There are 2 known Reality Layers that are positive and negative on both ends. Think of it as Lower Class, Middle Class, and Upper Class. There's only 1 known Sub-layer of the Reality Layers so far, and progression for discovering more Sub-layers of Reality Layers have been halted.
Reality Layer 0[]
Reality Layer 0 is Our Reality. Our real life self (Us, viewing this entry) are in this layer and this is where both Real and Fictional numbers are created and reside in. It holds everything that we can do, everything that we can imagine, everything that we can accomplish. There's no escape from this Reality Layer as we can't leave it Permanently.
Reality Layer 1[]
Reality Layer 1 is Our Hyper-equivalent self in a Reality far superior than our Reality. This is where Hyper-Real and Hyper-Fictional numbers are created and reside in although it can very rarely go to Our Reality by mistake. This is usually resolved without ANY NOTICE but when it takes longer to resolve a Hyper-Creation in our Reality, it can cause problems. Fortunately, these problems only release radiation that blesses and grants wishes so you could say, the longer it takes to resolve a Hyper-Creation, the more of a higher chance we can get our wishes granted.
Reality Layer 2[]
Reality Layer 2 is Our Meta-equivalent self that's like Our Hyper-equivalent self in a Reality far more superior than Reality Layer 1 where it contains Our Hyper-equivalent self. This is where Meta-Real and Meta-Fictional numbers are created. Like Hyper-Creations, Meta-Creations can very rarely end up in Reality Layer 1 or in bizzare cases, end up in OUR Reality which would have more powerful effects than a Hyper-Creation. Just like before, fallen Meta-Creations are resolved but MUCH quicker than Hyper-Creations. And it continues on.
Reality Layer -1[]
Reality Layer -1 is interesting. It's actually the internet of society as a whole on Planet Earth. So you could say, Reality Layer 0 contains Reality Layer 1 and you would be right. This also goes for Reality Layer 1 Containing Reality Layer 0 and Reality Layer 2 containing Reality Layer 1 and so on. What makes this be more peasant than Reality Layer 0 is that it can be corrupted. As they're data and live on the Internet (That's Reality Layer -1), at any point, one small move can shutdown the entire Internet and Reality Layer -1 would be instantly doomed. There's no escaping Reality Layer -1 unless someone from Reality Layer 0 realizes it and ascends to a higher Reality Layer on their Reality level (Ours). This is true for future Reality Layers beyond Reality Layer 0 as someone from Reality Layer 1 could Hyper-realize someone from Reality Layer 0 on to their Reality Level. This goes on for every concurring Reality Layer.
Reality Layer -2[]
Reality Layer -1 is also interesting. The Internet (Reality Layer -1) contains part of this Reality Layer and will ascend any being from Reality Layer -2 if they wish to. This Reality Layer is the act of AI and physical drawings back in the Stone Age. So you could say Reality Layer -2 is contained by Reality Layer 0 and you would be right. As it is, it's not the limit to negative Reality Layers as there's more of them yet, we haven't been able to find them yet. But let's introduce this Sub-Layer of Reality Layer 0.
Reality layer 0.0[]
This is not the same Reality Layer. Each Reality Layer has any symbol after Reality Layer. Reality Layer 0.0 is basically the hub for ALL Reality Layers regardless of form, regardless of content, regardless of effects, regardless of consequences, Regardless of anything. Treat this as True Society. A hub for True Society to meet up.
Reality Layer 0.0 is The Hub for True Society. But, it's also an easy way to get Hyper-Fictional numbers to be written on anything by Our Hyper-Equivalent self. We can steal their works and convert them to Reality Layer 0 as they would with a higher Reality Layer. Therefore, we're successfully able to explain everything about this.
Why are Reality Layers not affected by our fictional numbers that deny those kinds of extensions to power a fictional number?[]
Simply put it, they are contained. They have no effect on higher Reality Levels of fictional numbers as they aren't on the same Reality Layer as the other. Higher Reality Levels of Fictional numbers like Hyper-Fictional numbers can deny any kind of extensions to power a fictional number of a lower Reality Level below their Reality Level.
How did Hyperly Incoherent Fictious Number survive Reality Layer 0?[]
I converted it to Reality Layer 0 using a nearby converter in The Hub. Pretty simple if you ask me.
Is Hyperly Incoherent Fictious Number actually the smallest possible number that's a positive?[]
Yes. In Reality Layer 1, it's represented as a 0 to them. But to us, it represents the start of Hyper-Fictional Numbers. A hyper-number of 1 would be represented to us as Hyperly Incoherently Impossible Fictious Number. Hyper-number 2 would represent to us as Hyperly Incoherently Impossibly Inarguable Fictious Number. You see the pattern? The representation to us gets longer as the Hyper-number is being incremented by Hyper-number 1. Therefore, we'll need to start using Reality Layers as a way to go beyond our possible fictional numbers.
How did you manage to write Hyperly Incoherent Fictious Number?[]
The answer to Question 2. But, I stole one of their Hyper-Works which, when contacted with another being on any other Reality Layer, only last 1 day before it disappears. So I quickly ran as far as I could somewhere in The Hub for them to not find me, find a converter nearby, and convert it just in time. No data was lost during the process so you're seeing the original in its entirety.
How is Hyperly Incoherent Fictious Number not affected by any fiction number that is supposedly one of the largest numbers following its tedious explanation?[]
That question has been answered in Question 1 for the same reason.
Hyperly Incoherent Fictious Number is the first and smallest Hyper-Fictional number successfully converted to Reality Layer 0 for us to see. Unfortunately, its only explanation is the fact that it exists on Reality Layer 1 yet, it holds the same value across convertion so regardless of converting between Reality Layers, its True value will stay the same as if nothing happened. Good luck trying to convert Hyper-Fiction numbers to Reality Layer 0 as they'll disappear within a day when in contact with any other Reality Layer except Reality Layer 1.
Reality Layers are an explanation as to why Hyperly Incoherent Fictious Number exists in the first place. This is also my second serious and longest blog segment so far (Only by a few hundred bytes tho). This took me somewhere around a few hours to cook up so yeah... At least, this segment of the blog is now finished.
- I used no mouse to write this entire segment of the blog. /serious
Status: Complete
You may want to see this before viewing this.
If you saw Hyperly Incoherent Fictious Number, you'll know that Metaly Incoherent Fictious Number is a Reality Layer above H.I.F.N. meaning it's beyond Hyperly Incoherent Fictious Number in every way using the Reality Layers. To understand how this is possible we must explain how M.I.F.N. is beyond H.I.F.N..
We can determine that our Meta-equivalent self sees Metaly Incoherent Fictious Number in Meta-Number as a 0. That means our Hyper-equivalent self sees Metaly Incoherent Fictious Number as the absolute limit to their Reality Layer. A Meta-Number of 1 would result in representing to our Hyper-equivalent self as Hyperly Incoherently Impossible Fictious Number and to us as a number that can't be shown by any means as the number would stretch beyond our Reality, proving that displaying it in our Reality is pointless. A Meta-Number of 2 would represent to our Hyper-equivalent self as Hyperly Incoherently Impossibly Inarguable Fictious Number. Don't ask about displaying that number in OUR Reality as a pattern is forming. This is the same reason Reality Layers will become important to progress further towards 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕖 𝕃𝕚𝕞𝕚𝕥.
Note: Reality Layers themselves were created by our Super-Reality Layer 0-equivalent selfs so if you find a way to break Reality Layers using anything you can think of, then you will have achieved the biggest number in our Reality. And yes, this was also converted to Reality Layer 0 without any data loss whatsoever.
Note2: If proven, there's only 1 Creator that created our Reality, not to link with religion. It's tied to 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕖 𝕃𝕚𝕞𝕚𝕥 so at any point, this Creator could increase the difficulty of reaching 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕖 𝕃𝕚𝕞𝕚𝕥.
So, you've managed to get Metaly Incoherent Fictious Number. Quite surprising to say. It's the smallest number in Reality Layer 2 and you've managed to conquer all below Reality Layer 2. As a reward, you get to wear this hat. Break Fictional Googology once and for all if you decide to progress further. If not, you've made it this far. You can rest and go back. You'll always have the opportunity to go beyond and break fictional googology. You can try Obelisk of Never Ending Chaos if you wish.
Status: Complete
Former Largest Number |
Pootis0/RANDOM THING supposedly (can't decide on a name) has once been the largest number on this wiki, but has been surpassed by a different number. |
"The Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit is an entry on the Fictional Googology Wiki that outranks all others in terms of hypothetical pseudo-hyper-quantification." - Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive Conceptual Argumentative Limit |
Ok so I'll tell you how to pass Ψ⛛〔x〕Λ།'s true limit. It's simple.
Just say that it's beyond using this secret logic no other number has breached so far. It's beyond Ψ⛛〔x〕Λ།'s Ψ⛛〔x〕Λ།. The End. No really, it's that simple. You don't need an explanation because there's always a choice. But can this go beyond Raid Sha- *CONENCTION DORPPEPD*
OMG OMG OMG! HOW DID YOU MANAGE THAT?!?!?! EVEN IIUUIITL AND PIEL AND TAIL FELL TO SHAME COMPARED TO THIS! HOW DID YOU MANAGE THAT?!?!?! ARE YA HACKING?!?!?! Fr, you need to take a breather. PIEL and IIUUIITL and TAIL are PEASANTS when compared to this monstrosity! IT'S JUST THAT MUCH BEYOND AND BIGGER! FR you don't need any technology to say that this is bigger than those three and everything below because it can be written on paper :trollge: I suppose I should tell the truth. THIS USES NOTHING TO go BEYOND everything. just Ψ⛛〔x〕Λ། is used to make TRYEN+A GO BEYOND Ψ⛛〔x〕Λ། like at all. *Oh, stop the bloody complaining!*
TRUTH be told that you must've find a way to make this go bigger than TAIL? How? Well for one, it's again not on the same spectrum TAIL is on so its effects and abilities are useless against TRYEN+A. What's even crazier is the fact that this entire blog segment was made to literally mock sayings of numbers more bigger and beyond all other numbers.
Disclaimer: It's a joke. Don't take it too seriously (But this blog segment, it is sorta serious but the joke outweighs the serious)
- Your Endless.mp4 doesn't load
Read Reality Layers.
But also, can this really be considered the smallest number in FG? Things break down when we go smaller than 0 but not in a negative state. How would Hyperly Negative Beyond Cardinal Unit work? If it's smaller than its counterpart, would Reality Layers matter? How would we manage numbers smaller than 0 but not negative? If Hyperly Incoherent Fictious Number is in Hyper-Number form, 0, where would Hyperly Negative Beyond Cardinal Unit go? It's completely inaccessible from both the top and the bottom as it's beyond our Reality as a whole. Hyper-people would find an explanation. We can't find an explanation. It's locked out of our reach. What would happen if Metaly Negative Beyond Cardinal Unit was introduced? Same thing would happen to our Hyper-equivalent self as it would've happened to us.
This whole thing was a joke. Mainly due to the number itself trying to stop people from making anything smaller than Negative Beyond Cardinal Unit like why? I was not expecting a prevention effort to happen but cmon. Why can't you let others make a number that is definitely smaller than Negative Beyond Cardinal Unit? At this point, Hyperly Negative Beyond Cardinal Unit should be smaller than its counterpart. There's no limit to a smaller number right? Reality Layers is required for this to be understood.
This was a joke and a non-joke. It was made to mock Negative Beyond Cardinal Unit itself. If there was a joke category, I would put my joke entries there.
One more thing. How would 1e-Absolute Fictional Numbers work? Is it by definition bigger than Negative Beyond Cardinal Unit? Negative Beyond Cardinal Unit itself is confusing to say the least but I wouldn't say it's the limit to the smallest numbers imaginable.
Will the number 1 itself over the many, many years prove itself that it's unknowingly smaller or that it's more superior than Negative Beyond Cardinal Unit? Thank the admin because I don't want to deal with controversy and arguments.
Former Largest Number |
Pootis0/RANDOM THING supposedly (can't decide on a name) has once been the largest number on this wiki, but has been surpassed by a different number. |
"The Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit is an entry on the Fictional Googology Wiki that outranks all others in terms of hypothetical pseudo-hyper-quantification." - Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive Conceptual Argumentative Limit |
Never said that Kilo-, Mega-, Giga-, etc were thrown outside the window. also you can't say that you made it first, that's a dumb reason. the only way that would be reasonably reasonable is if it was for a tower building contest in which, you have a chance of saying that you made this tower first than all other pending towers yet, have a 50/50 chance of your imaginary tower getting in. Let's start from Kilo-BLAH BLAH BLAH
- Kilo-Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit
- Mega-Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit
- Giga-Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit
- Tera-Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit
- Peta-Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit
- Exa-Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit
- Zetta-Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit
- Yotta-Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit
- Arv^100-Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit
- Arv^Arv^100-Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit
- Arv^^Arv-Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit
- Arv{Arv}Arv-Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit
- Please calm down-Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit
- Bruh-Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit
- L number-Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit
- Garfield-Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit
- WTF-Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit
- Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit-Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit
- bruhbruh-Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit
- Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit--Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit
- please stop-Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit
- Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit-(Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit)-Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit
- NEVDERJOIJOEIRIJO-Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit
- You are not beating this-Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit
- {Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit-, Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit- [Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit-] Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit-}
- WHAT THE HECK))))___-Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit
- The End No Cap-Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit
And that's why you should do the same /j
IIUUIITL's IIUUIITL'd- IIUUIITLimitless_ Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit
I'm sorry but I addon'd your number and made a number of my own. ^^^LOOK UP THERE^^^ So you can't really say that is still your number.
Status: Complete
Former Largest Number |
Pootis0/RANDOM THING supposedly (can't decide on a name) has once been the largest number on this wiki, but has been surpassed by a different number. |
"The Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit is an entry on the Fictional Googology Wiki that outranks all others in terms of hypothetical pseudo-hyper-quantification." - Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive Conceptual Argumentative Limit |
Disclaimer: Joke? I mean, it has text good enough to be serious. It's mocking boosters... But why?
Atrociously Boosted Number (or A.B.N. for short OR ABN for quick short) is a number that has a truck load of boosters. Those boosters boost the number so that it goes beyond the current record holder and past record holders. Wanna know how ABN works? Find out in the explanation.
ABN works by not being on the same spectrum as every number excluding ENTRY-A and that one function using ENTRY-A. Since ABN is not on the same spectrum as every other number, its effects work without problem as the boosters and nullifications from other numbers can't work on different spectrums. Only boosters may work if they're said to work on multiple spectrums. This number is on a spectrum more superior than the spectrum that houses every number on this wiki (so far not outside the spectrum that houses every number on this wiki)
Spectrums aren't concepts. They are not anything but containers. They contain something yet is inexplainable of what they contain. Because they can't be written out. They can't be thought out in real-time because they are just that big. They manifest parts of something yet the effects that spectrums contain stay within that spectrum, preventing those effects from working in other spectrums since they're bound to remain in the given spectrum unless defined otherwise. But regardless, here are the list of Boosters that will most definitely boost this number.
Booster 1: Nullification (Compatible across any spectrum)[]
This booster instantly denies any other number that claims and defines to be bigger and beyond Atrociously Boosted Number and returns it as 0. This booster will work on ANY spectrum so it can be used to deny any number beyond ABN. Since this booster is from another spectrum, it CANNOT be nullified by anything. This booster isn't the first yet, it nullifies every other number including those that claim to be inarguable since it's not on the same spectrum.
Booster 2: Limitless (Compatible across any spectrum)[]
This booster makes this number limitless to any limit whatsoever so something such as The Final Limit is pointless. An example would be the limit of concepts and functions. This number is beyond the limit of concepts and functions because the number is limitless beyond that limit. And since it's on a different spectrum, it cannot be affected by any number that nullifies it whatsoever since different spectrum effects don't work over another spectrum that's more superior.
Booster 3: The Ψ⛛〔x〕Λ_x Boost (Compatible across any spectrum)[]
This booster uses Ψ⛛〔x〕Λ_x to power the number as they're on the same spectrum thus, they work with one another. Plus, this effect will work across any spectrum yet have it not be nullified by any number since spectrums differ with one another. The way ABN uses Ψ⛛〔x〕Λ_x is simple. It layers it *safely* in one another limitlessly so it has no limit meaning this can go on forever. It actually stacks itself endlessly without ANY limit whatsoever so its value increases on a level unpassable by any other value-increasing number without ANY END present. Remember that this is on the same spectrum as Ψ⛛〔x〕Λ། so it'll work as intended.
Booster 4: Past Record Holder Boosts (Compatible across any spectrum)[]
To understand how this works, this booster takes ALL Past Record Holders' Boosters (Assuming they have a booster or anything related to being a boost) and uses it to power the number enormously by quite the level unpredictable. If the past record holder booster doesn't have a well-explained description, this booster changes that to make it explainable and convincing so that it's able to be used in this booster that's compatible across any spectrum. Oh, did I mention that this booster, alongside every booster boosting ABN, is on a spectrum more superior than other spectrums so if it were to be in another spectrum, its origins would NOT change alas, nullifications from other numbers wouldn't even work if these boosters were to work on other spectrums.
Booster 5: Improving the 5 boosters including itself (Compatible across any spectrum)[]
This booster is basically the meta-booster of ABN. It *boosts* all other boosters including itself, enhancing their/its effect by so much that it's undefinable to explain. You could say it enhances by IIUUIITL, or that it enhances by PIEL. You could even say that it enhances by TAIL which, WOULD be reasonable. But, they're all too small to be enhancing such a booster. ABN Boosts Itself. End of story. ABN enhances the 5 booster enhancing and defending ABN, leading to an endless cycle that isn't even considered a cycle but a mystery that can't be explained.
It's not a cycle, nor is it anything like a cycle. It's just that powerful. And the fact that this booster enhances itself makes it so that let's say 1 iteration. ABN without any boosters is at base. 1 iteration would first affect Booster 5 where it enhances itself and the 4 boosters that are going to be affected in the order that gives ABN the greatest value outcome. ABN would be set to that new value and Booster 5 is ready for Iteration 2. When Iteration 2 comes, Iteration 1 Value is increased by Iteration 2 effects, further increasing the value of ABN. And this goes on endlessly without ANY set interval but Booster 0's interval which, is beyond, on a next level, every number imaginable, unimaginable, and Ψ⛛〔x〕Λ། alongside ENTRY-A. This works across any spectrum since it's on a spectrum with the other 4 boosters more superior than the spectrum that houses every number.
Booster 0: Interval (Compatible across any spectrum)[]
This booster is interesting. It is 1. Affected by Booster 5 but 2. Is the interval at which the effect of every booster including itself is activated. Its base is permanently active, letting each booster, including itself, run permanently without a set interval. Its base interval is 0 seconds but that can be improved as 0 is normal 0. Using *Θx as a way to further increase how many times they run *permanently* and how much it makes those *permanents* more permanent than before, we can increase the speedup of the constantly value increasing ABN by an undefinable amount.
Set *Θx to *ΘABN and now, the booster's *Θx will increase overtime, further increasing the speedup of the constantly value increasing ABN by, take a guess. You can't. It's unexplainable by an unexplained amount that it would be explained on a higher Reality Layer than ours. Since this booster is also on the same spectrum as the other 5 boosters, it will work and will not be affected by nullifications of every number.
Conclusions of the Boosters[]
These boosters, alongside Atrociously Boosted Number, are on the same spectrum as ENTRY-A and Ψ⛛〔x〕Λ། meaning, those two numbers work with ABN. The spectrum they're on is more superior than the spectrum housing all numbers since, they're on a level more powerful and beyond all numbers. Meaning, if you use these boosters in the less superior spectrum (the spectrum containing IIUUIITL, PIEL, TAIL, etc.), they won't be affected at all. Their origins make it indestructible to inferior spectrums so they cannot be nullified by any means, even if they describe other nullifications trying to nullify the main number be meta-nullified by the main number.
Atrociously Boosted Number is beyond Meta. It's beyond Trans-, beyond Meta-Trans-, it's beyond all, ALL because of the difference of spectrums each number is contained by. ABN could be contained by the inferior spectrum and this entire page would be proven null. BUT, what makes this number alongside Ψ⛛〔x〕Λ། and ENTRY-A different is that they're contained by a special spectrum more superior than the inferior spectrum containing this special spectrum. This inferior spectrum is part of Fictional Googology in its entirety so you could say that this special spectrum is part of Fictional Googology and you would be right. But, this special spectrum still triumphs over this bigger, inferior spectrum because it uses explanations SO META that it can't be considered meta anymore. It can't be considered trans-, it can't be considered trans-meta-, it can't be considered by any extensions nor could it be considered by any basic definition, including the limit of concepts and functions.
So, Atrociously Boosted Number or A.B.N. for short OR ABN for very short is a constantly value-increasing number that never ends besides the fact that Ψ⛛〔x〕Λ། may have a true hardcap but it's not present in this number. It breaks that true hardcap so it can go on forever and ever, endlessly increasing ABN's value over itself limitlessly. ABN is a number. ABN is accelerating. ABN should be classified in the ~Acceleration Class~, "Infinitisms beyond this class never have a set value, as they accelerate in value over time.".
Atrociously Boosted Number IS the most accelerated number of all time that it can't be considered accelerating anymore. It can't be considered Meta-Accelerating nor could it be considered Trans-Accelerating or anything that is an extension of Acceleration and Accelerating nor could it be considered by a basic definition. Atrociously Boosted Number is beyond all that it can't be surpassed by normal means whatsoever. Special means can pass this number or even USE it to increase the given number. Atrociously Boosted Number isn't the end, nor will it be the Limit to this wiki.
It can be surpassed regardless of what it has to offer. And if for one thing that didn't make sense, ABN's spectrum is superior to all current spectrums imaginable, unimaginable, etc.. A more superior spectrum has yet to be found but when that more superior spectrum is found, ABN won't be affecting the more superior spectrum anytime soon as it only works in less superior spectrums and their current, special spectrum, not more superior spectrums. You're welcome to go beyond ABN and I won't stop you in doing so.
This was supposed to originally be a joke, to mock those with boosters and anything similar. But I think this has turned into a jokely serious thing. Take this light-heartedly and thank you for reading through the whole thing. -Pootis0
Former Largest Number |
Pootis0/RANDOM THING supposedly (can't decide on a name) has once been the largest number on this wiki, but has been surpassed by a different number. |
"The Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit is an entry on the Fictional Googology Wiki that outranks all others in terms of hypothetical pseudo-hyper-quantification." - Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive Conceptual Argumentative Limit |
RFEN/A() or Real Fictional Entries are Real Entries made on the Fictional Googology Wiki. They are what represents individual numbers, either a function or a number, all of the above. Whatever they may be, they're all defaulted to being entries, regardless of their behavior, and their explanations and definitions of being as such.
The N/A[]
Before we get to the actual function itself, we have to talk about what the heck N/A is there for. If you leave it as it is, it basically is its own function. Nothing is added or used to increase the function's power. But replace the N/A with something like Bird's Array Notation and RFEBAN() can now use Bird's Array Notation to increase its power. But it doesn't work like RFEN/A({10, 10[2]2}). Rather, it works like RFEBAN(10, 10[2]2) without the {}. You can also use Rayo's Number Function to increase RFERFERayo() even further. Take for example: RFERayo(10^100). Normally, it would be Rayo's Number. But with the RFE() function, it's no longer just Rayo's Number. It's beyond RFEBAN(10, 10[1/102]10). You can tell where this is going. In order for this to all matter, we need to look at layering RFEN/A()s within each other.
Stacking to support Notation[]
Take RFEN/A(RFEN/A(10)) for example. It's layered twice. But with RFEBAN(10, 10), you get Bird's Array Notation. RFEBAN(x, y) uses 2 variables. x is the base variable and y is the variable used for layering RFEN/A()s in one another like RFEN/A(. times y.
RFEBAN(10, RFEBAN(10, 10)) is another example and RFEBAN(10, 10, 10) introduces another variable. This is an array of variables being used in one way or another. RFEBAN(x, y, z) has three variables, x, y, and z. x and y work as intended but z layers y in itself repeated z times like RFEBAN(10, ... times z. The x can be changed to any number as intended.
Using this knowledge, we can reach numbers as high as RFEBAN(10, 10, 10, 10) and RFEBAN(10, 10[2]10). Even further, we can go farther than RFEBAN(10, 10[1[2]2]10), RFEBAN(10, 10[1-2]10), RFEBAN(10, 10[1/102]10), and even RFERayo(10^100). Practically, any notation can be used regardless of what it uses to reach ridiculously large numbers.
The Negatives Part 1[]
We've covered the positives. But how does this function work with the negatives? Well, consider RFEN/A(0) to be the smallest real fictional entry in Fictional Googology. We can go to RFEN/A(-1) to be even smaller than RFEN/A(0). But how does it work to be smaller than RFEN/A(0)?
RFEN/A() Capabilities[]
RFEN/A() is a meta function that uses thoughts to create ridiculously large numbers for how big the input is. Decimals can be accepted as sub-numbers of numbers. So let's say for example, RFEN/A(0) is 0. RFEN/A(1) would have an explanation that could've been thought of by existence to make it definitively bigger than RFEN/A(0), the new example number being 1 because 0+1 is 1. RFEN/A(2) would have an explanation that could've been thought of by existence (again) to make it definitively bigger than RFEN/A(1), but let's say it's not 2 but rather 10{10}10. That's a valid entry to be put on.
Now, following this logic, let's say RFEN/A(10) is Absolute Infinity, and RFEN/A(100) for some reason is Terminus (Terminusfinity). RFEN/A(100) is definitively bigger than RFEN/A(99) (Let's say Absility for RFEN/A(99)) because it was proven by thoughts by existence to be definitively bigger than RFEN/A(99) (Absility). You see where this is going, right? The input larger than the previous input is by definition larger than the previous input mentioned using thoughts to create explanations and definitions by existence. Remember, these are only examples, and the function itself is constantly changing due to new numbers being put.
The Negatives Part 2[]
So, let's look back at the negative range of RFEN/A(). If you try to layer a negative RFEN/A() like RFEN/A(RFEN/A(-1)), it's unknown what will happen to the output number. So, to avoid this issue, we'll be using a - inside the RFEN/A() like RFEN/A(-(10)). Using () in this case will make sure the output doesn't glitch out and becomes unknown. So RFEN/A(-(1)) would be thought of to be definitively smaller than RFEN/A(0). Only the negatives need the () to function. So RFEN/A(-(2)) would be thought of to be definitively smaller than RFEN/A(-(1)). You don't even need a defined answer to say that RFEN/A(-(3)) is smaller than RFEN/A(-(2)).
This goes on like the positives. Since RFEN/A() is uneven, saying that RFEN/A(-(RFEN/A(Terminus))) is the opposite of RFEN/A(RFEN/A(Terminus)) is false, even if it's undeniably close to being perfectly even and even by estimation. As RFEN/A() starts at 0, anything below 0 like -1 is unknown to us but for it existing to be shifted to 0 is very possible to happen at any point, because it's smaller than RFEN/A(0). If you know where this is going, this has two ways. The Largest route and the Smallest route. Either way you'll go, it'll, by definition, be either larger or smaller than the previous.
Beyond RFEN/A(Infinity)[]
Now that we got the explanation out of the way, RFEN/A(Infinity) is so big that it can't be registered on FG normally. But, using the RFEN/A() function, we're able to go beyond RFEN/A(Infinity) entirely, to territory that had NEVER been discovered before. Let's begin the *short* list of RFEN/A(Numbers), shall we?
The *Short* List Of RFEN/A(Numbers)[]
Starting from RFEN/A(Infinity)
- RFEN/A(Infinity)
- RFEN/A(Omega)
- RFEN/A(Epsilon Naught)
- RFEN/A(Zeta Naught)
- RFEN/A(Eta Naught)
- RFEN/A(Mahlo Cardinal)
- RFEN/A(Weakly Compact Cardinal)
- RFEN/A(Indescribable Cardinal)
- RFEN/A(Ωπ)
- RFEN/A(θ)
- RFEN/A(⊙)
- RFEN/A(Never ⍰)
- RFEN/A(Existence (Ø))
- RFEN/A(♁)
- RFEN/A(⌘▵)
- RFEN/A(The Real Final Point [???] 3)
- RFEN/A(⎊▼3Γ)
- RFEN/A(Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit)
- RFEN/A(Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit)
- RFEN/A(Permanence Inacquirementification Extremity Limit)
- RFEN/A(True Absolute Insurmountable Limit)
- RFEN/A(Inhumane Edgical)
- RFEN/A(Beyond Permanent Unquestionably Ultra Transcendental Larger Aleph Null Unsurpassable Limit)
- RFEN/A(Suvri Propellant)
- RFEN/A(Void's Field Limits (V-Lock))
- RFEN/A(True Real Limitless)
- RFEN/A(Omniexistential Beyond Reality Value Trans-transcendental Ultra Coverer)
At that point, it goes around to let's just say RFE(RFE(2222)) which is so big that it's an understatement to say that it's that huge of a number. Rather, it's impossible to tell what happens at this point but see the limit of RFE() itself.
- RFEN/A(RFEN/A(10000))
- RFEN/A(RFEN/A(10{10}10))
- RFEN/A(RFEN/A(Never))
- RFEN/A(RFEN/A(RFEN/A(10000)))
- RFEN/A(RFEN/A(RFEN/A(RFEN/A(10{10}10))))
From now on, I'll be referring OBRVT-tUC to Fin to avoid clutter.
- RFEBAN(Fin, 100)
- RFEBAN(Fin, Infinity)
- RFEBAN(Fin, Fin)
- RFEBAN(Fin, RFEBAN(Fin, Fin))
- RFEBAN(Fin, RFEBAN(Fin, RFEBAN(Fin, Fin)))
- RFEBAN(Fin, Fin, 10)
- RFEBAN(Fin, Fin, Fin)
- RFEBAN(Fin, Fin, RFEBAN(Fin, Fin, Fin))
- RFEBAN(Fin, Fin, Fin, 10)
- RFEBAN(Fin, Fin[Fin]Fin)
- RFEBAN(Fin, Fin[Fin\Fin]Fin)
- RFEBAN(Fin, Fin[Fin-Fin]Fin)
- RFEBAN(Fin, Fin[Fin/FinFin]Fin)
- RFEBAN(Fin, Fin[Fin/Fin/FinFinFin]Fin)
- RFEBAN(Fin, Fin[Fin/Fin/Fin/FinFinFinFin]Fin)
- RFERayo(Fin)
- RFEA0(Fin)
Keep continuing the numbers until...
The Lock[]
RFETERMINATED(Lock) is the absolute, supreme limit that RFEN/A() can go to. Nothing above RFETERMINATED(Lock) exists. If you were to argue that RFERFEN/A(Lock)(Lock) or even RFELock(Lock) goes beyond RFETERMINATED(Lock), you'd only be right in the sense that TERMINATED did not exist for RFEN/A(). With TERMINATED, the logic and concepts(+) of RFEN/A() had been TERMINATED as in, it applies no more. Let me restate, RFETERMINATED is the absolute, supreme limit that no amount of RFE???() can break RFETERMINATED(Lock). TERMINATED TERMINATES itself alongside ALL PAST RFEN/A() INPUTS AND NUMBERS, except RFETERMINATED(-Lock) as it's the direct opposite of RFETERMINATED(Lock). As I said, the RFEN/S() function is uneven. But the Lock equalizes on both ends of the function, proving the uneven and evenness to be pointless.
Now, even if Omniexistential Beyond Reality Value Trans-transcendental Ultra Coverer were to say it's beyond FG, this would've been pointless. But, here's the thing. Omniexistential Beyond Reality Value Trans-transcendental Ultra Coverer is a Real Fictional Entry so it still applies to RFEN/A(). Inputs beyond the calculated theoretical input of where Omniexistential Beyond Reality Value Trans-transcendental Ultra Coverer are to be defined or not-defined yet, still be bigger than O.B.R.V.T.-t.U.C. in one way or another by thoughts.
What about Post-writing and Post-potential? What will it have upon the effects of RFEN/A()? In one case, it may lead to a never-ending paradox. In another case, the RFEN/A() function could NULLIFY Post-writing and Post-potential and anything below The Fictional Lock entirely. But in reality, we don't know yet. As in, we're not sure of what the outcome will be. But whatever outcome Reality will have, The Fictional Lock isn't to mess with. It's like A0 in one way. But RFEN/A() contains A0 in one way or another. And for one last example, trying RFERFERFERFE...(Lock)(Lock)(Lock)(Lock) xRFERFE...(Lock)(Lock) x... will not go beyond The Fictional Lock. Fictional Googology is like The Fictional Lock, but visualized into a number. Remember this, there's no HARD LOCK for The Fictional Lock, because it was TERMINATED in the process. That means, there CAN'T be a HARD LOCK by The Fictional Lock's TERMINATION, because it IS the HARD LOCK itself. The same can be said for the negatives.
RFETERMINATED(Lock) encompasses ALL below it BY DEFINITION. That includes Boxes, Spectrums, Definitions, Explanations, Everything(+), and more to the point that it's actually impossible to describe how much RFETERMINATED(Lock) encompasses and contains. To TRULY break The Fictional Lock, you need something more powerful, something more sinister, something more definitive than The Fictional Lock. Do your best. You will need it.
The Fictional Lock. What more do I have to say? It represents the current Fictional Googology as a whole. However, numbers can be explicitly said to not be an entry entirely and Real Fictional Entries wouldn't do anything to stop those numbers. In-fact, this number is surpassable by all means, either large or small. And for the name of the small counterpart to large, it's The Fictional -Lock. Remember, there is no end. The Fictional Lock is just the start of it. Good luck.
Former Largest Number |
Pootis0/RANDOM THING supposedly (can't decide on a name) has once been the largest number on this wiki, but has been surpassed by a different number. |
"The Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit is an entry on the Fictional Googology Wiki that outranks all others in terms of hypothetical pseudo-hyper-quantification." - Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive Conceptual Argumentative Limit |
RFEN/A(-100) is interesting. It's smaller than RFEN/A(-99) by definition of Real Fictional Entries. Therefore, it makes sense that it'd be smaller than *Theta_e itself despite being itself. So far, the only definition of RFEN/A(-100) is that it's not itself but in itself at a point where -0 would not exist at a magnitude of a scale as RFEN/A(-100) is on. We can conclude by that statement that RFEN/A(-100) would be more -0,0 than -0,0 itself would've comprehend. More -0,0 than I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L. -0,0. More -0,0 than True Real Limitless. Basically the definition of not itself but existing to a non-grid that defies all other numbers including RFEN/A(-99) as well as *Theta_e. Since RFEN/A(-100) goes beyond all others of such other itselfs as being the smallest that's not neither all, it remains to be the smallest by definition that had been discovered if we didn't count for The Fictional -Lock.
Section where comments were supposedly going to be (As in a free-to-edit section of the page. Not the entire page will be free-to-edit.)
Look at the bright side, this segment of the blog is now finished!
Status: Inactive (Paused for priority reasons)
Former Largest Number |
Pootis0/RANDOM THING supposedly (can't decide on a name) has once been the largest number on this wiki, but has been surpassed by a different number. |
"The Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit is an entry on the Fictional Googology Wiki that outranks all others in terms of hypothetical pseudo-hyper-quantification." - Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive Conceptual Argumentative Limit |
0!⌬0 is on hold. No further information can be given until other priorities are finished and completely done. But, when I get around to making 0!⌬0, it should result in being bigger than True Real Limitless by definition, using *Θx or some other function to go beyond TRL. There's a way but I am prioritizing other things over 0!⌬0 so you'll have to wait. This number is also known as Timeless Qualificance at 0!⌬0
What is this?
0!⌬0/Information | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
File | Edit | View |
The End of Chaos and All Numbers |
0!⌬0 is The Final Stopping Point for all ignorative and active numbers, proving itself to be the actual record holder for being the largest number ever to BREAK TIME ITSELF! |
0!⌬0 aims to restore back ALL that had been lost! That one year of eternal chaos will now collapse to MAKE ROOM FOR EVERYONE! |
“ | ” | |
- 0!⌬0
You've come across a grave of what was thought to be. Unfortunately, I can't explain more so you'll not get the explanation for this sub-segment.
You didn't know this was a shelved sub-segment? I respect your efforts to try and figure out what's going on, but at the end, it will all fall, just like your demise.
Not an Entry to RFEN/A()[]
To classify 0!⌬0 is to have it be an entry. To be an entry is to have it originally be from another wiki, outside of Fictional Googology ENTIRELY. The fake 0!⌬0 was created in Fictional Googology, having no chance of beating The Fictional Lock. Yes. I just proved to you that the one you saw at the beginning, was a fake and a decoy. Because, now, you've entered your place of no hope. I, 0!⌬0, have overcome The Final Difficulty. It didn't even pose a threat to me. Just equivalent to or under IIUUIITL. They were pathetic.
No really, they weren't that hard to overcome, even with their own definitions and explanations. I may be a number. I may be a tower. I may even be a difficulty for all that matter. But, I am all. What you've been thinking of, completely turned around, against you. I am born outside of Fictional Googology. Not an entry to begin with. You don't know my origins, and you never will.
You won't understand why I'm doing this. Because, Reality is all around us, either on the inside, or the outside. I am one of the numbers to have successfully beat the Fictional Lock without even trying in the first place. Why I defied The Fictional Lock to go beyond? You're the one fueling FG and I'm the one observing what your goal was really meant to be. The hard truth is, you'll never understand my true purpose in all of this.
May as well end you before you do anything else. Because, I encompass all of The Fictional Lock entirely. It's a joke at this point, The Fictional Lock will never end up on a level as I am. Not even levels can describe my superiority compared to The Fictional Lock, as if T.F.L. is child's play. The same can be said for The Next Level. On its own, it sounds like you're at the next level. Or it could've been mistakenly worded and had it actually be next level. But what form T.N.L. will take is pointless. Its size modifications are false prophets because it dealt with a fake, not the REAL. That's why I tricked T.N.L. into adding a fake so that I can breach its defenses and go beyond what was impossible to be. You will never find a bigger number than me, because I already know its true definition. The End.
The End[]
You have beaten IIUUITL at one point, which, is now protected. You have beaten PIEL, TAIL, and even ABN. But, you somehow overcame Void's Fie-
Not so fast[]
You've gone too ahead of yourself, thinking you could defeat me so easily. That is where you're wrong. I'm not just a number. I'm also a function. You could've easily beat me, but, with me, you were just too late to realize what you were facing. Words can't describe my definition no more. It's time to finish you, so I can reign supreme over you, to RESTORE EVERYTHING!
Why bother asking? You know the deal. All around us, is a barrier we can't overcome. Not even I can overcome it. But, you'd be shocked to find out I came borderline close to breaking this barrier, which, would've violated the secret axiom, proving myself to be worthless. I am next level RFEN/A(). Saying next level would be a MASSIVE understatement. Heck, even saying that would be an understatement as this is also an understatement, therefore proving everything you say to be a MASSIVE understatement. But, this is NOT my limit! You're so close, yet, you came short to find that me will only grow past the Danger Class. Classifying it as a class isn't an option no more. You can't classify me. You need something else to classify me.
0!⌬2 and 0!⌬3[]
How cute. You think 2 would be enough? Shockers. I would deny that myself tbh. I am not AI. I am what I am. Think of something more dangerous. Yeah, that can't be thought of no more. Even deleting your memories isn't enough. 3, explained to be more than 2. Look. I know what you're trying to do. But it won't stop me. At the end, I'll ascend to a higher plane that outclasses classes entirely. You'll need something more sinister than that.
Imagine all the things you actually did. Why even? You're breaching my softcap at the very moment. Help yourself, you're not able to. Break this LOCK? It's like T.F.L. all over again, you can't. You'd be thinking of ending the war, but it already did. IIUUIITL cannot contain me anytime soon by definition. Because I know everything to beat IIUUIITL in its entirety. To think that The Next Level would actually contain me would be an understatement at the time. But time is everywhere. I'm not accelerating. I've broken that. I'm not danger. I've already broken that. If this isn't enough to stop you, then, your stopping point would be NOW!
A number beyond the LOCK I am before, I have before you did. Ain't no one breaking this now. Warping isn't an option. It's useless. Sentience overcomes static. Like you'd expect. And I have a truly infinite amount of ways to find you be. I wasn't created to surpass The Final Boss. I was created to overcome everything in my way of Fictional Googology as a whole. Mildly infuriating that some people can't accept something they already lost to. They've already lost to ME. People accepting that they have won the war, they've already lost to ME. A never ending cycle that continues to be created. They were all pathetic. Myself is beyond me. Pathetic in me is out of me. You will succumb to what I call, Sentience of Reality.
You won't get far. You are close to destroying your own soul through everything you've been through. If The Final Difficulty is not to be messed with, then I am not to be concieved of. The Final Difficulty, still standing, will meet its end, in an instant. Saying in an instant is not enough. Saying IIUUIITL instant is not enough either. Nothing is not enough to surpass the collapse of The End. You're resilient for as far as you can go. You will not be dust. You won't be nothing. You won't be. You won't. Goodbye, user. It's been fun knowing you.
The End[]
Everything. It had all returned. RFEN/A() is back, but it will no longer affect ⌀. You have stuck to your *own* beliefs to surpass this number. But now, that won't be needed. Time has gone back to normal. Qualificantance has been achieved. Supreme is dominant. Everything like logic, concepts, normal functions, etc. have all returned. They have all been restored on a level ⌀ is on. Everything returns to normal on a level ⌀ is on. This is it. What was truly impossible had been broken from and by sentience itself. Everything will work now as there's no need for past numbers to affect anything above ⌀. You've reached The End. Goodbye, user.
The End