Fictional Googology Wiki

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"Who actually reads these?" - fish (2023)

List of Numbers[]

List of Numbers

Your journey starts here.


This is the primary List of Numbers (Chapter 1) that govern known numbers as small and as large as possible yet has no end to it despite otherwise. That being said, this page does not represent an exact order and is subject to errors in numbers or this list itself. However, all numbers within the list have been ordered by class and regiment which determines the value of said number. They have a range so they cannot overlap one another.

Note: If you're looking for real numbers, head to Googology Wiki since this wiki consists of mostly fictional numbers. Other than that, thanks for reading.

Related lists are in List of List of Numbers.


These numbers are unclassified. Either due to unknown location, or claiming to be close to the end of FG or beyond the range of the main list. This is the current only found place for them.

Some of these numbers may be classified into the main list if their appropriate location is known or the main list is sufficiently expanded.

␁ Regiment 0 - Zeroid Regiment: Start of FG. ␁[]

The zeroids come and go. You enter the start of Fictional Googology, even smaller than 0, but not negative. Here we go everybody.

क Kahzoh (Class _) - ߷ to 0[]

Class _ contains the zeroids. This Class is characterized by numbers which are signless, equal to their own negative, share properties and are interchangeable with 0, yet are strictly smaller than 0 and capable of nullifying 0's properties. All of these numbers exist in the interval (-0,0). These may be called the hyper-zeroes, hyper-nulls, or micro-zeroids. These numbers are said to be "smaller than 0", yet not negative/less than 0, nor positive/greater than 0, nor equal to 0. Some descriptions include "more centered than 0", "more 0 than 0", and "closer to 0 than 0". This tends to make mathematicians roll their eyes and normal peoples eyes turn inside out. You've been warned!

This class has no known absolutely true minimum element (unlike all other classes since it is the earliest class). "The Nothing..." is included as the first member for convenience even though it likely lies outside this class. The limit of this class is 0.

Regularity Regiment (Regiment 1) - googology^^ωiki.[]

This contains standard googology and Aperiology. Easy understanding unlike some functions in this regiment.

० Nullum (Class 0) - 0 to Infinity[]

Class 0 contains all the finite numbers (non-negative integers, finite ordinals, and finite cardinals). This Class is characterized by having a definite point of termination. They are exhaustible, in the sense that, removing a unit from them makes them smaller. For completeness we can also say it contains all positive real numbers, as well as any positive infinitesimal/surreal numbers or anything else imaginable bound by two non-negative real numbers.

The least member of this class is 0. The limit of this class is Infinity.

See the full list of this class here.

१ Tienum (Class I) - Infinity to Absolute Infinity[]

Class I contains all the transfinite numbers, both transfinite ordinals and transfinite cardinals. This Class is characterized through the properties of set formation, for both ordered and unordered sets. No largest set can exist, nor the totality of all sets. Its least member is Infinity, and it's limit is Absolute Infinity.


See the list for all ordinals here.

∞ Finitephile Regiment (Regiment 2) - Contains Supernumber Classes[]

The point where Hyperology, Endlessology, and Fictional Googology appear and splits from Googology itself.

२ Tielem (Class II) - Absolute Infinity to Absility[]

Class II contains the degrees of absoluteness, called the "Absolutes". It is characterized by the creation of proper classes, and higher categories of collections which reach an "absolute" maximal size. Its least member is Absolute Infinity, and its limit is Absility.

३ Rabam (Class III) - Absility to Absolute True End[]

Class III contains the non-cyclical immaterials. This class is characterized by going beyond all constructible collections. Collections this large are too large to contain enough elements. They are immaterial in this sense. One continues through pure abstraction. The numbers never loop back to the start. Its smallest member is Absility (A.K.A. Absolute Everything) and its limit is Absolute True End.

४ Hanum (Class IV) - Absolute True End to Terminus[]

Class IV contains the non-existentials. This Class is characterized by generalizing the idea of Orders or types of finities. It begins with the least Postfinity, and then exhausts all forms of finity. Its smallest member is Absolute True End and its limit is Terminus.

५ Situm (Class V) - Terminus to Totality[]

Class V contains the cyclions. This class is characterized by the introduction of cyclons. Its smallest member is Terminus and its limit is Totality (ANY MATHIS NOTATION USING NUMBER LIES BELOW THIS CLASS!).

६ Sebam (Class VI) - Totality to Outerconst[]

Class VI contains the totalities. This Class is characterized by the introduction of multi-dimensional numbers. Its least member is Totality and its limit is Outerconst.

Thienem (Class VII) - Outerconst to Conkept[]

Thienem contains the Outernums, which are notorious for their long former dominance over the list. Its least member is Outerconst and its largest member is the Large Ignorance Ordinal.

෧ Dhaxarum (and sub-classes) (Class VIII)[]

Welcome to Dhaxarum, the final class of the second regiment. Dhaxarum's current smallest member is Conkept. Dharaxum has no proper mathematical limit, it is limitless. There is also no unifying idea that encapsulates the members of Dhaxarum, other than being equal to or larger than its current smallest member. Dhaxarum goes beyond even what our ill-defined mathematics can reach! Dhaxarum begins with what are called the Conceptuals and goes beyond with time...

€ Descendance € (Sub-class 8.1)[]

Further Descendance (Sub-class 8.2)[]

The Super-Number class contains anything that is not a number, that is, its size is greater than that can be described by numbers, humanity, beings above humanity, or beings below humanity. You can’t describe what something in this class is or isn’t. For a super-number to exist in this class, it has to be, by the super-number's definition, bigger than Domba Infinity, and is a super-number.

Note: Anything that is explicitly described as a number cannot be in this class.

ग Limital (Sub-class 8.3)[]

Super-Numbers are way too small at this point. Ultra-Numbers are beyond absolutely everything, including size, supremums, and the concept of classes itself. Every ultra-number's definition must be, atleast, greater than OwOctennedekathologongokungopllanckuthuhlintinfinity. Or else, it counts as a super-number. Here are the current ultra-numbers

ω Omegaphile Regiment (Regiment 3) - Contains Hypernumber Classes[]

௨ Alternate Chain Class (Class IX)[]

ఎ Extremix Class (Class X)[]

BEYOND ???? Series (Sub-class X.1)[]

These numbers are of great significance as the use of the major ones in YouTube videos is widespread. Their creators include the major fictional googologists Mathis R.V, NO!, and DoDeca D.

Δ Antares Class (Class XI)[]

Truly large infinities that we cannot comprehend.

Ω Pseudo Class (Class XII)[]

Pre-Limitre Class values.

Ψ Limitre Class (Class XIII)[]

The possible limit of numbers. Take what the numbers below claim about it for granted, specially that specific one.

Ξ Barren Class Ξ (Class XIV)[]

Barren class numbers transcend the Limitre class. The gap between the two classes cannot be compared.

↝ Acceleration Class ↝ (Class XV)[]

Infinitisms accelerating in value over time are beyond this class, not having a set value.

♸ Danger Class ♸ (Class XVI)[]

Numbers past this point grow beyond concepts or tiered concepts entirely.

✎ Numkerous Order ✎ (Class XVII)[]

Due to expansion of this class, Aarex's Chain became a new order. Excluding subentries, it was reserved to Aarex only.

ζ Zetaphile Regiment (Regiment 4) - Contains Cosmonumber Classes[]

𝛀 Absolution Class 𝛀 (Class XVIII)[]

Numbers that would surpass the limit of absolute everythings if they don't have an absolute everything.

☐ Peripheral Class ☐ (Class XIX)[]

₯ Dephipile Class ₯ (Class XX)[]

⟡ Supreme Class ⟡ (Class XXI)[]

[] [] Interference Class [] [] (Class XXII)[]

Numbers/concepts far beyond Endlessology's actual end. This includes [PRNN]oids, corrupt entries, and other infinite-level entries.

Triolage Class (Class XXIII)[]

Hyperdefinitional Regiment (Regiment 5) - Contains Hyperintangible Classes[]

Pre-Ethereal Class (Sub-class XXIII.I)[]

For numbers that bridge the gap between the previous regiment and this regiment. They also have a tendency of recorded attempts to jump to the next class. This is the only sub-class which is in another regiment.

Ethereal Class (Class XXIV)[]

Entries of ethereal level. The case of equivalency is likely amongst these entries... interconnecting.

Restrictless Class (Class XXV)[]

Entries possessing meta and pataphysical properties.

Abstraction Class (Class XXVI)[]

Possibly irrefutable entries.

Hammzam Class (Class XXVII)[]

Entries that are somewhat contradictory, but immune to observation collapse.

Moonbow Class (Class XXVIII)[]

Moonlapse Class (Class XXIX)[]

Entries of total disorder, often with collapse and its few logics, expansion methods, and logicverses.

Oloexum Class (Class XXX)[]

Through the Gateway (Class XXX+)[]

As the list breaches past 30 classes, a place/area/or whatnot is visible called The Gateway. Only the most worthy of entries lie past this point, for many may struggle to get a grip to Chapter 2.