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"Who actually reads these?" - fish (2023)

Because the List Of Numbers is such a mess (in its current state it's at), the template's gonna be different from the other version. THIS IS OBVIOUSLY INACCURATE LATER ON BUT THAT'S WHAT THE COMMUNITY DID TO THE MAIN LIST SO YEAH. IF YOU WANT A SLIGHTLY-MORE ACCURATE VERSION, WAIT UNTIL THE LIST IS FIXED AND IMPROVED (which I won't do this year)

The List Of Numbers (ANARCHY)
Explanation to Navbox / Notes
Main Pages The List Of Numbers

The number tabs always open downwards.

Keep in mind that this navbox was not designed for light mode.

Note that some of the links are broken or redirects of another page.

All numbers are organized by regiments and classes including sub classes. Unclassified numbers are excluded from this rule.

The list of numbers is the whole list of more important numbers that stand out from the rest. Other lists that contain numbers are either not connected to main list of numbers or completely on their own path such as The Anarchy List and the List of Numbers: Infinitely Expanded

Numbers with long names will get abbreviated. For example, Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit shortened to I.I.U.U.I.I.T.-t.L.

Regiments means numbers that break up the whole list of numbers. This consists of each Regiment placed at their respective positions to where they separate numbers to tell them apart at what level they're at.

Classes means groups of numbers that are placed within their determined value of the range it will fit in. Only place numbers within one of the classes if you know its value and the range these classes range in (Ex: Nullum Class - 0 to 1). They won't be existent within later numbers in the main list however.

Former mean that numbers used to be a record holder until that number got dethroned by another number. This will happen eventually throughout time and the community's will.

Legacy mean that numbers, classes, or regiments in The List Of Numbers aren't on the newest versions of the main list. They are kept in for slight historic purposes but do note that Legacy numbers or whatever may become inaccurate.

Unclassified means that the number is not placed any class on The List Of Numbers. It can range from a few to many classes.

Unknown means the number has an unknown placement on the list of numbers and does not appear on the The List Of Numbers.

NOTE: If you don't see what's intended above, it's due to faulty placement or the list itself is messy.

You can edit this template here (not yet).
The List Of Numbers
Main Pages The List Of Numbers, Classes (messy)
␁ Zeroid Regiment - Start of FG.
Kahzoh (Class _)

Zerack?, (0null)?, Negative zero (-0), Zerol?, *Θπ, Zeinyt (*Θe) Class Lower Bound, Nothingness, Signic Absence, Absence ( ), Undefined (...), Point Blank (#), Missing Number (), Chaos, Nothing(-), Branoro (-=-=-), Tutanoro ([0-0]), Gihenoro ([*--*]), Jiwanoro (/.,.,.\), Kodanoro ("'^'"), Arrunoro (Qg3#), Hegirondo (([{}])),

Underscore (_)
Regularity Regiment - googology^^ωiki.
० Nullum (Class 0)

0, Non existing?, TRULL0, Negative Beyond Cardinal Unit, Absolute Nullity-Positivity True Boundary Cardinal, Epsilon (ε), Delta-One1), Delta-Omegaω), Zeros Coutable (10^-1/0), Delta0), Hyper Tiny 0_\∞/=-0, One Infinitesimal, Farawell from Void .-, Beyond Void ._, Void's edge .-_, The Smallest of the Smallest __-0-=||\/, Super Less ><0><, Truly Small {0'='0}, Small's small, SMALL FOOT, One Utter Oblivionth, One Oblivionth, Now that's small, Absolute NulØ=0''_+, NulØ 0-_=|+", Absolute Zwero \0=+_/, Zwero |||=-\'0, Gvullum \0''-_=|+, Absolute Zxwullum -/0|0\-, Zxwullum |=_=/__-0, Absolute Xzullum /-_0=+0_-/, Xzullum _-/=|0+, Øver +_-//0, Absolute Zwallam /__-0, Zwallam 0_/-, Absolute Zallam _-0, Zallam 0=_, Absolute Zwulludum -=_0, Zwulludum 0/0'0=0_0-00 0, Absolute Zwullum====0==0=_-, Zwullum=0'_'-, Absolute Zulludum=0-_=, Zulludum _0_/0, Absolute Zullum _-0=00, Zullum -_==0==_-, Smolull, Nullology numbers (greater than Smolull), Big Tumth, One Googoltriplexth, One Googolduplexth, One First Skewes Numberth, One Googolplexth, One Trialogueth (10^-10,000,000), One Googolminutia

Myrath Subclass - (10^-3003 - Barely Countables Speck)[]

Eyelash Mite Speck (0.000002), Dust Mite Speck (0.000005), Cheese Mite Speck (0.000008), Clover Mite Speck (0.00002), One Thirtysecondth (1/32), One Tenth (0.1/⅒), Quarter (0.25/¼), Half (0.5/½), Three Quarters (0.75/¾), 0,9, 0,999, 0,99999999999999999999, 1-One Utter Oblivionth, 0,(9), 1-0, Barely Countables Speck

Integum Subclass - 1 to 999,999[]

1, Une, √2 (1.414...), Y- (1.81…), log(94), 2, e(Euler's Constant), π(pi)(3.1415...), Demonin's Conjecture (5), Ten (10), e^e (15.154…), Sense(42), Hundred (100), 401, Beast's number(666), Jackpot Number(777), Thousand (1,000), Fictional Googology Number, Myriad (10,000), Googology wiki Number, Lakh (100,000), Nine hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine (999,999), Nine hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety one with 9 in limit(999,999(9)), კ ImagInary Subclaas (Nullum Imaginary Numbers)

⟒ Tredous Subclass (Nullum) - 10^6 to Infinity[]

Million (106), Decillion (1033), Vigintillion (1063), Trigintillion (1093), Googol (10100), Trialogue (10^10^10), Googolplex(aka "bigst numpr evr")(10^10^100), Tetralogue (10^10^10^10), Pentalogue (10^10^10^10^10), Googolplexianth (10101010100), Gaggol(10{3}100), Boogol (10{100}10), Graham's Number (G64), TREE (3), Tarintar (Tar^Tar^3), Loader's Number (D5(99)), Rayo's Number (Rayo(10100), Large Number Garden Number, Sam's Number, Oblivion(K-2), Utter Oblivion(K-K-2), Ultimate Oblivion(K-K-K-2), Skyline (K-K-K-(K/8)-2)), Absolute Oblivion(Limit of K system), Collapius, Singularity Numbers, Ipsius, Finity(8), 1/0, THIRSTY NUMBER,

Infinity - S.P.N.E
१ Tienum (Class I)

Infinity, Aleph-Nought, Pifinity (Not bigger than Aleph Nought)(Also might be a type of Aleph Nought), Omega=ω, ω+1, ω+ω, ω*ω, Aleph 0.5, Epsilon-00, Zeta-00, Eta-0=η0, Feferman-Schutte ordinal/Gamma-0=Γ0, Acckerman Ordinal, Aleph 1, Omega Fixed Point, Innacessible Cardinal=I, Mahlo Cardinal=M, Weakly compact cardinal=K, Large 12, Achievability(ι), Absolute Infinity=Ω


See the list for all ordinals here.
∞ Finitephile Regiment - Contains Supernumber Classes
२ Tielem (Class II)

Absolute Infinity (Ω) (GOOGOLOGY TERMINATOR), Least Bordinal (LB), URsize (ж#), Die Dammerung (Д), Ruo Paixu Gendial

ᘔ Tesraam (Class IIS) - Absolute Everything to Absility[]

Absolutely Everything - ΩxΩ, Absolute e(Ωe or E), Absolute Pi (Ωπ Or Π), Mathis Absolutes, Absolutely Eternal (θ), Hyper-Absolutes, Absolute Absolutes, Prefix-Finity's, Number-Finity's,

Ventillion (V)
३ Rabam (Class III)

Absility (Λ), Bear's Number (conjectured), Superfinity (σ), Absolute Existence,

Unbeatable Naught (NO!)
४ Hanum (Class IV)

Absolute True End (ↂ), Absolute Qalandar (AQ), Qalandar Plus (Q+),

Order (Conjectured)
५ Situm (Class V)

Terminus (⊙), Terminus Math's Super Duper Mega Giant Largest Biggest Super Big Infinite/Terminus Math's Number (⊙*1.7e9), Grassfinity (tell people "Go Touch Grassfinity"), Taurusfinity (♉), Endingfinity (𝔈), Never (⍰), Absolute Zed,

Slight Bypassing of Never ([!])
६ Sebam (Class VI)

Totality (山), The First Hyperpositive (++1), The First Fish, Existence (Ø), Sam's Number, True Infinity (ꐟ), Full/Dimensional Infinity, Neu (⟁), The division of doom (໖), Limit Infinity (ℓ),

Grand True Infinity (Legacy)
Thienem (Class VII)

Outerconst, Setest, Postfinity (∰), Terminus (upper bound), Allation, A0, Axiomatic Limit, Small Ignorance Ordinal (♁), Large Ignorance Ordinal,

Hyperabsolutiam (Ħ)
෧ Dhaxarum (Final (Normal) Class)

Conkept (Э),

Perfect Conkept (Ѫ)
€ Dhaxarumdublety (final bletyclass)

Numberinity, The Autistic Tech's Numbers, Nothing Never Best Iota symbol hyper island cubic final absolute Nandless factorial infinity, Alephimless, All Never (⌓), T.R.U.E U.N.K.N.O.W.N, Canyplax, ⎋♯,

Number's Limit (TEL if Number)?
᥏ Hyper-Dhaxarumdublety (Super-Number Class)

ABSOLUTE DONGOLPLEX, ⌘▵, Morbillion, Utter OwOblivion, Ultimate OwOblivion, Cantyplax (笑) (limit of size), Huntyplax (🧓),

ग Reality-Alway-Dhaxarumquadriblety (Ultra-Number Level)

D.E.S.T.R.U.C.T.I.O.N, Divine, The Real Final Point [???] 3,

Finityfinity (Limit of order) (REGIMENT TERMINATOR)
ω Omegaphile Regiment - Contains Hypernumber Classes
௨ Alternate Chain Class

The alternate chain post Everything, Droogotemotrohirityfinity, Googlerieatoretodroogoteremotrohititysubtrinitydroogitofinity,

ఎ Pre-Extremix Class

Fuck-TPLL-finity, ⎊▼3Γ, Ultimate Bletybletybletyum,

The Grand Finale (Update)
Π Phi Class Hellbreaking Eclipse Lestioan Pesting Message of Elipson (H.E.L.P.M.E.)
Δ Antares Class

TRUETRINITY, Tyrant, The Eternal Limit,

Absolute Never Finite Infinite Limit of Infinite Power Sets of the Void of Everything
Ω Pseudo Class

Usual gargantuan thing that's bigger than any meaningless prefix number on the fictional googology wiki, Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit (REQUIRED READING), yawynadenifednullas'tI, MNR(ᗑ),

Ψ Limitre Class

Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit, Postpotent Transinstant PostEaBa Postwriteful Postpoint, Ni, Baitfinity, Let's Keep Going, Fandom User's Excerpt,

ε Epsilonphile Regiment - Contains Stratonumber Classes
Ξ Barren Class Ξ

Xi, Xin,

↝ Acceleration Class ↝

ItJustKeepsGoingFinity, Magma's Conception Law, Permanence Inacquirementification Extremity Limit, TH3 7RU3 60090L06Y 8R34KD0WN, True Absolute Insurmountable Limit, Inhumane Edgical / Quasi-V-Lock, Beyond Permanent Unquestionably Ultra Transcendental Larger Aleph Null Unsurpassable Limit, Suvri Propellant (Border to Danger), Ultimate Thought Limit,

♸ Danger Class ♸

V-Lock, True Real Limitless, Hard-V-Lock, Why, Kijetesantakalufinity, Omniexistential Beyond Reality Value Trans-transcendental Ultra Coverer, Absolute System (Ⱑᗙ), FG Field Limits, FG Branch Limits Ԋ-Lock, Realityfinite End, έ[ΩL[L]ΩL]ΩL, Omniabstrophyll, Singularity Omniabstrophyllic Numbers (Aarex's descaled S.E.N)?, The Chronic Ineffability Breakdown,

Concept Infinity
✎ Numkerous Order ✎

Post-Writing (RL0), Concept Cataclysm, Singularity Fictional Numbers, The Fictional Lock, Informational Singularity (PRE-LIMBO TERMINATOR), Zffinity, Limbo Bewilderment, Itpoint, GATEx Limit, Zerizyt (*ϑΩ),

True Warping Antisymmetric Matrix Spaces (REGIMENT TERMINATOR)
ζ Zetaphile Regiment - Contains Cosmonumber Classes
𝛀 Absolution Class 𝛀

Absolute Undiagonalizable (PRE-TSS TERMINATOR), Danger Numker, Nofiresity (ꂂ), Epsolute (W0), Extremity, Hoop{Epsolute}, Y0 (Obsolution), Rediagonalization Point, Omniumber, Epsiurian, Observational loose-limit, Loophole Infinity, Observational field-limit,

Continuous loose-limit
☐ Peripheral Class ☐

Truer Breakdown, Truest Breakdown, Observational basic-limit, Observational strong-limit, Everythingium, Continuous field limit, Singularity Symmetrical Numbers, Signia, N-Signia, Observational hyper-limit, Quasi-set zones, Total-signed zeroid, Extensional Limit, Upper Extensional Limit, Hyper Extensional Limit, Broken Limit, Extensional Infinity,

Singularity Endlessological Numbers
PROXIMITY 4 (Legacy)

Nonexistential 0, Finiteless Ordinal - Coordinal Zone (Θ/#), Infiniteless Ordinal - Extraordinal Zone (Ϡϟ/#), Finiteless Ordinate Limitre - Inordinal Zone (Ϯ/#), Finiteful Ordinate Limitre - Subordinal Zone (Ꝏ ꞏ ), Perfect Limitre - Superordinal Zone (),

The Transmortal Sentience
PROXIMITY 3 (Legacy) We don't have any information on this class. Please come back later.
PROXIMITY 2 (Legacy) I think you heard me. Read Proximity 3.
? Unknown Class ?

Observational Infinity, Ch, Sigma Recursion Conception Number, Cyclonec Rebound (Lower-bound),

The Totality-Bounding Numkertomin (REGIMENT TERMINATOR)
The Upper Regiments (Anything past this point are subject to being inaccurate and is subject to being misplaced. Look further into these numbers to determine their actual placement if possible, please.)
η Etaphile Regiment - Contains Godnumber Classes
Epsolution Class (The 3 Trials (Legacy Name))

???, Unrealfinity(Θ0), ???, Unrealfinity-1(Θ0+1),

Requiem Class (The End...? (Legacy Name)) ???
γ Gammaphile Regiment - Contains Andlynumber Classes
₯ Dephipile Class ₯

ABSTORNADO CAORDINAL, EPNESS TANGLER, ILFINININITE LENGTHISM, THE TURNING END, Ordinality of portions, Eternity, Measkertimmy, Cyclonec Rebound, Uniremescence Ordinal (Incomprehensible Zerol), Hardcore Ordinal (Incomprehensible Zeinyt), Ordinality of Sumality, Ordinality of Amountality, Ordinality of Chaos,

Θ Infinitphilum Class Θ

Intronity, Broken Ordinal (Impossible Zerol), Redoing Ordinal (Impossible Zeinyt),

Imperiality (Looped Eternity)
ώ Metaphile Regiment (Regiment 8) - Contains Transcended Classes

Beyond Understament,

The Transmortal Sentience
Ꞷ Etrolophile Regiment (Regiment 9) - Contains Interscended Classes

Post-Writing (RL1)?,

ᝆ Omegomegaphile Regiment (Final Regiment) - Contains Hyper-Hypernumber Classes (Zepoligy begins)

Infibroty, The Infibrote Lengthium (AKA Absolute Infibroty or the length of Infibroty's symbol), The Infibrote Lengthitraium (Upper-Bound Absolute Infibroty), The Infibroken Dimensionalism,

[Only Magma's can expand, but there may be a few exceptions]
⟡ Star-phile regiment - Contains hyperabsolute numbers

⟡ Supreme Class ⟡[]

Beyond Regiments

The Regiment of Container(The Breaking point of Regiment)(metamentium)[]

The ultimate possibility container, The Overdrive of Container, The Regiment Breaking Point (METAMENTIUM TERMINATOR)

Altered Metamentium(Metamentium 2)[]

ო Stage 2 - Simply After The End[]


∅ Nothing-phile | Class 2._[]

  • Further-Start(∅^),
  • Further-Start+1 (∅^[1])
Definitional Transcendence Class Nothing...
ETHEREAL CLASS!!! (what) The Finale,

The Beyond, IIUUIUTL, INFINITE, Anti-Reality Ordinal,

␀ Unclassified

Imaginary numbers, Imaginary unit(i), Hypercomplex numbers (excluding real numbers), 0/0, 0^0, 1÷., θ' (in SCP-033), 1/Negative Beyond Cardinal Unit, Post-Potential (RL1), Ch

BEYOND ???? Series[]

Limit of Extending, Absolute Breakdown, B.E.Y.O.N.D, ØMEGATION, The Googology, Absolute Googology, Omnimonstrity , The Toxicaion, Absolute Fictional Numbers, The Endfimidian Breakdown, Absolute Celestial, The Galacity Metiorfinien, The Alpha-Lλγεr, The Entri-End, Breakifaunt Pantilitol, Absolute Aeon, The Masterium, The Section Dialations, Tameuina Tasiaon, The Opposite, These lists of numbers go on forever.


[PRNN], [PRNN1] (A counterpart of [PRNN]), [PRNN2] (Another counterpart of [PRNN]), [PRNN3] (Yet another one), [PRNNx] - the "descaled" [PRNN]oid that breaks other "descaled" [PRNN]oids of its kind, "Magnumber"



Most CoRrUpT Entry[]

Absolute Entry-Agent Time Distorter (AEATD)

The representation limit[]

Absolute transcendence, Copy paste full potential

Beginning of (Extent-)Nonscriptability[]

Lowest Basic Nonscriptable Level (LBN/LBNL)[]

SENPN, Largest Extent-Nonscriptable pseudo Number, Creationlock, Later, Undiscovered Fictional Law/Undiscovered Fictional Freedom, Ørkesløs, NaivØrkesløs and higher Naivs, NaivThigget, SuperNaiv, ulex, FPFPFP, absolute PP

The Benginning of third gen googology[]

Zetimus-1, higher ologies

The Benginning of Fourth Gen googology[]

L.O.S.T M.E.D.I.A, The Laniakea Mathie (TEON S5E9) and The Forgotten Matrix (TEON S6E1), end of higher ologies, powell number, higher iterations of powell number and higher ologies, Absolute Powell Number

Alephimilaty - ꖿ[]

The-Ultra Defined Number, ERROR (The Autistic Tech), Annihilation

Stage 3[]

Number Definement Chaotic Label Formula
Valhara: Stage 3, Regiment 1
Valharmyt: Stage 3, Regiment 1, Class 1
Uxtana First Cardinal In Stage 3 Consistent 3-1-1-0
Uxtanoum First Cardinal In Class Stage 3 Consistent 3-1-1-1
Uxtanet First Cardinal In Class Class Stage 3 Consistent 3-1-1-2
Valharmiyum: Stage 3, Regiment 1, Class 2
Teamayne First Cardinal In Super-Class Stage 3 Consistent 3-1-2-0
Teamaynoum First Cardinal In Class Super-Class Stage 3 Consistent 3-1-2-1
Valharmiyat: Stage 3, Regiment 1, Class 3
Yotukheo First Cardinal In Super-Class Super-Class Stage 3 Consistent 3-1-3-0
Valharum: Stage 3, Regiment 2
Valharumyt: Stage 3, Regiment 2, Class 1
Yolharnka First Cardinal In Regiment Stage 3 Consistent 3-2-1-0
Yolharnkoum First Cardinal In Class Regiment Stage 3 Consistent 3-2-1-1
Valharumiyoum: Stage 3, Regiment 2, Class 2
Ihyernkwot First Cardinal In Super-Class Regiment Stage 3 Consistent 3-2-2-0
Valhariyat: Stage 3, Regiment 3
Valhariyamet: Stage 3, Regiment 3, Class 1
Terentya First Cardinal In Regiment Regiment Stage 3 Consistent 3-3-1-0

Simply beyond the others - Stage 4[]

Number Definement Chaotic Label Formula
Trus-hanta First Cardinal of Stage 4 Starting 4-1-1-0
Carhtepa Ztepyna Barhepa Carhtepal 10-10-10-10
Vbai Z'Carhtepa (or Vbai Z'Carhtep) Aklakal Carhtepal Carhtepa-Carhtepa-Carhtepa-Carhtepa
Trovbai Z’Carhtepa 2nd Aklakal Carhtepal Vbai Z'Carhtepa - Vbai Z'Carhtepa - Vbai Z'Carhtepa - Vbai Z'Carhtepa (Vbai Z'Carhtepa{4})
Extenta Carhtepa Lakalka Carhtepal ??? (Immedia Pre-Extenta Carhtepa-{4})
Svupia Carhtepa Viranyeti Ezheyet Hyper-Carhtepal PSE-transcends the formula formatting here
Extenta Carhtepa II Maximal extension Hyper-Carhtepal UE/PP/... beyond UE to svupia carhtepa and all lesser ANYs.
Extenta Carhtepa(1,000,000) Hyper-Carhtepal ???
EC(EC(10100)) Charple Number large Hyper-Carhtepal massively postformulaic, fraw super-PSE-transcendent
ED(EC(10100)) Limit of Stage 4 Hyper-Carhtepal EC(EC(...EC(10100)x...(10100)...EC(10100)x...))

Super-Stage 2 - Simply Beyond the ED(EC(10100))[]

These are not numbers, but pyramids.

Number Definement Chaotic Label Formula
Syoro: Super-Stage 2, Stage 1, Regiment 1, Class 1
Tval R'Extenda Carhtel First Cardinal of Super-Stage 2 Za'alental 2-1-1-1-0

Record Holder (Largest) without Mindirose[]

Tval R'Extenda Carhtel

The Fictional Googols (???)[]

(u srs?), Googolutral
Record Holder (Largest) Suzi's number?????? (WTF is this number)
Record Holder (Smallest) The Well-Known Matrix = 𖡵-𖡵 where 𖡵 is The Forgotten Matrix

Total expansion language(largest), Superstructural knowledge non-continuum(2nd largest), The questionable domain(3rd largest),

The second sequence(4th largest)
Other Record Holders

255-byte name (Largest and Longest Page Overall (2,097,152 bytes)), (Clickable Link Here) (Shortest Page Overall),

Most distorted: The most distorted thing ever
Former Record Holders

The salad domain (Calai), The ultimate possibility container, Paradox-language, Signia, Danger Numker, Truer Breakdown, Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit, Paradox-language, Ultrahypergiant Superincomprehensibly Transcendant Great Ultimately Incomprehensible Ineffably Unquestionably Immutable Incorrigibly Incoherently Unarguably Transcendental Inacquirementifically Unknowable Frontier Field Absolute True Extremity Limitless (Former Longest Name), Copy paste full potential, SENPN, Creationlock, Later, Undiscovered Fictional Law/Undiscovered Fictional Freedom,

∀- (lol)
Outside the Framework

UNKNOWN - Floor 2, ISTAMTAE - Total Expansion Language (Only accessible through Discord), SXDFCGVHB - Floor 1, NILGAMING - The Continuum,

SOMEONE WHO WAS - Someone Who Was' upcoming entry
Main Pages The List Of Numbers, Classes (Category) (also probably messed up)
Main List The List Of Numbers
Secondary Lists The Ascended List,

List of Numbers: THE TRUE REMAKE, List of Numbers: THE TRUE REMAKE - Transcension, List of Numbers: THE TRUE REMAKE - Nullification,

List of Numbers: Infinitely Expanded
Anarchy The Anarchy List,

0 To ???, 0 To ??? Part 2, 0 To ??? Part 3, 0 To ??? Part 4, 0 To ??? Part 5, 0 To ??? Part 6, 0 To ??? Part 7,

List of numbers (all classes Part 1)
Super's Old Set of Numbers (Free to contribute!)

Tessellation (Equal to Tameuina Tasiaon), Antonene - 5 functions after Tessellation, Vigil Ordinal - 4 functions after Antonene (9 after Tameuina Tasiaon), Unknown - 1 function and 1 cycle after Vigil Ordinal, Unix - 2 functions after Unknown, The Great Loops - 1 loop and part of a notation after Unix, Cyclefinity - 1 notation and 1 cycle after The Great Loops, The Maximum - 1 cycle and 1 symbol loops after Cyclefinity, Gigaplastotetrillion - 4 cycles and 1 notation after The Maximum, Questionia - 3 notations after Gigaplastotetrillion, ??? [7.5] - One Supercycle after Questionia, ??? [8] - One loop and cycle after ??? [7.5], Trantacomb One - Reached by almost breaking the notation, but not quite., 17 cycles, then a Kapocycle, an Odd Supercycle., The Something End, ..., ... (I was expecting you to fill in the gaps between these two numbers.), ..., The Beyond Number, Tramuitican, Fearlessesing (⊾), Tenants (ጊ), Microscopicsanordinalalphabetagammadeltaxe.(LONG-AH NAME).omgomghaloshindikoalam (🝍), 31 more cycles (?) and then an odd Megacycle; a Makrocycle, Absolutely Not, expandal, The Great Beyond (۝), The Great 1 (۝1), The Full Potential Power of Numbers (Still at the very, very beginning.), AONOXYOPP, A4 Now Constep, The Byond, Midcyclia, Spider Cat Finity Finity, Quadrchain, Tenants Finity (ጊ), Beyond 3 (℥), Beyond 6 (⊾), Beyond 9 (🝍), The Death of Numbers, The New Beginning, Unknowable, Gigacycle 2,

Undocumented Numbers

Heta(Ͱ), Tanuki-Sano(Ιͻ), Laminox, Alpha-Un(α(1), ω(1, Reinheart Realm(₰), The Ending, The Duending, The Dekending, The Endending, AAA,King of Numbers' number goal!!!!!!, Absolute Terminus( †ᮡ ), Unknownfinity(�), Mesiocticfinity($), Infinitilitility, Starfinite(✦), Quetanial(@), Rescopticfinity(¶), Unknown(℅), Chandriuexe(ꑲ), Infinial(是), Omegial(會), Weakly Absolutefinial(ꑴ), Dufinal(ꒋ), Ghestility(ꅬ), Yallility(ꊇ), JIZILIAFINITY?, Lanfinity(), Fishfinity(ঠ), Openfinity(য), Excelfinity(X), Infatilial(ন), Roundfinity(○), Evertan(ট), The Unknowns(?,??,?³...), Besaginfinity(ঝ), Whamascit(߷),

Renowned Numbers
Main Pages The List Of Numbers,

Classes (messy category), Recommended (Category), Former Largest Number (Category), Record Holder (Category), Completed (Category),

End-All-Be-Alls (Category)
Recommended Absolute Undiagonalizable,

Beyond Permanent Unquestionably Ultra Transcendental Larger Aleph Null Unsurpassable Limit, Collapsefinity, FG Field Limits, N E V E R B E T I C A L, Negative Beyond Cardinal Unit, Pootis0's Segment 1 Blog, Rediagonalization Point, Void's Field Limits,

𝕽𝖊𝖆𝖑 𝕴𝖓𝖋𝖎𝖓𝖎𝖙𝖞
Completed Atrociously Boosted Number,

ENTRY-A, List of Numbers: THE TRUE REMAKE, Pootis0's Segment 1 Blog, Ψ⛛〔x〕Λ།

Record Holder User blog:Real6942040422/No End,

Pootis0's Segment 1 Blog (apparently),

Rafdav 200's OBRVT-tUC/TNL Blog (apparently)

Absolute Nullity-Positivity True Boundary Cardinal, All keys fullest potential, Atrociously Boosted Number, Beyond Permanent Unquestionably Ultra Transcendental Larger Aleph Null Unsurpassable Limit, Beyond(x), Empty E, Empty F, ENTRY-A, Fandom User's Excerpt, Finitial Existence, Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit, Just +1, Kijetesantakalufinity, Kawaikute Gomenfinity, Let's Keep Going, Lots of Category Number, MNR(ᗑ), Negative Beyond Cardinal Unit, NIHIL CONCEPTION, Nilgaming's 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖓𝖆𝖑 𝕷𝖎𝖒𝖎𝖙 (OG), Nullificatance, Permanence Inacquirementification Extremity Limit, Pootis0's Segment 1 Blog, Suvri Propellant, T.H.E C.U.R.R.E.N.T E.N.D O.F N.U.M.B.E.R.S, The absolute underestimated, The Eternal Limit, The everlasting terminal point beyond all post-writing, The Grand Finale (Update), The ultimate possibility container, True Absolute Insurmountable Limit, Tyrant, Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit, Void's Field Limits Why, Ψ⛛〔x〕Λ།,

💀 (joke/meme)
Unclassified Numbers
Main Pages The List Of Numbers, Classes (Category) (ok maybe I should...)
Unclassified There are too many to count so I'd say most FG pages are unclassified. (some in another section)
Unknown whatever this is