Everytime we surpass something, we find something more fundamental, growing in value every time. But what if we surpass the very foundament of our study, size itself?
Size is a base idea, required to continue fictional googology as a whole. As such, its encompassion would lead to weird consequences in the entire wiki, with any challenger trying to surpass it, just to lose once again to logical thinking about the properties of the object.
What is Xeranthesis?
Xeranthesis is the controller of absolutely all forms of size,and its users. It doesn't encompass anything though, as that would lead to trivial extensions, ultimately deeming the object useless. No matter how much fictionalized realities you stack on top of each other, you cannot escape Xeranthesis' effect on your size. Why is that?
This is caused by the lack of notions of size in Xeranthesis itself. If it had a size, it would be encompassed by a reality above it. But the lack of size ensures the ability to continuously overwrite any statements about the size of a given user.