Welcome to the Yearly Quotes page, where you can write your original quotes for each year. They can be everything from beliefs, to advice, to insight and experience about life. Feel free to edit this whenever! Just click "Enter" on the most recent quote, and enter yours. Remember to use the correct format and everything, and make it in the same style as everyone else's. At the end of each year, I will update it and add a new year section for 2024. Also, you can add more quotes than one if you'd like!
Year 1999:[]
- "There's always a bigger fish" -Qui-Gon Jinn
Year 2023:[]
- "We see that which is 'real' and feel that which is physical. We taste that which has flavor and smell that which has scent. We rationalize from rhetoric and assume based on logic. We know that which can be conceived and recall that which we can experience...but never can we imagine that which is ineffable." -@Someone Who Was
- "He who proves is accepted. He who insists is acknowledged. But he who questions is ridiculed?" -@Someone Who Was
- "To limit the limitless is to attempt the impossible. To limit a human is to court utter insanity." -@What'sLogicAgain?
- "Learn ontology, and use it wisely, it can lead us to beyond human concepts" -@Sxdcfgvhb
- "wana maek nubr" -@Sxdcfgvhb
- "Isn't it true? They all converge in the end, no matter what way they're expressed. The path you've gone on is just one of many. But they are forever separated, with little links. Eventually you're too far to contact the rest. Hopefully you've traversed a good timeline. But many more will appear soon." -@Istamtae
- "In some form, everything can be expressed as some package of information. And this information is compiled into a language. At one point or another all configurations of information will be composed into a total expansion language..." -@Istamtae
- "Limiting others is useless. No matter the circumstance, someone will always come on top. Even in the most grim scenario, it will not end. It just forever keeps going." -@NilGaming
- ”Our ideas are only the same in that they are all unique and completely unexplored.” -@Someone Who Was
- ”If I rewarded you life, you would be euphoric. If you denied me death, I would be wrathed.” -@What'sLogicAgain?
- “Just as your life was yours, so, too, should be your death.”
- ”Morality is ascertained not by which way the tree falls but by which side it falls on.”
- ”Languages are expressive that we can recognize the hierarchy of alls.”
- "insert random self-made quote here"
- "To live loving is fruitful, but it is not freedom. To live by that path is to live fruitfully, and to live by its antithetical path is, perhaps, not as meaningful. Hate has never been entertaining, but to live loving…no… To die hating...that is freedom."
Year 2024:[]
- "Let this wiki be destroyed so that we may rebuild it again.”
- "the world is filled with unanswerable questions, inquisitivity will expand, answerability will lessen, let there be more questions, so we can ask God in the end of beginning and start of eternity"
- - @Sxd/Drak/shibbs
- "One shall question how everything can be permanently bounded; in reality, everything never ends with creativity."
- "It's hard to reword a limit of everything, so don't feel too ahead"
- "Pringle Bingle is here"
- "yoyo"
- "We shall depart from fg logic, and enter new logic"
- -@Sxd/Drak/shibbs
- "whasd??"
- ”I don’t care if humanity dies so long as existence dies with it. I don’t care if existence dies so long as I die with it.” - @Someone Who Was
- "crab"
- "If something good is happening, something bad could be happening. If something bad is happening, something worse could be happening. Just remember that the next time you try to be optimistic." - @What'sLogicAgain?